by Leslie Moldenauer | | Essential Oils
I love essential oils. Is that surprising? Surely if you know me, you know that may be an understatement. Know what else I love? Essential oil diffusers. I have a few criteria that I follow before I purchase one, the first is its safety features, the second is it needs to be attractive in some way. I get this question often, so I thought it was time to put it into a blog. Drum roll please… are my top 5 essential oil diffuser recommendations.
#1. ASAKUKI Essential Oil diffuser. I have never quite filled it to the rim as the reservoir is a large 700ml, but I love the clean color of this sleek white and grey diffuser. The cube shape makes it really easy to clean, it filters through 7 LED colors (I LOVE my mood lighting), and there are timer settings; a must for me. I use the one-hour setting button so that I can set it and forget it. A bonus is that it is whisper quiet.
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#2 Stadler Form Jasmine Essential Oil, in black. I love black, and it fits in my bathroom perfectly. It comes in other colors too. Love red? Steel grey? Or classic white? The timer is a bit different on this one than the first, it operates at intervals of 10 minutes on and 20 minutes off, which is perfect in a bathroom when taking a bath or shower. It does not get overwhelming because it shuts off after 10 minutes. Perfect!
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#3 Everlasting Comfort Diffuser. If safety is really important to you, perhaps this BPA free diffuser will be of interest to you. It is attractive, comes with a 7 LED light pattern with a dimming option, which is really nice if you like to sleep with a very dark room. There are four timer settings, but the one I reach for is 1 hour so I can feel safe knowing it will shut off shortly after I fall asleep.
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#4 SZTROKIA 3D Galaxy Aromatherapy Diffuser. This is definitely a diffuser purchased for the ooh’s and aah’s, over anything else. It is simply gorgeous. I have been known to run the lamp without the mister, which is a perfect function for me! The listing states it has 7 LED 3D color changing patterns, but there are colors in between the 7, making that number higher. There is no timer on this one, something to make note of, but there are 3 options for the strength of the mist. The other diffusers are made of plastic, this one is glass.
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#5 SOCKETECH Smart WiFi Essential Oil Aromatherapy Diffuser. This last choice is for those aromatherapy lovers who are also tech lovers. This beauty is Alexa & Google home compatible allowing you to utilize all Alexa and Google Home devices to command the diffuser to turn ON/OFF or change the light color by voice. There are 7 LED dimmable light patterns and three timers setting, with my requirement of a one-hour setting.
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So, you may be asking yourself, “Is the timer really that important”, or “Why a timer”? I want to make sure I cover some safety aspects here.
Our sense of smell goes through five stages, those are: detect, transmit, perceive, analyze, and store. These stages cycle remarkable quickly. Up inside our nose, inside each nostril is the beginning of our olfactory system called the olfactory epithelium. The olfactory epithelium is the size of a small postage stamp in each nostril, and has 40 million sensory neurons, capable of detecting .0000000013 of an ounce of an aroma in a single breath of air (1). We can identify a smell instantly, but it can fade just as quickly, what do I mean?
Have you ever walked into a room and smelled something very specific? It could have been pleasing or not, but if you stuck around in the room for a decent length of time, did you ever experience that scent essentially disappearing? Well it didn’t disappear; this is actually a phenomenon called habituation (make or become used to or accustomed to something). In aromatherapy this is often termed temporary sensory fatigue or olfactory adaption.
Robert Tisserand stated in his book, Essential Oil Safety, “prolonged inhalation (more than about 30 minutes) of concentrated essential oil vapors (e.g., steam inhalation or direct from a bottle) can lead to headaches, vertigo, nausea and lethargy” (2). He recommends diffusing for 30-60 minutes before taking a break, I like to be more conservative when little kids are in the home of 15 minutes of diffusing at a time.
We can begin to paint the picture here, diffusing essential oils for too long not only leaves the possibility of overload via the symptoms mentioned above, but olfactory adaption can play tricks on our senses if we cannot even smell the aroma any longer in the room. Couple this with our loved ones, sometimes too little to express that they are feeling unwell, and it can easily be seen that diffusing for hours on end is not the best choice.
For your safety and for conserving essential oils, grab one of these diffusers with a timer. Cute and practical!
