You may be asking yourself, what is a chakra? The Sanskrit word Chakra translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body.

These wheels or disks correspond not only to major organs but also to emotional, physiological and spiritual states of being. Since our energy is always in motion, it is important to keep our chakra’s spinning and aligned.

With practice, you can visualize chakras in the body. Each chakra is a swirling wheel of energy..and they make up the energy in the body called Prana, which is our essential vital life force. Prana is also referred to as chi, ki or life energy.

Located at the base of the spine, the sacred pelvic floor, lies your first chakra, the root chakra. Much focus and energy is placed here during a yogic practice, and for good reason. Kundalini energy begins here as well. Kundalini is a Sanskrit term meaning “snake”, and is an energy that begins at the root chakra, and spirals up the spine out through the crown chakra at the top of the head. Kundalini energy can be accessed through yoga after diligent practice, orgasm, as well as during life threatening situations. Working with Kundalini energy is a bit of an advanced practice, so for now let’s move back to the root chakra itself.


As I previously stated, energy begins at the root chakra, and is the basis for the energy flowing in the body clearly and cleanly. Think of it like you are building a home. This home needs a solid foundation, as you intend to live in it for a long time. The foundation needs to be solid.

Our root chakra represents stability. This includes our basic survival/needs such as shelter, food and water, as well as feeling at home in your body and on this planet. The stability also crosses over into a solid and experienced yogic practice. If we move from the stability and openness of our root chakra, our poses will become effortless. If your muladhara is stable, you will be stable because your foundation is good, but if the foundation is unstable…you will not be stable either on or off the mat. When our basic survival needs are being met, as well as our emotional ones, as in feeling grounded, secure, and safe, our root chakra remains stable, flowing and clear.

Oftentimes we have imbalance or disorder in our lives, and each chakra has symptoms if you will that correlate with each. Physical imbalances may manifest as issues in the colon, bladder, lower back, legs or feet. You may find yourself unable to focus, moving from one thing to the next without appropriate attention or intention. This can lead to exhaustion, anxiety, and stress. Imbalances may leave you feeling of lethargy, being stuck, feeling unable to take action, and manifest intention.

Root Chakra=”I am”

If the imbalances sound familiar to you, you may be thinking, “How do I bring my root chakra back into balance?”

Grounding yourself is the most important practice for your root chakra. Grounding via yoga and meditation are helpful. If you have found sitting in meditation a challenge, you will be happy to know that you can practice meditation anywhere, even while walking!

How it’s done…

Before starting to walk, take a moment while standing still. Bring awareness to your body. Take some deep breaths, inhaling deep into the belly. Focus only on your breath. Now allow the breath to return to normal. Bring your awareness to your body, notice how your body feels as you are standing, and become aware of all of the sensations in your body.

Walk at a relaxed, normal pace. Pay attention to the sensations in your body as you walk. Keep bringing your attention to what is going on internally.

Just as when you are seated for meditation, your mind will wander to various thoughts, but easily and without judgment, bring your attention back to the experience of walking. Notice how the body feels in great detail as you walk, from the alternating of the your legs and feet and the swinging of your arms and hips.

Keep grounding…

Earthing is a fantastic way to remain grounded. Get barefoot and feel the earth. This can be grass, sand, or pebbles for a little added self-reflexology treatment.

A few other self-care tips are:

Try to make decisions from a place of trust instead of fear.

Place extra focus on all of the abundance that you have in your life rather than what you feel that you are lacking.

Consistently work to deepen your connections on a spiritual level.

Repeat mantra’s to yourself such as:

I am connected therefore I am safe.

I am strong and stable, and always at peace with my surroundings.

If you are as into mantras as I am and speak them/chant them while meditating, here is the actual mantra for the first chakra:

Mantra: Mul Mantra
Ek ong kaar, sat naam, karataa purakh, nirbho, nirvair
Akaal moorat, ajoonee, saibhang, gur prasaad. Jap!
Aad such, jugaad such, Hai bhee such, Naanak hosee bhee such.

Here is the translation:

One Creator. Truth is His name. Doer of everything. Fearless, Revengeless, Undying, Unborn, Self illumined, The Guru’s gift, Meditate! True in the beginning. True through all the ages. True even now. Oh Nanak it is forever true.

Aromatherapy for the Root Chakra

There are a number of essential oils that help support the root chakra and bring grounding to the user. You can use them in a diffuser before practicing your meditation, or place in an inhaler and use whenever it is needed.



A few others are:

Sandalwood, cedarwood, rosewood, frankincense, spikenard, patchouli, palo santo, rhu khus, and vetiver (not an all-inclusive list).

This is a good start to get you on your way to balancing the root chakra. Take some time every day to visualize the chakra spinning freely in all its glory to support you on your path to feeling secure, and well on your way to greatness. <3



Like so many practices in life I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet.  You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.


Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.




Root Chakra: Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Your First Chakra