The Benefits of Homeopathy for Children

The Benefits of Homeopathy for Children

The following is a guest blog post from my friend and colleague Melissa Clymer CA. Melissa has a very expansive education, which includes the amazing modality of homeopathy. I was/am grateful that she is willing to share her expertise with us. 


Homeopathy is an excellent natural health modality that can benefit any living being.  People, animals, plants, basically anything and anyone.  I wanted to give a brief history of homeopathy and explain why I love it, especially for kids.


History of Homeopathy

Samuel Hahnemann was a German scientist, born in 1755 who first discovered the essence of homeopathy.  Homeopathy means “similar suffering”.  Dr. Hahnemann brought into theory “like cures like” which is the law of similars.  If you have ever had too much alcohol and woke with a hangover, you may understand how the “hair of the dog that bit you” works.  You feel awful so you have a bloody Mary or a shot of alcohol to help relieve the ill effects of the night before.  That is the law of similars in action.


In 1795 Dr. Hahnemann was supplementing his income by translating medical books into different languages when he noticed something peculiar.  He was translating Cullen’s Materia Medica and noticed that the herbal tincture of Peruvian Bark contained quinine which helped people with malaria.  He was so excited about this finding he decided to take a dose of this tincture to see if he could produce the same symptoms in himself, even though he was healthy.  It worked!  This is considered the first homeopathic proving.


A proving is when many healthy people take a dose, or doses of a homeopathic remedy in the hopes it will produce symptoms.  Those symptoms are compared with all the people who took the remedy, then recorded for later use.  It guides us into what the remedy may be useful for in the future to help people.


When Dr. Hahnemann took the Peruvian bark, since he didn’t have malaria, he produced the symptoms in his healthy body.  He learned that by taking the remedy that produces certain symptoms in a healthy person, it will help heal those same symptoms in a sick person.


What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy can be used for almost any imbalance in the body, whether that be physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual.  It is available in many formats such as pellets, liquid, creams, chewables, and even lozenges.  It is regarded as generally safe and non-toxic.  It is also generally free from any direct contraindication with medication above the Avogadro constant in chemistry.  We will talk about that below in how remedies are made.


Remedies are made from plants, animals, minerals, environmental toxins (pesticides, plastic and more), diseased tissue, healthy tissue, medication, vaccines and even the black hole.  The homeopathic school I attend did a proving on the black hole, it was very cool.


Homeopathy can be used in constitutional treatments, which is a way to focus on the entire being to improve the general health of the whole person.  There is also acute care which is used when there is an injury, cold or sickness that doesn’t generally last that long.


How are homeopathic remedies made?

One of the laws in chemistry is the Avogadro constant.  This states that there is a limit to the dilution that can be made without losing the original substance altogether. Any remedy below a 12c or 24x can have minute particles of the original substance left in it, much like an herbal tincture.  So please consider that when choosing a remedy.  Anything above a 12c or 24x should not have any partials of the original substance left.


An x dilution is 1 drop of herbal tincture or triturated substance in 9 drops of water and alcohol solution making that a 1x.  Then it is shaken or succussed and 1 drop of that is taken and added to another bottle with 9 drops of alcohol and water solution.  Now that is a 2x.  It can be done 50,000 times or more.


A c dilution is 1 drop of herbal tincture or triturated substance in 99 drops of water, then succussed.  That is a 1c.  1 drop of that is added to 99 more drops of water and alcohol solution in another bottle and shaken or succussed and becomes a 2c.  Again, this can be done thousands of times.  Think about how much of the actual substance is left in even a 1x dilution (which I have never seen in a retail location, only a homeopathic pharmacy).


You will generally find single or combination remedies that are 3x, 6x, 12x, 30c, or 200c on store shelves.  Anything more than a 200c generally needs to be obtained from a homeopathic pharmacy as they are VERY potent and need to be used by a properly trained homeopath.  It isn’t that they can poison you, it’s that it may elicit physical or mental symptoms that you are not prepared to handle.  The smaller the number, the weaker the potency.  The higher the number, the stronger the potency.  For home use, I don’t advise going over a 30c.  This will help avoid issues that you may not know how to handle.  We want to use the smallest potency and the least number of doses to initiate a healing response in the body so it can do what it’s meant to do.  The human body is an amazing thing and can heal itself if given the opportunity and the ability.