Leslie xo
(1) Peterson, D. (2012) Aroma 101. American College of Healthcare Sciences
(2) Tisserand, R., Young, R., & Williamson, E. M. (2014). Essential oil safety: a guide for health care professionals. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier. (100-104, 658)
3 Common Yet Risky Essential Oil Mistakes
Essential Oil Safety-Cautions and Contraindications
by Leslie Moldenauer | | Essential Oils
The essential oils that we know and love are derived from plants, but this does not necessarily mean that the therapeutic benefits or uses from the plant to essential oil are the same. In many cases, this does not hold true. There are many recipes online utilizing essential oils that do not honor chemistry and do not focus on safe use. Sustainability is also a massive concern as more and more people are stepping into the essential oil community every day. It is not necessary to use oils every day, or in everything. When we see a recipe shared online, we must ask ourselves if it is necessary, shifting the way we currently see these beautiful resources.
My goal in this series of blogs is to celebrate plants in all of their glory. I will walk you through from farm to oil. Uses, limitations, and fun recipes of each botanical will be covered. Within each article, I will discuss the herb, flower, fruit, seed, root, or bark, and finally, the oil. This will be informative and most importantly, FUN!
Today I will be talking about sweet orange citrus sinensis essential oil for its powerful therapeutics in the realm of our emotional wellbeing.
Oranges, juicy, sweet, and so uplifting…. (Citrus sinensis)
The first place our thoughts go to when we talk about oranges may be sunny Florida, but sweet oranges, a member of the rutaceae family are actually native to China. Now, the orange is the most common fruit grown in the world today, in places including the Far East, the Union of South Africa, Australia, throughout the Mediterranean area, and subtropical areas of South America and the Caribbean. When looking at the production of oranges worldwide, the amount of oranges that are grown organically is negligible, therefore we should use caution using this oil internally. The great thing is that there is no real need to.
What should we know about conventionally grown oranges? They are sprayed with a lot of pesticides. Over 140 of them. The good news here, is researchers tell us that the pesticides do not find their way to the fruit that we consume, but we know that the peels are cold-pressed to obtain the essential oil, which a very important factor for those that champion internal usage of essential oils [2]. (I still only buy organic oranges, because I eat them nearly every day) No knowledge is bad knowledge.
The main constituent in an orange that we look to use for our health is limonene. Limonene has many benefits, and there have been many studies involving this constituent that show that it does, in fact, have great promise. Limonene is found in the peel of the citrus fruit. Orange has even more limonene than lemon, around 95% compared to 65%, approximately, and lemon is the most commonly recommended oil to throw back into the delicate mucous membranes of our digestive system, running all the way from our oral cavity to our anus.
Now, before your mind goes down the rabbit hole, as you can easily find misinformation online in regards to orange essential oil, we need to address the method of use from fruit to oil, as that oftentimes is where the message gets lost in translation when it comes to this juicy fresh citrus fruit.
We all want to obtain antioxidants in our diets. Antioxidants devour free radicals. Now, it is important to understand that if we are breathing oxygen, we are creating free radicals, so the reality is important too. So…free radicals…in small quantities, not a huge concern, but in excess they will accelerate aging and can lead to all sorts of negative health problems. And since we are being bombarded from all sides with pollution of some sort, we need our liver performing optimally at all times. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants will go a long way towards your optimal health.
Enter oranges, which are very rich in antioxidants, due to both the limonene content as well as the vitamin C content. Thoroughly washing your organic oranges and placing a slice in your water every day is quite healthy, and a nice alternative from plain water all day long. Use the juice of a ½ an orange in a tall glass of water and you have obtained 25% of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C [3]. This is very similar to lemons. Just remember to take care of the enamel on your teeth. Rinsing with water after your drink is a good precautionary measure.
Using the Fruit
Want a sweet treat without the guilt? This is a perfect treat.
Orange Strawberry Mint Popsicles
Adapted from LiaGriffith
These molds are just perfect, and BPA free
Warm water 1 cup
Cold water 1 cup
Raw honey 1/2 cup
Mint leaves, 5-6 sliced in thin strips
Fresh squeezed orange 1
Strawberries, thinly sliced
Warm one cup of your water on the stove to melt the raw honey. Add to a stainless steel or glass bowl to cool quickly (add a few pieces of mint to the warm water). When cooled, add the rest of the water and orange juice.
Place the strawberry slices and mint evenly in your molds, and pour your liquid mixture in. Freeze.
These are so incredibly delicious, without the unhealthy sugars or food coloring.
I ask that all of you begin to think more about where you can use the nutrient-dense fruit before reaching for the essential oil.
