Aromatherapy is a gift for us all. All aromatherapists should look at you as the whole, unique, beautiful person that you are, not a set of symptoms. Homeostasis is the goal, finding balance, tapping into the body’s own innate healing ability. Herein lies the magic. –Leslie Moldenauer, CHNC, HHP, Cert. Aroma, Dipl. Aromatic Medicine

What in an essential oil?

Essential oils originate from many parts of a plant (Bark, flowers, leaves, roots, and stems), and are extracted through either steam-distillation, cold-pressing, or co2 extraction. Essential oils are the true essence of the plant and are highly concentrated extracts.  The chemical composition and scent of these aromatics provide us with strong psychological and physical therapeutic benefit. Most of these benefits are seen through direct inhalation or applying diluted to the skin.


Essential oil Dilution

Essential oils very concentrated, many times over than the plant that it is derived from. Since they are so concentrated, they need to be diluted to avoid irritation for children and adults.

When using oils undiluted or what some call “neat” there are risks involved:

-The first risk is skin irritation, which is a direct result of contact with the skin and is localized to where the oil was applied. Once the material is removed, healing occurs. Removal is best done with a carrier oil such as almond, jojoba, or milk. Healing may not occur immediately, but you should see improvement after proper removal.

-The second, more serious reaction is a systemic (Affecting the entire body or organism) response involving the immune system called sensitization. According to Dorene Petersen of ACHS, “Sensitization occurs once the offending substance has penetrated the skin, been picked up by proteins in the skin, and mediated by the IgE response that produces histamine and other irritants” [1]. This is an allergic reaction that begins at the site of application but quickly spreads to the whole body. If the immune system response is activated, you likely will not be able to use the oil, or constituent in the oil again (the constituent can occur in multiple oils). If this happens to you please seek medical attention immediately. Please remember to always dilute before applying to the skin for your safety.

The Aromatic Wisdom Institute speaks in more detail about the topic of sensitization here [2].

Essential Oil Use and Children

Children are much more sensitive to essential oils and aromas in general, but when used with care they can still benefit from their therapeutic uses. There are a number of things that parents should know before using them to ensure the safety of their child.

Overall the immune system of a child is much more immature than that of an adult, therefore extra precautions need to be put in place. Newborn babies have an immature nervous system (blood/brain barrier), and liver. Therefore, avoiding the use of essential oils for a newborn (under 3 months) both via topical application and inhalation is probably best. In regards to the topical use of essential oils, many are not recommended dermally under two years of age per Robert Tisserand [3].

*For more information on what oils to avoid topically under two, please refer to Robert Tisserand’s latest book, Essential Oil Safety 2e.

My recommendation is, to begin with gentler remedies such as hydrosols (floral waters), homeopathy, and herbs for little children. These alone can be very beneficial. Reserve oil use for after trying these things first.

Essential Oil Diffusion

A great way to obtain the benefits of essential oils without the risk of skin irritation that topical use brings is by inhalation. There are a variety of methods of inhalation such as an aromastick, steam bowl, or even a drop on a cotton ball or tissue.

Essential oil diffusers disperse essential oil into the air in tiny droplets. There are a variety of diffuser available on the market. Here are a few that I own that you may want to take a look at:

Diffuser #1
Diffuser #2
Diffuser #3

(affiliate links)

I would recommend diffusing for periods of no longer than an hour without taking a break. In order to explain possible reasons for this, let’s talk a little bit about our sense of smell, or our olfactory system.

“Our sense of smell goes through five stages, those are: detect, transmit, perceive, analyze, and store.  These stages cycle incredibly fast.  The reception area of our olfactory system is called the olfactory epithelium. The olfactory epithelium is the size of a small postage stamp in each nostril and is packed with an impressive 40 million sensory neurons, capable of detecting .0000000013 of an ounce of a scent in a single breath of air” [4]. Our olfactory system is incredibly efficient, obtaining the therapeutic benefits of these amazing oils happens quickly. To receive maximum benefit and not waste your precious oils, follow the diffusing times recommended above.

Essential Oils and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a delicate time, especially during the first trimester, and as we know that chemical constituents in essential oils pass the placenta, even though in minute amounts [5], safety is a genuine concern.

According to International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA):

“Essential oils by their very nature, being organic substances, will cross the placental barrier and have the potential to affect the fetus. However, the amount of essential oil that actually accesses the mother’s skin is very tiny and therefore the amount that reaches the placenta is minuscule if proper dilutions are being used. Small amounts of essential oils can be beneficial to the baby and there are no recorded instances of harm being caused to the child through essential oils used in aromatherapy massage” (IFPA, 2013).

Aromatherapy, however, is rarely if ever black and white. It is not a NEVER or ALWAYS modality. Essential oils can be beneficial for pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum. The key is knowing which oils to use, and how to use them.

If you are pregnant and are taking medications or have a medical condition, even more research needs to be done before using essential oils, as your list of “do not use” may be more detailed. Please seek out an aromatherapist for assistance.

If you are considered high risk due to multiple losses, it is advisable to restrict essential oil use during the first trimester. According to Robert Tisserand, due to the overall big picture of reproductive toxicity, topical application of essential oils while pregnant during any given day should not exceed a range of 1-4% [6].

Essential Oils and Phototoxicity

There are essential oils that cause phototoxicity or photosensitivity. This can occur when certain essential oil constituents on the skin react when exposed to the sun (ultraviolet light). This can result in general redness and burning of the skin, permanent changes in melanin, and chemical burns. These oils can be used on the skin, but utilize caution by not going out into the sun for 12-24 hours after exposure. This applies to the area of skin where the oil was applied, not your body as a whole.

Here is a list of oils that should be used topically with caution, and their maximum use levels according to IFRA standards [7]:

Angelica Root Angelica archangelica 0.8%
Bergamot Citrus bergamia 0.4%
Bitter Orange (Cold/Expeller Pressed) Citrus aurantium 1.25%
Cumin Cuminum cyminum 0.4%
Grapefruit (expressed) Citrus paradisi 4.0%
Lemon (Cold/Expeller Pressed) Citrus limon 2.0%
Lime (Cold/Expeller Pressed) Citrus aurantifolia 0.7%
Mandarin Leaf Citrus reticulate 0.17%
Rue Ruta graveolens 0.15%
Taget Tagetes minuta 0.01%

Always use extreme caution when using any of these oils topically. It can be assumed that if someone is taking moderate amounts of a phototoxic oil internally that a phototoxic reaction can occur. If you use any of these oils, utilize caution.

In conclusion

Essential oils are potent; it is crucial that you keep them out of reach of children. I have seen pictures online of small babies or small children handling bottles of oil. It is not cute, nor safe to let them hold them. Your children should know from a very young age that essential oils are medicine, and not for their little hands.

Essential oils are a beautiful modality and I am grateful to have access to them. When you follow proper safety guidelines, you can utilize essential oils and know that you are doing the best for yourself and your family.


[1] [4] American College of Healthcare Sciences (2012) Aroma 101

[2] Essential Oil Sensitization. Retrieved from

Would You Know If You Had an Essential Oil “Sensitization” Reaction?

[3] [5] [6] Tisserand, R., Young, R. (2014) Essential Oil Safety (2nd Ed)

[7] IFRA standards. Retrieved from



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Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet.  You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.