Are you in touch with your pleasures?

Are you in touch with your pleasures?

Am I happy? Do I follow my bliss? What is my path in life? These are just a few of the many questions that we ask ourselves on a daily basis. Some of us look into the future for our happiness….once I land my perfect job I will be happy. When I move to ____ I will be happy. When I retire I will be happy. When I pay off my debt, then I will truly be happy.

Why not be happy right now?

Happiness is not something that we “find” in the outside world. Happiness is found within ourselves. That may sound strange to you, or something you have heard hundreds of times, but sit and really think about that. Happiness should be found from within. If you think someone else is going to do it for you, you are wasting your precious time. The more you focus on things that are abundant in your life, the more you place focus on things you are grateful for, the more of it you will find. This I promise you.

Stop saying yes!

One of the main sources of unhappiness is the constant over-scheduling of our lives. How many times have you thought to yourself…if only I had more time for me! Why don’t you? Do you over schedule yourself? Say yes when you really want to say no? Spend most of your time doing things for other people? I still fall back into this habit having two boys under 10, but more often than not, I make sure to carve time out just for me, and happiness begins to creep in.

Wouldn’t it be great to say, “I am sorry, but I can’t fit that into my schedule.”
Make a list

One of my first mentor’s Dr. Deb Kern taught me to do things that make me happy. Sounds simple right? For many people it isn’t. Most mom’s are martyr’s and the first thing that may come to mind are things like spending more time with your kids, or doing things for them, seeing them smile, etc. These are NOT the kind of things I am talking about. The things that make you happy have to have NOTHING to do with another person. This is ALL about YOU.

Grab a piece of paper and a pencil. Make sure you are alone so you can have some real time to think. I want you to write a list of pleasures. Don’t leave anything out. What do you like to do? What makes you happy? What are your talents? What is something that you used to love to do only you feel you have no time for it anymore…write that down! Pleasures should include your deepest desires. Ones that may make you blush if someone else read your list. Do not leave anything out. The list may be hard to write at first, but don’t give up!

Now sit back and read what you wrote. How many things on your pleasures list do you do everyday? None? One? Many?

My list

I found when I first made my list that I barely touched any of those things in a weeks time, or even a month! It was truly a shocking realization for me. I stared at my list and thought, where did I go wrong? When did I stop doing these things? I make sure to revisit the list often to check in with myself and make sure that I am staying on track. I know exactly where my list is at all times, because the more I do these things the more I find that I love and have to add to my list! I make sure to do at least 3 of these things every day.

I will give you a few examples of how I make that work.

*I love to write and can sit for hours at a time..but I am always sure to take breaks for a few pleasures. I get up from my desk at least once an hour and dance. Unbridled, do not care who sees me dancing. I have a favorites play list on YouTube and I move my body to songs that stir up real feelings within me. Songs that can easily make me laugh or bring me to happy tears, songs that help to me to truly find release.  I sing…loudly. When I sit back down I feel amazing!

*I take aromatic baths a few times a week. I lock the door so my boys can’t come in and ask me for the million things that kids do the moment mom steps in the bathroom.

*I sit in the sun of a window (since it is winter), or on my deck in the summer and do my yoga and meditation practice.  (Vitamin D is great for you too!)

My list is over 50 pleasures strong. Your first list may only have a dozen things, and that is ok. I guarantee your list will grow the more you practice.

Develop a mindset that is focused on finding and following your bliss. This means allowing time and energy to explore different things. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone.  At least a little bit. What humbles you? bringing you to your knees? What do you stand gaping, open-mouthed in awe of? Who do you love impossibly and with every inch of possibility? …is it Art? Painting? Singing? Dancing? Writing? Gardening? Cooking? What would you do even if you weren’t getting paid for it? Think about it….then do it. You can’t “find your bliss” by doing the day to day routing with no excitement. No excuses, do not say I will start tomorrow or I do not have time. Make the time!

