Welcome to podcast #3, “Why I am so passionate about what I do”…… This podcast is intended to let you see a piece of my world….and share with you my hopes for the future of the aromatherapy industry.
If you want to learn more about safety, you can purchase my new book Essential Oils…safe use for the home, in two places. Look above ^^^ under the “Products for Sale” link. For just $12 you can get a personalized signed copy shipped directly to you. You can also purchase on Amazon here, available in paperback and Kindle.
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
Why I Refrain From Sharing Therapeutic Essential Oil Blends. I bet that title got your attention. There are a couple reasons why I do not list therapeutic essential oil blends/formulations in a blog. You could do a simple Google search such as “essential oils for allergies” and you will find many posts, memes, pins, etc, on how to “treat” your allergies. The issue here is multifaceted, the first being that many of the recommendations would not be effective. Another is the method of use (recommending oil in a capsule) is not the most effective or safe for allergies. Lastly, more often times than not basic safety is not covered when these blends are shared, possible contraindications listed or even safe diluting advice given.
Why I Refrain From Sharing Therapeutic Essential Oil Blends
So you may be thinking, if I know all of this information, why am I avoiding sharing therapeutic essential oil blends for the general public? Up to this point, I have taken the path of education, talking about proper use, scientific facts, and touching a little bit on chemistry.
The main reason that I do not share therapeutic essential oil blends/formulations online is the fact that everyone is different. Sure, essential oils have basic therapeutic properties that cross the board for most everyone. BUT if my neighbor, you, or I had bronchitis and needed some help with a few days of suppositories, it is more than likely that we will all have a different formulation based on medical conditions, medications, age, weight, and basic constitution. The same would apply if I made an allergy inhaler, blend for a nebulizer, or steam tent. This would likely require three different blends based on many of these things with the addition of likes and dislikes where aromatics are concerned.
What Is A Contraindication?
Many essential oils come with what are called contraindications. These are specific instances when an oil should not be used because it might be harmful, for example, anyone with a history of seizures, asthma, blood clotting disorders, taking certain medications or are pregnant or nursing to name a few. There are certain oils not recommended for children for various reasons. Some oils increase the risk of skin irritation when applied topically (more so for those with sensitive skin), while other oils are phototoxic.
This slowly begins to paint a picture as to why sharing essential oil therapeutic blends can be an issue.
When Things Backfire
As an aromatherapy educator and someone who is present in social media, I have seen more essential oil “accidents” then I care to think about.
-A woman contacted me with chemical burns on her mouth and chin from the application of diluted cinnamon and clove to a cold sore. The burns lasted a couple weeks and were extremely painful and slow healing with continual cracking of the skin.
-I have had a panicked mom in the ER contact me as her daughter was covered in hives and patchy red sores/blisters from a one-time application of a blend to her chest for a cough.
-I have had a mom contact me panicked that her child was listless after a nap where a recommended blend from Pinterest was recommended for peaceful sleep.
There are many others, but I listed these three as they were the ones that were really upsetting to the individuals affected. Luckily, all three cases recovered nicely and are ok today.
Do I Give Advice?
Am I willing to give advice to others on social media or over the phone? I am willing, at times, to do so privately if I feel the situation warrants it, although I tend to stick to the facts surrounding safety in all things. Before I do this I ask proper questions such as: Do you have any medical condition I need to be aware of? Are you taking any medications? What is your overall health like? Do you have sensitivities? Do you have allergies? Depending on the possible recommendation I ask: Do you have any small children in the home? Do you own pets?
I also run a very large Facebook group, where I get questions daily. I answer those to the best of my ability, but always state to do additional research, as that is really important.
There is much to be considered.
Aromatherapists Responsibility
As a trained aromatherapist, I took an oath of “do no harm”. First and foremost, my thoughts are on keeping you safe. If you follow my FB page, you may have made note of something special that I add to posts when I share something that is written by others that contain a recommendation within, whether it is for an herb or sometimes, rarely an oil or oil blend. It reads something like this:
**Make note, as I do not know your medical history please do your own research before following the recommendations within.