When the essential oil is helpful
We can utilize the essential oil to when under stress or suffering from anxiety. Sweet orange essential oil is my number one recommended essential oil to parents for their children. Try this blend in a diffuser (from my Aromatherapy for Kids book):
Woesbegone (Master Blend)
Mandarin red (Citrus reticulata) 15 drops
Orange sweet (Citrus sinensis) 8 drops
Sandalwood Australian (Santalum spicatum) 6 drops
Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) 4 drops
Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) 2 drops
Place these oils in a 5 or 10ml glass bottle. Now you can use on an aromastick or diffuser per your specific diffuser instructions. You can even apply topically properly diluted as sweet orange essential oil is not phototoxic to the skin.
What Does the Research Say?
- “Two hundred patients between 18-77 years of age (half women, half men) were assigned to one of four independent groups. While waiting for dental procedures patients were either stimulated with ambient odor of orange or ambient odor of lavender. Anxiety, mood, alertness and calmness were assessed while patients waited for dental treatment. Statistical analyses revealed that compared to control condition both ambient odors of orange and lavender reduced anxiety and improved mood in patients waiting for dental treatment” [4].
- “Forty (40) male volunteers were allocated to five different groups for the inhalation of sweet orange essential oil (test aroma: 2.5, 5, or 10 drops), tea tree essential oil (control aroma: 2.5 drops), or water (nonaromatic control: 2.5 drops). Immediately after inhalation, each volunteer was submitted to a model of anxiety, the video-monitored version of the Stroop Color-Word Test (SCWT). Although more studies are needed to find out the clinical relevance of aromatherapy for anxiety disorders, the present results indicate an acute anxiolytic activity of sweet orange aroma, giving some scientific support to its use as a tranquilizer by aromatherapists” [5].
- “We included 72 patients between the ages of 22 and 57 while waiting for dental treatment in our study. The participants were assigned to either a control group (14 men, 23 women) or to an odor group (18 men and 17 women). Ambient odor of orange was diffused in the waiting room through an electrical dispenser in the odor group whereas in the control group no odor was in the air. Specifically, compared to the controls, women who were exposed to orange odor had a lower level of state anxiety, a more positive mood, and a higher level of calmness. Our data support the previous notion of sedative properties of the natural essential oil of orange (Citrus sinensis)” [6].
Essential Oil Misconceptions
There are two really big misconceptions that I want to briefly talk about, and provide resources for further reading.
The first is that we can and should be placing drops of orange (or another citrus) essential oil in our water to drink daily. Some suggest a drop, some much more. Is this really logical?
Essential oils are lipophilic, also called non-polar substances, but they are not actually fats. Water, on the other hand, is polar [7]. When looking at things from a chemistry angle, when you have one non-polar substance and one polar substance, it is like a bad date, they cannot get away from each other quickly enough. They stay separate, trying adamantly not to touch. Unlike the dating scene, opposites do not attract here. The oils will sit on top of the water, no matter how vigorously you mix it, or the temperature of the water. Chemistry is chemistry. Learn more about essential oil chemistry, here.
Many people are drinking their essential oils, and this is very unfortunate, as the risk is not fully understood. Why? Long-term studies are not yet available. The reason is that this is a relatively new recommendation, albeit a very prevalent one, so I feel the evidence will begin to show itself in time.
Essential oils do not belong in a glass of water without an emulsifier, period.
The second misconception and the reason why it is stated to put essential oils in our glass of water is that essential oils contain nutrients, in the case of orange, the claim is often vitamin C.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a nutrient is “A substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth” [8].
The Oxford Dictionary further states that a supplement is “A substance taken to remedy the deficiencies in a person’s diet” [9].
A few key points in regards to this topic are:
-Steam distillation of plant matter occurs at approximately 100 °C/212 °F [10].
-Vitamins degrade at very specific temperatures. Vitamin C, for example, degrades right around 70 °C [11]. Notice that this is 30° cooler than the temperature in which plants are distilled.
-For these reasons, sweet orange essential oil is not providing us with anything that we are missing in our daily diet, therefore is not a supplement.
What about the cold-pressed variety you ask? Because the cold-pressed variety of essential oil is not performed under heat, it is fair to say that some vitamin C could be present in the oil, although evaporation of the volatile nutrient will definitely come into play here are well. It is very important to remember though, the amounts will be insignificant, definitely not anything to write home about. If you are looking to obtain vitamin C as a true supplement, please consider the fruit.
I know that these are bits and pieces of a very important puzzle, therefore, I ask that you please take the time to read my article on essential oils and nutrients, here.