Why Homeopathy with Children?

Kids and animals are 2 of my favorites to work with.  Neither one has a preconceived notion on whether the remedy will act or help them.  They are trusting and not jaded by life.  They know that when they take something, they either get better or they don’t. You can see it but how they act.  My 5-year-old loves homeopathy so much he asks me to help kids in his class.  One day he asked me to send a “stitches healing remedy” to school with him for a little girl who had stitches in her chin and couldn’t participate in gym.  If only more were so open to the possibilities.


Remedies I have found to be beneficial for children (and adults):

  • Aconite (Aconitum napellus) – shock or a scary situation such as a car accident, hurricane, tornado, earthquake or emergency. The person needing this remedy may have an illness that comes on suddenly, especially after being chilled or from a cool or cold breeze.  The rapidity of the situation is what dictates this remedy.  A child who wakes very anxious, vulnerable, needy or frightened with a cough and cannot breathe may specifically benefit from this remedy.
  • Apis (Apis mellifica) – burning, stinging pain with swelling and a great sensitiveness of the area being touched, general soreness, even the hair can be painful.  The person needing this remedy may be tired and bruised feeling, as if they worked very hard and now need to lie down.  Things like insect bites, bee stings, sprains, strains, and minor allergic reactions may be better with this remedy.
  • Arnica (Arnica montana) – bruising, inflammation, and injury, especially an injury with a bruise.  The person needing this remedy may have a general bruised feeling, and possibly an injury from blunt force trauma or surgical trauma with bruising.  Also great for over-doing any exercise or activities.
  • Arsenicum (Arsenicum album) – fever, toxicity, exhaustion, food poisoning, vomit or vomit and diarrhea, food intolerance, and Montezuma’s Revenge.  The person needing this remedy may be restless, cold, and weak with a great thirst for only small sips of water. They may have cramping that is painful in the abdomen with a burning sensation and is worse from eating and drinking.
  • Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) – fever, teething and ear issues.  The person needing this remedy may have a hot, flushed face – if a fever, the fever doesn’t have to be high, but they are generally weak and glassy-eyed.  The area of concern would be red, angry and hot with throbbing pain (such as ear, face or gums in teething).  They don’t generally have thirst with a fever and have a hot head with cold limbs.
  • Cantharis (Cantharis vesicator) – burns, sunburn, and urinary tract issues.  The person needing this remedy may have pain that is irritating, burning, and/or sharp.  Issues that are rapid onset and intense.  Something that is odd about this remedy is the person wants warmth and rest even though the pains are burning or scalding feeling.  Burning, scalding pains with great urging to urinate.
  • Chamomilla (Matricaria chamomilla) – teething, colic, irritable/over-sensitive children.  The person needing this remedy may be irritable, hard to console and seem like nothing you can do will make them happy. Children may ask for things and then when they get it, throw it. Very demanding, wanting to be carried, rocked or consoled.
  • Ferrum phos (Ferrum phosphoricum) – fever with no other definitive symptoms, occasional constipation, ear issues, and eyes that are bright red or face that has flushes of heat or redness.  The person who could benefit from this remedy might have a hard time with iron absorption.  They are generally nervous and sensitive people that take cold easily.  Violent earache (especially when you tried belladonna and it failed).  They seem to be much worse from 4-6 am and with cold drinks.
  • Gelsemium (Gelsemium sempervirens) – One of the top influenza and fever remedies.  The person needing this remedy may have great weakness and appear droopy and lethargic.  Weakness will be the most outstanding aspect of the illness.  They want to lie down quietly, half-reclined or be held.  Fever has a chill mixed with heat, cold hands and feet and a chill running up and down the back.  No thirst, with possible cold sweat. Worse from cold and damp weather.
  • Ignatia (Ignatia amara) – grief, loss of a friend, beloved toy or from having to move residence.  The person who might need this remedy would have ill effects from grief, fright, worry, disappointed love or jealousy.  Generally oversensitive and nervous, highly emotional, silent and sad.  They sigh often.
  • Ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) – vomiting, nausea, dry heaves, motion sickness. The person who would benefit from this remedy would have nausea that is unrelenting with possible hypersalivation (lots of saliva).  They feel that vomiting would bring relief but cannot vomit – the remedy will help vomiting if it needs to happen but will not cause you to vomit in general.  If they have a cold, they also may have a cough that makes them gag or vomit.
  • Nux Vomica (Nux vomica) – nausea, dizziness, and anger.  The person who may benefit from this remedy is over-reactive, over-sensitive, angry, impatient and always over-doing it.  They generally have gut-related issues specifically stemming from antibiotics with a possible addiction to coffee/carbs/chocolate.  They don’t like to be interrupted in their play or work.  The reaction can be violent outbursts.
  • Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla nigricans) – influenza, ear and nose issues. The person who may benefit from this remedy is whiney, clingy, wants mommy/daddy and wants to be rocked or carried.  They may have a slow-moving illness with green/yellow thick mucus from ear or nose, and be better with cool air/breeze.
  • Rhus tox (Rhus toxicodendron) – poison ivy, inflammation, joint pain, herpes, shingles (look like poison ivy), chicken pox.  This person who may benefit from this remedy may have swollen glands that are hot and painful with symptoms that appear on the left side or go from left to right.  Pains that are tearing, shooting, stitching and worse at night.  Worst at beginning of motion but better after.  Even though the area may be painful, they can be intense itching.
  • Silicea (Silicea) – sinus infection, pus, constipation, slivers, dry hair, brittle nails.  People who may benefit from this remedy are better during the summer and in wet, humid weather. Worse with moon changes, nighttime and change of the weather.
  • Spongia (Spongia tosta) – dry, croupy cough with the classic seal bark cough that comes on slowly. The person who may benefit from this remedy is better in cool air. Children with fair complexion and swollen glands.  They can wake in the middle of the night fearful as if suffocating.  Worse before midnight.  Better when lying with head low.
  • Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) – warts, skin tags.  There person who may benefit from this remedy would have eruptions that burn or itch.  May have brittle or painful nails with foul and acrid foot sweat.  Possible ingrowing toe nails.

