Bergamot Essential Oil to Support our Mental Wellness

Bergamot Essential Oil to Support our Mental Wellness

There any many essential oils that can benefit us when used stress. Why reach for Bergamot essential oil to support our mental wellness? Enjoy this complimentary essential oil monograph.     Method of extraction- Cold-pressed expression of medium ripened...

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Navigate Difficult Changes with Essential Oils

Navigate Difficult Changes with Essential Oils

How can we navigate difficult changes with essential oils? Chronic worrying can lead to anxiety, panic, and essentially leave your nervous system unregulated and completely on edge. Sometimes you may feel like it is an endless roller coaster that you cannot get off...

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My Top 20 Educational Essential Oil Blogs

My Top 20 Educational Essential Oil Blogs

Essential oil safety is a hot topic, understandably so with its popularity. I have hit on many topics over the years and decided to share my top essential oil blogs of all time with you. Twenty topics that have been seen and shared thousands of times, in the ease of...

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My Top 5 Essential Oil Diffuser Recommendations

My Top 5 Essential Oil Diffuser Recommendations

I love essential oils. Is that surprising? Surely if you know me, you know that may be an understatement. Know what else I love? Essential oil diffusers. I have a few criteria that I follow before I purchase one, the first is its safety features, the second is it...

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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

No matter your personality, there are many of us who are considered ‘worrier types'. Merriam Webster describes worry as mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usually for something impending or anticipated (1). How to stop worrying and start living!...

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