When we take from the earth for nutrition, sustenance, and healing, it is important that we always consider not only the impact of our use but on giving back. In an ideal world, if we all gave back a little bit more than we take, the impact would be massive.
If you are placing orange essential oil in your water every day, think first and foremost of the possible health implications of this. Always use a critical eye to consider what you were previously told may be flawed. Is further unbiased research warranted? Are using oils every day in this manner supportive of the sustainability of essential oils? Could we utilize the real fruit for a much safer, nutrient-rich alternative? I think the answer to this is a resounding YES!
We need to begin to shift the way we currently see these beautiful resources, for the continued future success of natural healing.
Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
[1] “Citrus ×sinensis (L.) Osbeck (pro sp.) (maxima × reticulata) sweet orange”. Archived from the original on May 12, 2011.
[7] Polar vs Non-Polar Molecules: What you Need to Know. Retrieved from
[8] Definition of a Nutrient. Retrieved from
[9] Definition of a Supplement. Retrieved from
[10] Distilling Aromatic Plants. Retrieved from
[11] Rahmawati, S., Bundjali, B. Kinetics of the Oxidation of Vitamin C.
Retrieved from
Sustainability Issues
The Environmental Impact of Essential Oils
3 Common Yet Risky Essential Oil Mistakes
by Leslie Moldenauer | | Essential Oils
According to, burnout is “a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands” [1]. Here are my top tips to avoid emotional and physical burnout.
Having experienced burnout myself for the better part of three years, I know it pervades every nook and cranny of your mind and body until you feel like you have cement blocks tied to your limbs and your memory is…well all but a memory….pun intended.
Mental Health Awareness Day is October 10, 2019. My goal through my business is to help guide you to be well in every way possible.
According to the Harvard Business Review, 1 in 10 employees is a high risk of burnout [2]. I am confident when I say that the number is similar if not worse for stay at home moms.
So, how can we better care for ourselves to avoid burnout?
The top three things are proper sleep, adequate nutrition and water, and moving our body. These things are the base or foundation of wellness. We cannot expect to go to bed late and wake early and expect to be able to keep up with life’s demands.
Everyone thrives from varying hours of sleep, 7-9 is ideal. Don’t fool yourself if your number is 4 or 5, this is not ideal. The fuel we provide our body will dictate our wellness. We truly are what we eat. Be sure to sip water throughout the day. ½ to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight is the goal. If you drink dehydrating beverages such as coffee, tea, wine, or soda, you will need to up your intake.
Moving on to our basic needs, here are a few things I recommend.
Asking for Help
“Ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong.”-Les Brown
Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I’ve got this? I do not need any help.” Or possibly you do ask for help, and then it does not get done the way you would have done it, and you say to yourself, “Nothing gets done right around here unless I do it myself!” Perfectionist anyone? I am saying this from my own life experience. This was me, big-time!
Ask for help! You are human, so let the notion of, “I can do it all by myself,” go. I will not argue the fact that you can, in fact, do it all by yourself, but at what expense is the question. At the end of the day, if it aids you in taking better care of yourself, you are winning. Keep it up!
Speak your Truth
This sounds simple enough, right? Well, for many of us, not so much. We fear what others will think, we worry about how we may be perceived. “Can’t handle it”, or “not good enough” type thinking can be troublesome for many of us.
Speak your truth, in all of your relationships. But by far, the number one person you need to be truthful with is yourself. It is ok to admit that you do not have it all together. It is ok to admit you’re overwhelmed. It is ok to admit that you’re angry and resentful.
It is ok to not be ok.
Whatever it is, communicate it as calmly and lovingly as you can. Yes, even negative feelings need to be expressed when you are in a good place to do so. Holding in feelings of any kind is completely toxic to one person, in particular, you.
Creating your Container
“Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal, and necessary.”-Doreen Virtue
So, what do I mean by a container? Create, honor and follow through with clear boundaries! Boundaries are created to protect your energy. Honor what is yours and what is not. Do not allow others to cross the boundaries you have set for yourself.
To clear energy and purify our container it helps to perform rituals of sorts in order to move toward this goal. This can include meditation, mindfulness, practicing non-attachment, yoga, dance, song, and journaling; anything that brings you total peace and quiets the mind.
This also includes letting go of past hurts and deciding this is your time. It is time for letting go of what anyone else thinks, and living for one person, you.