At the very least, this is appropriate.
It is also the responsibility of the professional aromatherapist to understand that we are not to treat medical conditions. “Diagnose, prescribe, or treat” are things we should not and do not do. What we should do is look at the whole body, the whole person. We work to restore homeostasis by addressing the whole body, in all it fabulous layers and complexities.
This quote addresses this aspect quite nicely:
“To reach the individual we need an individual remedy. Each of us is a unique message. It is only the unique remedy that will suffice”.- Madame Marguerite Maury
Madame Marguerite Maury (1895-1968) was an Austrian born biochemist who became interested in what was to become aromatherapy. Look again at the years of her life…have we veered too far from her quote and lost the true art of aromatherapy? She was a very wise woman indeed.
What Can Be Done
Let’s take a brief look at what I consider to be beginner’s blends. These are very basic blends that do not carry with them cautions or contraindications. Essential oils that when used are safe for everyone. I do share these at times. These do not address specific ailments. As a professional, if I can assist in helping to get essential oil enthusiasts feet wet using the oils in a safe manner, I have done a great service to our community as a whole. Everyone starts at the beginning. This is very different than a more complex blend that is specific to the individual. Two different uses, if you will. These very basic beginner’s blends may not affect everyone in the same way but do help to see which oils complement each other, as well as the basic use of the oil. The more therapeutic use of essential oils needs to be recommended after a one on one consultation with an experienced aromatherapist.
Take A Step Back
There are plenty of responsible aromatherapists with years and years of experience out there that have written blogs, books, and more that do list recipes/formulations for potential ailments. I own and recommend many of these books to my readers/clients. Every professional in the field works from their own level of education and experience, no two of us are alike, and I see this as a beautiful thing. I have a deep respect for everyone and their views, this is what makes us unique.
I have a large following of friends, family, and acquaintances that reach out to me to make sure what they are doing is appropriate. There are, however, much more out there who are not utilizing proper information, as there is so much of it out there it can be difficult to determine what is factual and what is misguided opinion.
What You Should Look For
The best that you can do as a home user is to do your own research. If you are reading blogs they should have plenty of resources and references for you to dig deeper. If you come across an article giving recommendations with no references to speak of, I would keep looking.
Other Things To Consider
Is the publication recent?
Is the author respected “in the field”? In the field is an important piece as many health guru’s have moved over to the essential oil industry without the proper education to back them or their recommendations up.
This is my take on sharing them more therapeutic essential oil recipes/formulations, and why up until now have decided not to do so.
To your health! <3
Like so many practices in life I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
Have you decided you want to be an aromatherapist, are a current student, or recently graduated and not really sure how you will make a living? Well, I am glad you have found this training, as I go over all of that in great detail!
Are you clear on how to practice your modality legally in the US? How about your state?
Do you know the difference between a drug or a cosmetic in regards to your product?
Do you know what you can legally say to a client one on one? How about what you can say on the label, with various marketing materials, on social media, or on your website?
Where can you obtain insurance? Why is this so important and what coverage do you need?
Learn all of this and MORE in my online training program.
This is NOT just for aromatherapists, but also for wellness representatives…the laws apply to you too!
You simply do not get this education in the typical 200-hour aromatherapy course.
When I graduated I was not sure how to invent myself. Let’s face it, looking through the wanted ad’s is not going to get you where you want to go. That is my hopes for the future, but we are not there yet. My goal is to provide you the tools to help you to feel empowered enough to take that next step, and be successful!
I wanted to make this course affordable for everyone.
“As a newcomer to the field of aromatherapy, I was overwhelmed by the FDA’s laws and regulations. This course broke down what I needed to know into smaller, easier to process sections and Leslie was available with a quick response when I had questions or needed further information. The materials provided were easy to understand and the directions were easy to follow. It is a valuable resource to anyone wanting to supplement their aromatherapy education.” -Molly S.
