Aromatic Medicine VS Taking Essential Oils Internally

Aromatic Medicine VS Taking Essential Oils Internally

Did that title leave you scratching your head? It was meant to. Completing my advanced training in Aromatic Medicine showed me that there is quite a difference between the two. What is the difference between aromatic medicine vs taking essential oils internally?

Here are some examples that I will be covering today. Nowhere in Aromatic Medicine training are we taught about how to use essential oils as preventative medicine. Nowhere are we taught about placing essential oils in water. Placing oils in a capsule? You bet…without a carrier oil? Never. Place a drop of essential oil under your tongue or on the roof of your mouth? Not a chance. There are very distinct differences between the two, and too many essential oil enthusiasts are missing the bigger picture.

Drinking Our Oils

I do not want to re-create the wheel too much here, but it is important to beat this concept over the head with the proverbial stick….Essential oils and water do not mix! It does not matter how warm your water is. Vigorous swishing…will still not change the chemistry of oil and water.

Now, there are actual “safe” ways to do this, but I am not going to be sharing them today. Why you ask? There is no real benefit to it! In today’s society, many of us want a benefit or a quick fix to health, right? Insert real fruit! Essential oils have been proven to have no nutritional value. You read that right…none. No vitamin C, D, minerals, antioxidants…nada. Real fruit is more economical, more sustainable/environmentally friendly, and with no risk! You can mix up fruit and fresh herbs, throw in a vegetable like slices of cucumber, and you have a great tasting, nutritional, hydrating drink.



Are essential oils used in the flavoring industry? You betcha. More often than you realize in fact. Are they in the same “form” if you will of the essential oils that you have in your home? Not even close. Why are they different you ask? They are not the same as essential oils as we know them and for good reason. Deterpenation and rectification are methods that are used to make them safe for human consumption in food and beverage. This is something that many do not understand, but it is important for anyone being told to put oils in their food and especially their water to be able to discern.

So what exactly does deterpenated (1) or rectified (2) mean? Deterpination makes the “substance” more bioavailable or in other words the extent to which the essential oil is taken up by specific tissue or organ after administration. Rectification removes possible impurities. Deterpination and rectification are what make them safe for human consumption in food and beverage.

Essential Oils In Capsules

Essential oils in capsules are meant specifically for the gastrointestinal tract. We place essential oils with a carrier oil into capsules for a variety of purposes. Acid resistant capsules allow the aromatics to reach the targeted area. They are not meant for weight loss, allergies, or to avoid getting sick.

Neat Essential Oil Use

Many aromatherapists speak to neat essential oil use and the risk that it represents. This is a topical use on the skin risk as well as an internal mucous membrane risk. To simply say “I have been doing this for years and I am OK” is not wise and should not be shared as a viable reason to tell someone to give it a try.

It is hard for some that are essential oil lovers to understand that they can and do present real risk when used inappropriately. Every substance carries risk, even water when you consume too much too quickly. When you place a drop of oil neat oil under your tongue or on the roof of your mouth, you are inviting the potential risk to become reality. Mucous membrane irritation, burning, and erosion of the membrane lining (limonene rich oils) can be potential issues. Please heed the warning; I want to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Aromatic Medicine

Getting my advanced diploma in Aromatic Medicine was one of the best decisions I ever made in my continued education, and it challenged me more than any other education I have had to date. The training not only taught me a myriad of ways to confidently help my family and myself, it took my ability to speak on topics regarding safety to the next level. It was hard work, but incredibly rewarding. Aromatic Medicine is treating essential oils as the powerful catalysts that they are, as medicine, it is not taking essential oils internally as many believe it to be.

My place in the community is to speak to essential oil safety clearly, effectively, and make it easily digestible for everyone. If you feel something is not right or you are not sure, reach out to me. I would be happy to help you on your journey. Safety is my mission, stick around to learn more!




(1) Arce, A., Soto, A. (2008) Citrus Essential Oils: Extraction and Deterpenation. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology. Retrieved from

(2) Rectification and Fractionation of Essential Oils. (2014) Retrieved from


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Like so many practices in life I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.