Let’s shift to boundaries. A therapist shared this analogy, and it really stuck with me:
You buy a new house with a lovely flower box across the whole front yard. As you are tending to your flowers, a neighbor walks down the sidewalk and says, “That looks like crap! You need to do something about that. You call that gardening?” You smile and try to ignore him, and he walks away. You look at your flowers and decide you really like them! The next day you go to tend to your flowers and they have been torn out, ripped up from the roots. You head to the store and purchase something a bit different and replant them. Again, the neighbor walks by and insults your green thumb.
Are you going to say something or be quiet?
Does it matter that he does not like it?
Did you change your choice of flowers with the hope of pleasing him? Enter boundaries. Of course, you say something! This is your yard! You are not planting to please him, right?
Shift this to your real life. Do you have boundaries, or do you let others tell you how you should think, talk or act?
This is one very small piece of healthy boundaries.
One of the biggest aspects of creating boundaries is in knowing what you are willing to accept whether from family, friends, colleagues or strangers. The only person in this lifetime who you are going to be able to change is yourself. Letting go of the need to understand others is really hard, but it is important to try.
Reignite your Passion
One (of many) reasons why I experienced severe burnout is that I lost myself as a stay at home mom. I am a born nurturer, and if there is one thing I do very well, it is the role of a mother. But through 10 years at home, I really began to lose myself.
I love to draw and paint, I love to write, sing, dance, practice yoga, garden, and many other things that allow creative expression of self. I lost almost all of those things, and when I tried to resurrect them, I was already teetering dangerously close to adrenal burnout that it was a little to late to turn it around.
Do what you love!
This applies to jobs, relationships, all of it. If it cannot be fixed or reborn, it needs your careful self-examination.
Limit Screen Time
Just as I encourage those of our youngest generation, we need to limit screen time, news and social media and recharge.
Dr. Jean Twinge, San Diego State University psychologist and Dr. W. Keith Campbell, University of Georgia psychology professor found that after only one hour of screen time that many children exhibited lowered self-control and greater emotional instability than that or their peers [3]. Adults are no different!
This includes violent TV programming, especially if you are an empath or a highly sensitive person (HSS). Bring in as much joy as you are able.
Treat Yourself
Bliss Bath
Rose Absolute (Rosa x damascene) 6 drops
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) 4 drops
Epsom salt 1 cup
Unscented fragrance-free shampoo 1 Tbsp
Full fat crème ½ cup (optional)
Mix and add to bath after the water has run.
Light a candle, grab a glass of wine or sparkling water and relax.
Diffuser Blend
Turn the timer on your diffuser before you slip under the covers with your favorite nighttime blend.
Here is one of mine:
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) 4 drops
Marjoram (Origanum majorana) 3 drops
Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata) 2 drops
Neroli (Citrus aurantium) 1 drop
If you feel that you are exhausted all of the time, this is your body trying to tell you something. Listen in before it begins to scream.
Take care of yourself!
Sending you wishes for abundant health and happiness.
xo Leslie
The Most Common Cause Of Fatigue That Is Missed By Doctors
by Leslie Moldenauer | | Essential Oils, Spirit
I am honored to share my latest guest blog post by Virginia Joy Musacchio (V.Joy) MA, CCA, CBC., Categories of Grief & How Using Essential Oils Can Help. Joy has been working with and teaching about essential oils for over 30 years. She owns and runs Stillpoint Aromatics offering over 400 organic, wild-harvested and biodynamic oils. V. Joy teaches aromatherapy certification programs and weekend workshops as well as classes on metaphysics and emotional wellness. She also offers aromatherapy consultations and “readings” for wellness.

Categories of Grief & How Using Essential Oils Can Help
Grief by definition by Merriam Webster is deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement. One thing that all types of grief have in common is loss. And depending on the severity of the loss is the severity of the grief.
There are sub-categories so to speak of grief.
- Anticipatory Grief – this happens when we have sadness or sorrow when dealing with an impending loss.
- Grief “Normal Grief”-If there is even such a thing as normal grief. In this type of grief, we are able to move through our life and deal with the feelings that arise from the event. Eventually, the grief is integrated and we can move forward and even sometimes grow from the experience.
- Catastrophic or Traumatic Grief – This type of grief, levels us. It can freeze us in time. This type of grief occurs when the event changes our lives permanently and we are never the same.
- Delayed grief – This type of grief occurs when that event or death is not dealt with at the time but years later.
