Am I happy? Do I follow my bliss? What is my path in life? These are just a few of the many questions that we ask ourselves on a daily basis. Some of us look into the future for our happiness….once I land my perfect job I will be happy. When I move to ____ I will be happy. When I retire I will be happy. Are you happy? It is time to follow your bliss!


Happiness is not something that we “find” in the outside world. Happiness is found within ourselves. The saying goes you can’t love someone else until you truly love yourself. This statement is so true, as it is with happiness. When someone is truly happy, comfortable in their own skin, love themselves completely including all their faults, you can feel their energy. You feel great in their presence…it is contagious. They spread their happiness like a soft blanket. You can’t help but to smile, feel good and maybe even wonder, why can’t I be like that?


The first step is to be willing. Take a positive attitude no matter the situation. Say I am willing to try instead of I can’t do that. Realize that life is so short and it is never too late to turn things around.


Develop a mindset that is focused on finding and following your bliss. This means allowing time and energy to explore different things. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone.  At least a little bit. What humbles you, bringing you to your knees? What do you stand gaping, open-mouthed in awe of? Who do you love impossibly and with every inch of possibility? …is it Art? Painting? Singing? Dancing? Writing? Gardening? Cooking? What would you do even if you weren’t getting paid for it? Think about it….then do it. You can’t “find your bliss” by doing the day to day routing with no excitement. Make a list of things that make you feel great, something that you have a passion for and make time for it. No excuses, do not say I will start tomorrow or I do not have time. Make time, start right now!

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”―Joseph Campbell


Most of all if you are unhappy in a situation change it. I realize some things can’t happen overnight, but they can be done. I have had the pleasure of hearing stories of people selling everything they own….down to towels and sheets and moving across country, children in tow to start a new life. People quitting their job because it was not their life calling to start a whole new venture, no promises, no guarantees and been happier than ever before. Going back to school in their 40’s to start a whole new career. Leaving their husband of years without a career of their own, but needed to stand on their own two feet. I have heard story upon story of brave souls who made the change, who took that first scary step into the abyss… be happier than ever. You can do it too. Follow your bliss!

Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real. Deepak Chopra


Are you happy? It is time to follow your bliss!






Coming upLook for future blog’s for ways to follow your bliss and find true happiness <3


Stress….it affects the whole family!


Time for some self-lovin’