“When I was through with my certification program, I really was not sure if aromatherapy would forever be a hobby or if I could make it a career. Leslie really helped to open my eyes to the possibilities. There was a lot covered in the course that I did not learn in school. It was well worth the investment”. -Karyn P.
“What did I say wrong mister FDA man? Oh, I couldn’t say it is a pain oil? And I can’t say it stops the pain? You mean I can’t make these things anymore? You’re closing me down? This could have happened to me and it could certainly happen to you. Do you know that even though the government doesn’t regulate the sale of essential oils and their products they do regulate what you can and can’t say? Kind of like a grammar police. You could end up on the wrong side of the bar at court if you say things you are not allowed. Yes, they will warn you but you change your words to something else that is still not allowed and you end up in court.
Am I trying to scare you? In a way I am, but I am telling you there is no reason not to know what to say. This program of FDA compliance is the course that not only could save your business but could keep you out of the jailhouse. I have seen it happen. Please take this course so you can know what to and what not to say. Not only what to say but how do you put the correct information on your product label. Again, they don’t regulate the sales but they do regulate what’s on or not on your labels. There is a lot more than just putting some oils together in a jar and slapping a label on it. Do yourself and your family a big favor and go for this course. It’s worth every dime and will keep you from doing time.” -Dan K. CA
In case you are not familiar with the golden rule, it states, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you”, or another version is “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” This rule is imperative in life; it is one that I have taught my boys since they were able to understand what I was saying (I still preach it today, because, well…kids).
I feel that my community, the one that I have dedicated much of the last decade to, can sometimes miss the mark. Those that are super passionate like myself, can at times forget about the way they come across to people online and in social media. I feel confident when I say that if we were in a public setting, things would often not happen the way we “read” them on Facebook. If there is a true “issue”, take it to a private discussion.
I implore everyone to take step back and think how they can better themselves, specific situations, and interactions with one another.
Our industry as a whole, is about helping others, the compassionate healers, and our fellow colleagues should not be an exception to the rule. We SHOULD be thinking about how we can lift each other up, as we all have the same goals, right?
I am all for constructive conversations in Facebook Aromatherapy groups. I often participate in them. I am always conscious in how I may be coming across to others as they are not sitting with me at tea time to see my face, hear my passion, and know my truth. It is important to have this discernment. I do not go out of my way to “prove someone else is wrong”, but rather offer my point of view. Aromatherapy is not always black and white, we do not need to fight our points tooth and nail until threads close down or commenting is turned off and feelings are hurt.
There are plenty of great Facebook groups out there that essential oil enthusiasts can come to get information from. As a qualified aromatherapist, it is important that we understand what we can and can not say, begin to take a look at what we “give away”, and how specific choices may not always be lifting the profession up along the way. At times these things are overlooked, and it tends to ruffles feathers. We do have an option, we can look the other way, or we can leave the group. I understand and share in the frustration at times, but as adults, we have the right to make those choices, and not break the golden rule along the way. Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible.
Another thing to keep in mind is how quickly the industry is blooming, and how many come to us, not only for accurate information, but compassion and care. I know we can do better!
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” -Helen Keller
Let’s all work to do better, and be better going forward. It is not our way or the highway.
What is an adverse reaction to an essential oil? Would you know what to do if you or your child had an adverse reaction to an essential oil or oil blend? Do you know what an adverse reaction looks like? I will be covering a few of those here in hopes to make you more aware of what that might look like, and what to do if it happens. When we use essential oils, safety has to be the first thing we keep in mind.
First and foremost, this article is not written to scare or instill fear, but to make you more knowledgeable. I want to empower you to use them properly and know what to look for in the rare case there is a reaction. It is important to note, if you are following basic safety instructions, the likelihood of an adverse reaction is greatly reduced.
Skin Reactions
The first thing to look out for when using essential oils topically is skin reactions.
-Skin irritation, which is a direct result of contact with the skin and is localized to where the oil was applied. Once the material is removed, healing occurs. Removal is best done with a carrier oil such as almond, jojoba, or milk. Healing may not occur immediately, but you should see improvement after proper removal.