Follow Your Bliss

Yes you can!

The first step is to be willing to make a change. When you are constantly worried or “stressed out”, this is not only the energy you are living in, but the energy you attract. You make bad decisions from a stressed state, “I can’t”, “I won’t”, or worse, say yes when you really can’t afford to.

Once you begin to focus on your pleasures list you will find that you can make decisions using your heart and your body, not your brain or your ego. Your heart wants the best for you; your ego operates from an entirely different place.

Get in touch with your heart

You will see once you begin thinking more about yourself, and doing things that make you happy, that you become centered and more peaceful. When working from this quieter place, you can make better decisions for your greater good. You will begin to say yes because you really want to, and no when you need to.


“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”-Joseph Campbell

It is time!

Most of all if you are unhappy in a situation change it. I realize some things can’t happen overnight, but they can be done. I have had the pleasure of hearing stories of people selling everything they own….down to towels and sheets and moving across country, children in tow to start a new life. People quitting their job because it was not their life calling to start a whole new venture, no promises, no guarantees and been happier than ever before. Going back to school in their 40’s to start a whole new career. Leaving their husband of years without a career of their own, but needed to stand on their own two feet. I have heard story upon story of brave souls who made the change, who took that first scary step into the abyss… be happier than ever. You can do it too.


“Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.” –Deepak Chopra


It is never too late to turn things around. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!


Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.

Digestive Sense: Defining How Our Emotions and the Food We Eat Affects Our Gut Health

Digestive Sense: Defining How Our Emotions and the Food We Eat Affects Our Gut Health


A significant factor in determining our overall health involves an organ system that many ignore and disrespect. This system does so much for us but does not get the respect it deserves; that system is our gut. However, once our gut is in a state of distress, we are not likely to ignore it any longer. Many things can disrupt our gut’s function, which has also been dubbed our second brain. There is a strong relationship between the food that we eat and our levels of stress in regards to how our gut functions, and our overall health.


Have you heard that term your second brain before? Contrary to what most know to be our only brain located in our head, our gut holds the “second brain”. Dr. Alejandro Junger explains that “your first brain serves as your intellectual hardware and your second brain-the gut-is your spiritual and emotional GPS” (1). Each of us has a digestive brain, or ENS (enteric nervous system), that contains millions of neurons which, have the power to influence not only our digestion capabilities but our psychological state as well (2). So as Dr. Junger states, your second brain, or your gut, is where you’re spiritual and emotional center is. Perhaps this is why we say to trust our gut, our deep-seated intuition? That “it”, not our head, never fails us? Another interesting fact is that 90% of our serotonin levels are produced there, with the remaining 10% being produced in the brain in your head (3). Therefore, if your digestive system is out of whack, your feel-good hormones will also be disturbed.


Stress, tension, never-ending work, no vacations, and the standard American diet (SAD) exhaust the body and the mind and cause the systems of the body to become compromised—beginning with our digestive system. Do you show symptoms of stomach upset when you are under high levels of stress? How about when you make a less than healthy meal choice? Both of these things can result in the same symptoms. These can include but are not limited to:


*Stomach upset
*Constipation or diarrhea, gas, bloating
*Cramping (IBS)
*Acid reflux
*Mood swings
*Excess mucous
*Sinus pressure
*Skin eruptions
*Joint pain
*Inflammation of any kind


If you have many of these symptoms, your digestive system is likely struggling. Gut issues have also been linked to seemingly unrelated conditions like obesity, arthritis, cancer, vaginitis, and even mental health, including depression, attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder (ADHD), and bipolar disorder (4). Hippocrates stated that all disease begins in the gut. I think he was on to something.