Unlike allopathic medicine, or even herbalism and aromatherapy, homeopathy isn’t given to work on a disease or diagnosis.  Many of the remedies here can be used for the same or similar pathology but what dictates the usefulness is the state of the person.  Remember, we are looking for the totality of the person, not just the issues with the illness we are trying to help.  So, look at the emotional, physical, and mental aspect of the person, not just the illness.  We also want to give the minimum potency, the least amount of times.


I generally start out with a 30c potency of any remedy in an acute situation.  I will give a dose of a selected remedy and see what happens.  If the symptoms get better, I will give another dose when needed.  That is when the symptoms return.  If after 3-4 doses and the issue is not better, then it probably isn’t the correct remedy so chose a new one.  Less is more in homeopathy so only give a dose when needed and stop giving anything when you feel the person is about 80% better.


When remedies are given, it is best to make sure there is no food or drink taken 15-20 minutes before dosing and 15-20 minutes after.  Food and drink (other than water) can affect the homeopathic remedy.  Strong smells, essential oils, herbs and other factors need to be taken into consideration as well.  Something as simple as coffee brewing in the home or mint toothpaste after giving a remedy can antidote it, rendering it ineffective.


It is best to administer the remedy from the cap of the original bottle or on a clean spoon.  Pour the recommended number of pellets (listed on the bottle) into the cap or onto the spoon and dump them into the mouth.  That is one dose.  Since the remedies are coated on the outside of the pellets, you touching them will rub the medicine off.  If they fall onto the floor, throw them way.  Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive, just try again.


I hope you found this article beneficial.  Should you have any questions, please direct them to  I will only answer general questions as I would never want to guess at a remedy.  You may book an acute appointment as I am not taking constitutional care at the moment.


Love and light,




This information is not meant to take the place of diagnosis and treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. Since the actual use of this product by others is beyond our control, no expressed or implied guarantee as to the effects of their use can be given nor liability taken. Use at your own discretion. Any application of the recommendations is at the user’s risk. Sweet Willow Spirit, LLC disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this information and assumes no responsibility for any actions taken. This should not be used in place of traditional therapies but solely as a complementary means for bringing well-being. The FDA has not evaluated the statements on this website. No claims are made as to any medicinal value of any oil or healing modality.