-Skin sensitization is a more serious reaction that is systemic (affecting the entire body or organism), involving the immune system called sensitization.
According to Dorene Petersen, president of the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS):
“Sensitization occurs once the offending substance has penetrated the skin, been picked up by proteins in the skin, and mediated by the IgE response that produces histamine and other irritants” [1].
This is an allergic reaction that begins at the site of application but quickly spreads to the whole body. If the immune system response is activated, you likely will not be able to use the oil, or constituent in the oil again (the constituent can occur in multiple oils).
If this happens to you please seek medical attention immediately. Save the bottle of oils for the medical staff, to help them to understand what they are dealing with. (Poison Control (800) 222-1222…24 hours a day)
–Phototoxic reactions can occur from a specific list of oils. This can occur when certain essential oil constituents on the skin react when exposed to the sun (ultraviolet light). Tanning beds also need to be avoided. This can result in general redness and burning of the skin, changes in melanin of the skin, and there is even potential for a more serious reaction such as chemical burns. These oils can be used on the skin, but utilize caution by not going out into the sun for 12-24 hours after exposure. If you follow this simple safety precaution, you will never have to deal with this type of reaction.
**It is important to note that this applies to the area of skin where the oil was applied, not your body as a whole.
Here is a list of oils that should be used topically with caution, and their maximum use levels according to the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) standards [2]:
*If you have a phototoxic reaction such as a chemical burn, seek out the care of a medical professional to reduce permanent effects.
Diffusing Essential Oils
Essential oil diffusers disperse the essential oil into the air in tiny droplets. Robert Tisserand recommends diffusing times of 30-60 minutes, or 30 minutes on and 60 minutes off [3]. If you are diffusing in a small room, make sure to have proper ventilation. I think Tisserand’s recommendations may be generous when looking at small children, therefore, I will go one step further to say that if you are diffusing for a small child, 15-20 minutes on and 60 minutes off will be more than sufficient for them. If you decide to diffuse for a baby, six months or older, 10 minutes will likely be just enough.
In order to explain possible reasons for the recommended times, let’s talk a little bit about our sense of smell, or our olfactory system.
Dorene Petersen of the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) states that:
“Our sense of smell goes through five stages, those are: detect, transmit, perceive, analyze, and store. These stages cycle incredibly fast. The reception area of our olfactory system is called the olfactory epithelium. The olfactory epithelium is the size of a small postage stamp in each nostril, and is packed with an impressive 40 million sensory neurons, capable of detecting .0000000013 of an ounce of a scent in a single breath of air” [4].
Our olfactory system is incredibly efficient, obtaining the therapeutic benefits of these amazing oils happens quickly. To receive maximum benefit and not waste your precious oils, follow the diffusing times recommended above.
When we inhale too much of a good thing, we can have adverse effects. Tisserand stated in his book, Essential Oil Safety 2e, “prolonged inhalation (more than about 30 minutes) of concentrated essential oil vapors (e.g., steam inhalation or direct from a bottle) can lead to headaches, vertigo, nausea and lethargy” [5].
You can also experience an overall feeling of being unwell marked by malaise or disorientation, or even heartburn. I get heartburn from diffusing cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum).
Concentrated essential oil vapors are considered direct inhalation. What is considered direct inhalation and what is considered passive inhalation?
Direct Inhalation
Steam inhalation (steam tent or steam bowl)
Handheld nebulizer
Directly from the bottle
Inhalers (aromastick)
On hands, cupping the nose
On a cotton ball or other material right up to the face
I recommend avoiding these methods of use under the age of five.
Indirect/Passive Inhalation
Diffusers (atomizers, ultrasonics, nebulizers, fan diffusers, aromastone)
You can greatly reduce risk by practicing safe diffusion times, matching up the right diffuser for your space, and being mindful of adverse reactions. Remember, when you have babies, toddlers, etc., they are not likely going to be able to tell you if they are having symptoms of overuse. They are counting on you to make the best choices you can.