Even if you do not have some of the many symptoms mentioned above you may find yourself in another situation, that of developed food allergies or sensitivities.  I have had to learn and troubleshoot health issues in the past this way. I did not have any of the classic digestive symptoms, but I have been under extremely high levels of stress in the past. Even though my diet was cleaner than most, organic, vegetarian, no GMO’s, etc…I had endured the loss of a parent, a severe car accident resulting in years of chronic relenting pain, two emergency surgeries within two weeks of each other, and the common life challenges that a mom of two young boys and being a full-time student brings. My health issues started in the gut but did not show it until I was way beyond a simple fix. Once the digestive system is under constant assault with stress, and then add to that wrong food choice, etc., the gastrointestinal (gut) microbiota is negatively affected, and this is the cause of the various possible health issues listed above.


It is vital to sit and observe your gut as it is trying to speak to you. Once symptoms arise, such as painful bloating, cramps, and diarrhea, your gut is beyond talking and is now yelling. Observe your gut signals when there is no pain, both on an empty stomach and after meals. Is there rumbling, dull aches, throbbing, emptiness, or minor bloating? Listening to your gut can help to identify irritating foods and our guts’ overall state of health during any given moment of the day.


It is equally important to observe your stresses. Everyone is stressed, and there are many ways to cope. Many are surprised when they learn that the amount of weight they are under directly correlates to their gut health. Stress is a normal part of life, but it is essential to recognize and observe it and do things to find relief. When you are under undue stress, pay attention to how you feel. Is your stomach tight and in knots? Do you have more indigestion? Constipation? General stomach aches?


Try to sit in silence and see what your gut is telling you when you are in a stressful situation. Maybe you have never paid attention before. You may find the sensations are powerful. This is the gut-brain connection at work.


Have you ever heard the phrase over 70% of your immune system lies in your gut? (5) This is our gut microbiota or gut bugs. For the most part, we live in harmony with the bacteria, viruses, and fungal organisms that typically inhabit the gut (called the gastrointestinal microbiota). These have played a vital role in maintaining human health. Gershon stated that “the rigors of the modern lifestyle, overuse of antibiotics, and the SAD diet have done much to restructure the once symbiotic relationship, resulting in a significantly disrupted gut environment” (6).


Some indicators of a happy and healthy gastrointestinal tract include 2-4 bowels movements per day, feeling good and energized not only after eating but all day long, sleeping well, and having no extreme mood swings or food cravings. These indicators are pretty rare; do you have all of them? What can we do to help to restore the gut microbiota of our gastrointestinal tract as well as our health? An excellent first step is to avoid processed foods; eat less from a box, bag, or can.  The main culprits of food sensitivity include but are not limited to wheat, gluten, yeast, dairy, corn, soy, eggs, nuts, and coffee. Taking a high-quality probiotic is critical to keep the balance of your microbiota healthy. Digestive enzymes are naturally produced in the body but are on the decline as we age. It is essential to eat plenty of raw uncooked fruits and vegetables to get enzymes naturally; cooking kills the enzymes in our food. If you are having digestion issues, taking an enzyme may prove to be very helpful. Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fiber. Equally crucial to overall health is reducing stress. Do something that makes you calm, happy, and bring you back to what is really important in life.


Some simple ideas on how you can improve digestion when eating a meal:

*Eat in a relaxed state (happy is best with smiles and laughter)
*Take time in between bites.
*Make sure to chew your food thoroughly.
*Do not drink a lot of liquid just before or during your meal.
*Bless your food before eating if this resonates with you


Another excellent recommendation is to keep a food journal. Recognizing what you have eaten before you become bloated, gassy, and irritable will help find out what is not working for you.


I hope that this short explanation of how our digestive system “works” has led to a better understanding of why it is vitally important to provide your body with the good food and good attitude it needs, and what can happen if you don’t. Remember, your digestive system is very complex and is there to protect you; but it needs your constant care to pay attention to it.




(1) Junger, A., M.D (2013). Clean Gut-The Breakthrough Plan for Eliminating the Root Cause of Disease and Revolutionizing Your Health. New York: HarperCollins Publishing Inc.