All remedy information came from my education and:

Phatak, Dr. S.R.; Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines – 2nd Edition. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1999

My Holistic “First Aid” Kit-Essential Oils Herbs & Homeopathy

My Holistic “First Aid” Kit-Essential Oils Herbs & Homeopathy

The variety of choices for a holistic first aid kit is quite exciting for the DIY’er in you and goes well beyond essential oils. Just about anything can be handled well with holistic remedies, and there are a plethora of options. I will be going over at a few of those options today. If we have the choice of handling things at home and to not have to travel to a doctor’s office where there is oftentimes a myriad of germs, let’s give it a go, right? I think it is important to understand when getting medical care is needed, but it is not always needed.


Homeopathic Medicine

What is homeopathic medicine? The word homeopathy, which comes from the Greek language, through Latin, and into English, means “like disease”. The guiding principle of homeopathy is stated as “let likes cure likes” (1). The foundation of homeopathy states that if a substance can cause disease in healthy people it will cure those same similar symptoms in sick people. It can be compared to a vaccine, without all the additives that are very much a health concern. Homeopathic medicine comes in varying strengths, but they are all considered the “minimum dose”.

“Homeopathic medicines are prepared through a series of dilutions, at each step of which there is a vigorous agitation of the solution called succus on until there is no detectable chemical substance left. As paradoxical as it may seem, the higher the dilution, when prepared in this dynamized way, the more potent the homeopathic remedy. Thereby is achieved the minimum dose which, none the less, has the maximum therapeutic effect with the fewest side effects” (2).

It is important to note that there are literally hundreds of varieties of single doses and mixed doses of homeopathy. If one type is not working for you, it does not necessarily mean that homeopathy does not work, but that you do not have the proper remedy. And much like essential oil, homeopathy is not a simple fix for any ailment; it is meant to be complementary care.

I have a homeopathic kit with me at all times of varying sizes. I have one kit in my home, one in my car and a few vials in my purse. The top remedy used in those kits is Arnica Arnica Montana. I use 30c, as it is perfect for my kids. Arnica is most often used for bruises, sprains, and inflammation. My boys are rough and tumble and both avid soccer players, so I combat large bruises by using this remedy at the time the bump happens, and a good 24 hours after.

The second vial I always carry with me is Nux vomica, also at 30c. “Strychnos nux-vomica is tree native to India and is a medium-sized tree with a short thick trunk. It is a major source of the highly poisonous, intensely bitter alkaloids strychnine and brucine, derived from the seeds inside the tree’s round, green to orange fruit” (3). When this is diluted down 10 to the 60th power, as in the case with a 30c dose, it is perfectly safe for use. But what is it used for? Nux vomica is used for overindulgence of food and drink. Have you eaten too much and are suffering from indigestion? Nux vomica is a great remedy to try.

Want to learn more about homeopathic remedies? Check out the information listed in the resources below.

*Want to know what dilution to go with? Follow this link for more information.


I utilize my large storage space of herbs in a variety of ways in the home. I make many infused oils that sit in mason jars soaking up the summer sun like Arnica Arnica Montana, Rose Hips Rosa canina, and Calendula Calendula officinalis. During the months that the sun is a bit farther out of reach, I utilize my crock-pot on the keep warm setting. I like soaking dried calendula flowers in an apricot carrier oil, sealing in a mason jar and placing in the sun a few hours daily (With calendula and any other herbal material, make sure it is fully dry to avoid spoilage). The jar should stay in the sun for an average of 4 weeks, shake often and continually make sure that there is no moisture present. Strain well, using cheesecloth and pour into sterilized bottles. Calendula infused oil is great for inflammation and pain, as well as scrapes, scratches, burns and bites. I use this oil as a base for many of my other products as well. Calendula can be incorporated into baths, creams, compresses, washes, salves, ointments, massage oils, baths, facial steams, tinctures, and teas. It is also gentle enough to use for babies, children, or animals (4).