*For more information on safe diffusing, please refer to Essential Oil Safety 2e by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young.
Internal Use
At times online and in social media, internal use is recommended quite casually without much respect for their true power. In my opinion, if you are not trained in the internal use of oils (Aromatic Medicine) or are being helped by someone who is, this is a risky thing to do. Why would I say this? Often times the methods that are being shared are not at all the way that they should be used. Let me explain…
The liver is not equipped to handle this amount of aromatics. You may have heard in certain circles that essential oils are pure and this is perfectly safe. Essential oils are still chemicals. The liver’s job is to recognize foreign substances such as these and remove them as quickly as possible. A good analogy here is water in a glass. Begin pouring water in, once the glass has hit maximum capacity the water overflows. The liver is no different.
Oral dosing can interfere with medication or aggravate other medical conditions. You may hear something like “our oils are pure therapeutic grade and are safe for internal use” or “certain oils are GRAS” (generally recognized as safe for consumption), but this applies to consuming in food (food additives), not in water.
Internal usage does have its time and place, but you MUST know what you are doing…or at the very least, consult with someone who has been properly trained.
Here is another great reference to learn more about internal use.
Interference with Medications
Some oils are contraindicated for use when taking certain medications. These oils can be problematic for those taking diabetes medication, heart medication, cancer medication, and medications via patches just to name a few.
If you are sharing the benefits of oils to others, are you aware of the specific contraindications? If so, are you asking your neighbor or friend what kinds of medications they are taking? The majority (not all) of these warnings are more of a concern when taking the oils internally, but if you are unaware, this can really be a concern.
*For more information on medications that can interfere with essential oil use, please refer to Essential Oil Safety 2e by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young.
As I mentioned above, when you follow proper safety measures, you are much less likely to experience adverse affect. If you are unsure of something, please feel free to reach out to me anytime at Lifeholistically@gmail.com
[1] Petersen, D. (2012) Aroma 101-sensitization. American College of Healthcare Sciences (p 50)
[2] IFRA standards. Retrieved from http://www.ifraorg.org/en-us/standards-library/s/phototoxicity#.V9VaSpMrJn4,
[4] Peterson, D. (2012) Aroma 101. American College of Healthcare Sciences
[3] [5] Tisserand, R., Young, R. (2014) Essential Oil Safety (2nd Ed)
BEFORE YOU GO! Remember to sign up for my FREE Facebook group! Hang out with me and THOUSANDS of other Essential Oil lovers looking to learn, click on to join Real Essential Oil Education Group!
Check out my FREE offer below!
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
Learning how to blend (as a beginner) or formulate (more advanced) can be really fun. However, if you are not a mathematician, it can seem a little bit daunting.
Before You Begin!
There are some things to keep in mind before you begin, the first one is skin protection. Repeat exposure to neat oil is not a good thing, and can greatly increase your risk for sensitization. I recommend these nitrile gloves that you can pick up cheap. This is the very minimum in skin protection recommended, I think a long sleeve shirt is also be a good idea. If you are formulating large amounts of product I recommend a lab jacket and possibly even a hair net. Proper GMP is a must if you are a business owner.
Pipettes are another investment I would not do without. Have you ever tipped over your bottle to get out a couple drops and it pours out? Yeah, that has happened to me too…..but not since discovering pipettes years ago. These are one time use disposable pipettes to avoid contamination. Just squeeze the bulb, insert into the bottle orifice, and slowly tip bottle upside down while releasing squeeze on the pipette. No more overfilling, and you can easily squeeze the leftover back into the bottle.
Dilution Calculator
Once you have these basic supplies you are ready to start blending. My friend Emily Carpenter, Certified Aromatherapist over at Marvy Mom’s created this fantastic and extremely accurate dilution calculator. She has graciously offered for me to link to it here so that you can bookmark it for use. You will LOVE it!
Simple click the image below to get started!
Before you go, check out a couple of Emily’s other blog posts: