Abhyanga for Well-being and Longevity

Abhyanga for Well-being and Longevity

Abhyanga, or annointing yourself from head to toe with warmed oil, is an ancient form of self-love, and is a beautiful practice to do every day for well-being and longevity.    Depending on the type of oil you use, you will likely want to do this before a...

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Essential Oils and Confirmation Bias

Essential Oils and Confirmation Bias

Essential Oil and Confirmation Bias. Confirmation bias is a propensity to search for or interpret information that we find in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions. In other words, when performing research online or at the library or other learning institution, the...

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Preparing Your Mind and Body for Fall

Preparing Your Mind and Body for Fall

Although school has begun, marking the end of summer for many children, I am still holding onto those few glorious weeks of warmer temperatures that we have left. But fall is indeed on its way, so my mind and soul are preparing for what that means...

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**BRAND NEW** Lifeholistically Podcast Network

I am SUPER EXCITED to announce my new podcast, "Lifeholistically Podcast Network". I will be offering you FREE weekly content covering ALL topics surrounding natural health. Aromatherapy, herbs, homeopathy, food, mind-body balance, meditation, yoga, and much more!...

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