Infused oils are not the only way I use my herbs. Tinctures are useful winter remedies that can be used in a variety of ways. We use an Echinacea Echinacea purpurea tincture frequently throughout the winter months. I make this at home in the beginning of August by placing my raw herbal material into a small jar and covering with vodka. I shake the container every day for 3-4 weeks, strain it well and pour into a new sterilized jar. Echinacea is my first go to for the entire family at the first sign of sniffles or coughs, and is my number one weapon when my boys begin school in September. One dropper full in their fresh squeezed orange juice is a great immune booster. I typically use it for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off throughout the winter/early spring. If someone is sick, however, I use it every day until symptoms subside. Other herbs that can be used in this way for school-aged children is Astralagus Astragalus propinquus and Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis.

*It is important to note that Echinacea is not recommended for those with auto-immune disorders or are on medication to suppress the immune system, such as chemotherapy for example. The purpose of Echinacea is to boost white blood cells. Click here for a mention on the subject of echinacea and Lupus from the Johns Hopkins Center.

Herbs are also used as teas and decoctions (strong teas) in the home. I have a nice trio that I call my fever blend for both my kids and myself. I only reach for a true fever reducer such as Ibuprofen when my boys are completely miserable. The following trio is all diaphoretic herbs, either stimulating or relaxing, and the goal of them is to relax you as fevers make you uncomfortable and to help you sweat, but not urinate excessively causing possible risk of dehydration.

Mix equal parts:

Catnip Nepeta cataria
Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla
Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis

Use as needed (1tsp per cup of tea). Make a weak tea for children.

Follow this link to learn more about diaphoretic herbs and why they are useful for managing a fever (Bulk Herb Store).


This next remedy would definitely not be a first aid kit item for on the go, but if dehydration is a worry through a fever or flu where you or a loved one is vomiting or has diarrhea, this is a wonderful homemade concoction that everyone will love. (I do not recommend Pedialyte types of drinks). I make some the following concoction if the flu rears its ugly head in our house. It is approved by both my 9 and 11-year-old boys.

1 quart filtered water
Juice of 2-3 lemons (can add limes too if you so choose)
1/4 – 1/2 tsp. sea salt (not table salt)
1/3 cup raw honey

Not for children under 1 year of age

I typically take a small portion of that quart of water and heat it up. Add the honey and salt to that so it mixes the honey and dissolves the salt easily. Then add it to the remaining water. This tastes good and has exactly the balance you need to restore electrolytes and prevent dehydration.

* You can use pure coconut water. It works great, although it can be an acquired taste for some.

Elderberry Syrup for the Home

I am not a proponent of flu shots, so I do what I can to shorten the length of it if it happens to make its way into the home. Elderberry syrup can be purchased at your local Walgreens or CVS, but I prefer to make my own. It is easy to do, give it a try! Here is what you will need:

2 cups Elderberries Sambucus nigra dried (I prefer organic)
5 organic cloves
2 organic cinnamon sticks
1 tbsp organic raw ginger
1-2 tbsp organic dried echinacea (optional)
4 cups Purified or distilled water
Raw honey (add as much volume of honey as your liquid volume of elderberry syrup after simmering)

*Not for children under 1 year of age.
*Vegans can utilize agave syrup as a replacement for honey.


Combine all ingredients except the honey and bring to just under a boil (do not boil). Reduce to a low simmer for about 30 minutes, mixing every 10 minutes or so. Remove from heat. Strain through a cheesecloth (I typically strain twice to make sure I get out all my herbal material). Be sure to squeeze out the juice from the berries. Measure your liquid and add an equal amount of honey. Place your pot back on a low simmer to fully soften honey and mix well. Let cool a bit then add to your glass bottles (sterilize bottles). Store in the fridge and use up within a month’s time as this has no true preservation system.

Want proof that elderberry syrup is effective? Here are a few research papers for your review:

*Kong F. Pilot clinical study on a proprietary elderberry extract: efficacy in addressing influenza symptoms. Online Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics. 2009;5:32-43.

*Roschek B, Fink RC, McMichael MD, et al. Elderberry flavonoids bind to and prevent H1N1 infection in vitro. Phytochemistry. 2009;70:1255-61.

*Ulbricht C, Basch E, Cheung L, et al. An evidence-based systematic review of elderberry and elderflower(Sambucus nigra) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration. J Diet Suppl. 2014;11(1):80-120.

*Zakay-Rones Z, Thom E, Wollan T, Wadstein J. Randomized study of the efficacy and safety of oral elderberry extract in the treatment of influenza A and B virus infections. J Int Med Res. 2004;32:132-40.

I utilize this syrup in any instance where the immune system needs a boost, not just for flu. It is a very effective cough remedy, too!

There are many other ways to utilize herbs in the home as a means to comfort, boost the immune system, and help encourage a speedy recovery from a variety of ailments. Check the resources below for some great reading material.


Essential Oils

I am a stickler for essential oil safety, so I will not be recommending applying essential oils to scrapes/cuts, or to use them undiluted. If your child has a scrape, a great option would be raw honey (manuka) or calendula crème from Weleda. You can purchase this European based crème at Target. Calendula will create a covering over the wound and is very effective in preventing infection and encouraging healing (5).

I keep a bottle of Lavender Lavandula angustifolia with me at all times, typically diluted to 3%. Lavender supports mental wellness, so it can be used in a variety of ways from just a simple case of grumpy gus, an overly stressful moment, or something unexpected like an accident, to bumps and bruises, burns, bug bites, and more. I usually do not use a roller bottle in this instance, as it is likely not going to be used by only one person, therefore contamination is a concern. Apply where needed. If you are utilizing it for mental wellness, inhalation is best.

At home, if there is a minor injury that has a bigger potential for bruising, I have a mixture of Helichrysum Helichrysum italicum and Kunzea Kunzea ambigua that I apply immediately to the area (Both are safe for kids). These two oils can work together to minimize bruising, reduce pain and discomfort and encourage speedy healing.

If I am at home and there is a bellyache present, I tend to use a weak tea of chamomile and peppermint to soothe and comfort. If I am away from home, I have an inhaler ready to go with essential oils such as Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum, Ginger Zingiber officinalis, and Spearmint Mentha spicata. You can rub into the belly appropriately diluted, but I find inhalation to be more effective here.



I hope that these basic ideas are helpful for you to begin to make your own first aid kit, one for home and one for when your away. There are many other things that can be utilized, what would you include in yours?



(1) (2) What is homeopathic medicine? Retrieved from

(3) Strychnos nux-vomica. Retrieved from

(4) Healing with Calendula, (2010) Retrieved from

(5) Calendula, a wound healing herb Retrieved from

Calendula: A Wound Healing Herb

Herbal Resources

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by D. Winston 

Botanical Safety Handbook, 2nd ed. By AHPA (American Herbal Products Association) 

Healing Wise (Wise Woman Herbal) by. S. Weed 

Herbal Antibiotics, 2nd Edition: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-resistant Bacteria by S. Buhne

Herbal Antivirals by M. Jones 

Herbal Medicines: A Guide for Health-Care Professionals by C. Newall, L. Anderson, and D. Phillipson 

Herbs for Common Ailments: How to Make and Use Herbal Remedies for Home Health Care by R. Gladstar 

Herbal Teas: 101 Nourishing Blends for Daily Health & Vitality by K. Brown 

Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine by D. Hoffmann 

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine, 2e by K. Bone and S. Mills 

Rosemary Gladstar’s Family Herbal: A Guide to Living Life with Energy, Health, and Vitality 

Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health 

Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide


Homeopathic Resources

Classical Homeopathy by M. Carlston 

Complete Homeopathy Handbook by M. Castro 

Encyclopedia of Homeopathy by A. Lockie 

Homeopathy Pocket Guide by A. Brandl 

Principles and Practice of Homeopathy by D. Owen 



Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.

My Holistic First Aid Kit II

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Using the Neti Pot-Allergies, colds & more!

Using the Neti Pot-Allergies, colds & more!

Do you use the neti pot? My yoga instructor introduced me to the neti pot over a decade ago. She said in class one night, you all clean our body, our teeth etc.,  so why aren’t you cleaning your nose? I thought that was a great point…as well as the fact that it helps with pranayama (breathing) practice. Neti pots benefit you when you are sick, avoiding sinus infections, but also cleans your sinus cavity of pollen, dust, and other pollutants. The Neti pot is filled with a body-warm saline solution of the same concentration as the body fluids. With this solution, the nasal cavities are rinsed so that the salty water goes in through one nostril and comes out the other.

The sensation is a little strange at first, but with daily practice, you will wonder how you ever went without it. If you are an allergy sufferer, this small cost is well worth every penny. Before I go over the step by step on how to use your neti pot, let me first preface how important it is to use clean water. Boil and cool your water to be sure it is safe to send up your sinus cavity. Some use distilled water, but I recommend boiling even that.

Firstly, buy a type of salt without anything added. Industrial salt often has added chemical anticaking agents. You can use normal sea salt, best without added iodine, or pharmaceutical salt which you can buy in health stores or pharmacies. Here is my recommendation for salt if you already have a neti pot. There is also a kit if you do not have any supplies.

Neti pot

The solution you use should have 0,9% of salt, like the body fluids do. Some Neti Pots have a spoon to measure this exactly. The kit will provide you with all the instructions you need. If your salt does not have such a spoon, you can start by taking 500 ml of water and add one teaspoon of salt, this is about 0,9%. You will know the ratio that works best for you, typically if it burns you have not put enough salt.

  1. Fill your Neti pot and stand in front of the sink.
  2. Bend slightly over the sink and breathe naturally through your mouth. By opening your mouth wide enough, the passage from the nose to the mouth is closed. No water can get into your mouth or your throat. Don’t talk or laugh, no air should come into your nose now. There won’t be a feeling of having water in the airways if you pay attention to this. Simply breathe through your mouth slowly and evenly, even if you taste salt and a little water escapes into your mouth, just continue to focus.
  3. Now put the nose cone into your right nostril and seal it with some gentle moves so that no water is coming out of this nostril.
  4. Then gently bend your head slightly forward and roll it to the left side. The left nostril should be the lowest point. Forehead and chin should be about the same level. Once you find the best position for you, the next time will be like riding a bike.
  5. Repeat the procedure with the left nostril, doing everything in the opposite direction.
  6. When you have finished let all the water flow out again and gently blow the water out of both nostrils. You can roll your head in every direction and let it hang and move it then to get all the water out. Drying up the nose is very important! I like to do a gentle “farmers blow” into the sink to be sure that I have gotten all of the water out of both nostrils. I then begin a pranayama practice, but for this instruction just be sure to dry out your nose the best you can. If you are not familiar with pranayama breath, plug one nostril and give a hard blow, and alternate or use a number of tissues.
  7. If you have a mucus blockage you can go back and forth from side to side multiple times. Make sure that the water which has entered the nose does not flow back in the Neti pot. Therefore put the cone in your nose, pour some water in, remove the pot and let it flow out again.

There are multiple benefits to using a neti pot. Here are a few:

  • removes dirt and infectious microorganisms from the nasal cavities and passageways
  • reduces the frequency and duration of colds-and helps when you have a cold to avoid a sinus infection
  • reduces allergic problems such as hay fever
  • moistens dry nasal cavities and passageways
  • reduces the symptoms of chronic sinusitis
  • flushes the tear ducts and increases eye sight
  • has a harmonizing and calming effect on the mind

There is a kid’s version of a neti pot. The neti pot is not for young children, but they need the benefit of clean passageways as well. The SinuCleanse Squeeze is a great option for them.I use it for my boys when they are dealing with allergies as well as when they have a cold to keep things moving.

With so many benefits, you really should give it a try. Come back and let me know how it goes.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions. 




Find Relief for Allergies Naturally

Find Relief for Allergies Naturally

The dreaded allergy season is almost upon us, although for some allergies are not just one season. Are you a sufferer or know someone who is? For people with common hay fever and allergies, these pollutants can bring on symptoms ranging from a minor annoyance, to continuous, annoying postnasal drip to a full-scale, coughing sneezing-itchy-eyed allergy attack. I would consider my allergies to be moderate, but I have a friend who has to take not just one, but multiple OTC remedies just to do yard work, and he still suffers greatly. Researchers think nasal allergies affect about 50 million people in the United States and is quickly growing [1]. These numbers are daunting, what can we do about it?