(2) Matveikova, I., M.D (2014). Digestive Intelligence. Scotland, UK: Findhorn Press

(3) (6) Gershon, M. (1999) The Second Brain: A Groundbreaking New Understanding of Nervous Disorders of the Stomach and Intestines. New York, New York. HarperCollins Publishers

(4) Wallace, TC., Guarner, F., Madsen, K., Cabana, MD., Gibson, G., Hentges, E., Sanders, ME., (2011) Human gut microbiota and its relationship to health and disease. Nutr rev. Jul;69 (7); 392-403

(5) Allergy and the Gastrointestinal System.



Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.




Homeopathy 101

Homeopathy 101

So what exactly is Homeopathy? In easy terms, homeopathy is the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease. The aim is triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Homeopathy stimulates the immune system to fight whatever the body’s current need is, whether it is support a high fever, headache, indigestion cold or flu. For example, drinking too much alcohol or eating too much food at a meal can cause sleeplessness and agitation, so according to this principle, when made into a homeopathic medicine, it could be used to treat people with these symptoms.

First things first, homeopathy is completely safe. There are no drug interactions. The only thing that I have ever found is not to use homeopathic remedies along with certain essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint as they could essentially cancel each other out.

Homeopathy has been used for over 200 years. There are hundreds of remedies out there that are very specific to certain symptoms or ailments; there are also a few basic ones that I will cover today.

Allium cepa– Used for the common cold and hay fever, especially when there is a thin, watery, and burning nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils.

Arnica Montana– Used to treat sore muscles, bruises, and other conditions caused by overexertion or injury. Arnica also comes in an ointment. Essential for all that exercise or play sport. I also use when my child gets any kind of a bruise or a bump on the head.

Arsenicum Album: The first remedy to try in cases of food poisoning or traveler’s diarrhea.People needing this remedy are weak, chilly, anxious and thirsty. Essential when going on a vacation.

Belladonna– Useful for sudden onset of high fever with perspiration. Belladonna can also be very helpful with headaches.

Chamomilla– THE remedy for the irritable infant, especially from teething or colic. The infant cries incessantly, and nothing seems to provide any relief, except carrying them, and even then, the crying begins recurs as soon as the parent puts the child down. If this sounds like your little one, you MUST have this one on hand.

Kali Phos– Mental tiredness from overwork. Nervous exhaustion. Nervous indigestion.

Magnesia phosphorica –Very effective remedy for cramps, including menstrual cramps.

Nat mur– Sneezy cold and allergy. Runny nose. Vertigo. Premenstrual tension. Can help ease anxiety.

Nux vomica– I used this particular remedy around the holidays, and I keep it in my purse at all times. This remedy is great for things in excess, eating too much food or drinking too much alcohol. It happens to the best of us, and this remedy works great. (Helps with nausea and vomiting)

Pulsatilla– Premenstrual tension and menopause.


You can buy homeopathic remedies at your corner drugstore. Hylands has many remedies. You can find eye drops, earache drops, teething tablets, PMS tablets and more. My absolute favorite remedy from Hyland’s is Calms Forte for kids . It is used to help kids settle down to sleep. I use it to help my son with anxiety. He gets nervous when doing something for the first time like vacation, airplane travel, etc. This works so well I will never leave home without it. Here is a Hyland’s kit for kids, a must in the home of any parent.

Boiron is a large company that offers many remedies. The two remedies that I keep in the “medicine cabinet” is Cold Calm  and Oscillococcinum for flu symptoms. Both of these remedies will keep you very comfortable as your immune system powers through. There are versions for children as well.

Kid’s Relief has a whole line of homeopathic remedies for kids and babies. (Cold, cough, fever, pain, earache, allergy, teething, and more) Best of all….they work! You can purchase online, and I recently saw a commercial that CVS carries the line as well.

Homeopathics have been very helpful in my home, I hope they will be in yours too!

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions. 