I recommend trying some of the things below before dosing yourself OTC remedies that tend to cause a lot of drowsiness. Not everything will work for everyone, but my family has had much success in avoiding taking anything OTC by doing the following (I included links to the products for your convenience):

Homeopathic remedies– Like desensitization therapies, homeopathy users consume low doses of a natural substance. The difference is that the substance in homeopathy is related to the symptoms as opposed to the allergen source. I have one for myself and one for my children. The one I take is called Allergy Relief by Homeostasis Labs. At the first sign of itchy eyes or nose, I chew 2 tablets and I am good for four hours. My allergies are considered moderate. (I combine this with other things which I will discuss below) I have two different go-to’s for my kids. The first is Kid’s Relief Allergy. It works quickly for them with their sneezing and runny nose. The second is D-Hist Jr. by Ortho Molecular products, a very reputable supplement company. This supplement contains (Vitamin C, quercetin dihydrate, stinging nettles, bromelain and N-acetyl-cysteine). THis tackles my boys stronger allergen responses, I have taken it before as well with great success

QuercetinQuercetin is a naturally-derived bioflavonoid that helps stabilize cells and prevents them from releasing histamine. Quercetin also is a natural antioxidant that helps clean up molecules called free radicals that cause cell damage, which can lead to health woes and premature aging [2]. Citrus fruits, onions, apples, parsley, tea, tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce, and wine are naturally high in quercetin, but allergy sufferers will most likely need to use supplements to build up enough of this compound to prevent attacks. The recommended dosage is about 1,000 milligrams a day, taken between meals. It’s best to start treatment six weeks before allergy season. Those with liver disease shouldn’t use quercetin, so please consult your doctor before using this or any other supplement — especially if you are pregnant or nursing. Read more about this bioflavonoid and its contraindications here. (Very important to know before consuming this day-to-day, be sure it is safe for you)

Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica– This powerful herb is highly anti-inflammatory. If you are handling this plant fresh do be sure to use gloves and long shirt as protection as there is a reason for its name, avoid the sting. Research has shown that consuming nettles in freeze-dried capsules effectively reduces histamine levels in the body, thus reducing inflammation of affected tissues [3]. Even drinking this in a tea can be very effective.

I keep a box of these lozenges in my purse when pollen season begins to help with the scratchy itchy throat and post nasal drip. FInd them here. They are gluten-free and contain (Stinging nettle leaf, European elderflower, plantain leaf, eyebright, honey, and a bit of menthol.

Saline Nasal Rinses– A mainstay in our home,  I use the neti pot every day as part of a routine, not just during allergy season. My kids have a version they use too. It is critical to remove the pollen from your sinus cavity. (It is great during cold and flu season too) Regular rinses (2-3 times a day during peak times) can flush away allergens, reduce nasal symptoms and help prevent infection. If this is too drying for you, stick to once a day. You also can use a neti pot before bed to ‘help’ prevent snoring caused by allergies and promote optimal overnight breathing (Not guaranteed to nix the snore). Neti Pot /Rinse and Sinu Cleanse Kid’s Mist kit.

You can utilize hydrosols in the neti pot, rosemary is by far the most popular recommendation, but unless I am truly fighting an impending infection, I stick to pink Himalayan sea salt. Please NO essential oils in your neti pot.


Find Relief for Allergies Naturally


Essential OIls-You didn’t think I would end this article without talking about essential oils! I have a number of favorites here, like the formulation below. Make sure your blend contains an oil that has strong anti-inflammatory properties to help open the nasal passageways, one that provides anti-histamine properties, and possibly one to provide you with a decongestant, expectorant or mucolytic properties, depending on what your symptoms are. Here is one of my favorites:


Find Relief for Allergies Naturally

As the meme states, aromatherapy is rarely a one size fits all modality. Make sure that you have no contraindications for this blend, and if you don’t, give it a try in an inhaler when needed.

Always keep in mind that when outdoors the pollen will stick to you, your hair and your clothes. Be sure to wash your hair and clothes before sitting on a chair/couch or before lying in your bed.

Hopefully, some of these things will help you enjoy the springtime….step out and enjoy the warmer weather my friends!



[1] Allergy Facts and Figures. Retrieved from

[2] What are Free Radicals? Retrieved from

[3] Colley, L. (2016) Healing Allergy Inflammation with Stinging Nettle. Retrieved from


Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.