The above types of grief are personal friends of mine. With my mother’s impending death from cancer 36 years ago I experienced anticipatory grief in watching her and waiting for her to die. My father’s death fits into the category of normal grief. I was filled with sorrow when he passed, but I lived on. However, my mother’s death was catastrophic and my world ended when she passed. It is now 36 years later that I am dealing with the delayed grief of her death.
So now the question becomes, what to do with this. The most important thing when dealing with any type of grief is to NOT suppress it. One of the worst things that one can do is go on anti-depressants. All the pill does is make an intolerable situation or emotion tolerable. It creates a fake floor and the trauma is not dealt with and does not go away. The only way to allow healing and integration is to feel it, go into it (as uncomfortable and scary as that is).
So now the thing is to find “things” to help us do this. The hopeful news is that there are many things and actions that we can take that can help us on this journey and integrate the grief or at least learn how to walk with our grief. The point is not to make the grief go away, the point is to become friends with grief and develop the emotional courage to deal with the waves of grief that may continue to come for our lifetime (especially in traumatic or catastrophic grief).
- As I mentioned, the most important thing is to feel what you are feeling. Cry the tears, feel the rage, the sorrow, the hopelessness, the sadness, the anger, and stay with the feeling until it moves (and it will). Allow the feelings to pass.
- Developing a spiritual practice is imperative, as this will help you connect to what is greater than us and not feel alone or abandoned. Yoga (not for me), meditation and/or prayer help tremendously. These practices help harness the emotions and transmute the grief (even only if it temporary).
- Therapy… that is if you can find a competent therapist that understands grief. (Beware though, there are many shitty ones our there).
- Rituals such as burning incense in honor of your loved one, lighting candles, or talking to them every morning or night may help alleviate the feelings of loneliness, abandonment, and despair.
- Using essential oils is very powerful as the olfactory sense is the only sense that bypasses the Thalamus (brain), and has a direct and immediate effect on the limbic system and neocortex providing almost an instantaneous shift in the emotional body.
Being that I am a clinical aromatherapist, essential oils are my specialty, so here are a few essential oils that are quite helpful when dealing with the emotional body and grief:
- Neroli (Citrus var amara) – The oil for the emotional body. Wonderful for deep sadness, anxiety, depression, loss, and bereavement.
- Melissa (Melissa officinalis) – The oil for emotional shock and trauma.
- Rose (Rosa damascena) – The oil for the heart’s deep sorrow and for self-love.
- Cedarwood (any) – Cedarwoods provide comforting and support.
- Linden Blossom – Helps regain the sense of trust in the world.
- Fragonia (Agonis fragrans) – Helps restore the balance of the emotional body. Wonderfully calming and stabilizing.
- Angelica Root (Angelica archangelica) – Helps provide a feeling of protection and connection to whatever the Divine is for you
They can be diffused, blended in a crème, or used as a pillow spray before bedtime.
Allow yourself to honor and feel the grief. Be easy and gentle with yourself.
Virginia Joy
Supporting others when under stress….holistically
by Leslie Moldenauer | | Essential Oils
Using Essential oils to remove ticks and tick bites
**Everything that follows is from a viral Facebook post of mine that originated on May 25, 2017.
In an effort to combat the newest recommendation of putting peppermint essential oil on the tick while it is embedded. NOT a good idea, please do not apply anything to the tick.
For those of you who question the accuracy of the information I provided, I applaud you! Whether you are a believer or not, you should question and fact check everything you read, on the Internet or otherwise.
I am providing you with just a few of my findings. Some of the research papers are not available in full to the public unless paid, but I assure you I have them in full and have read them.
The risks of infection and other problems from a tick bite increase if the removal isn’t correctly done. The CDC offers some warnings on tick removal. You should never:
• burn the tick with a hot object
• kill the tick while it’s still attached to you
• lubricate the tick with oil or other liquid
• twist the tick’s body when pulling it out
(Therefore, I do not see a benefit to using the twisting tool that was shared in the comments of the thread)
Healthline Tick Removal
“DO NOT try to burn the tick with a match or other hot object.
DO NOT twist the tick when pulling it out.
DO NOT try to kill, smother, or lubricate the tick with oil, alcohol, Vaseline, or similar material while the tick is still embedded in the skin.”
This can kill the tick before it disengages its mouthparts. It can also cause the tick to regurgitate its contents into the wound, increasing the likelihood of transmitting a number of diseases.

Medline Plus Important Information
“Prompt removal of attached ticks is a prudent public health measure, especially in regions where Lyme disease is endemic”.
In Australia, ticks are even more deadly, causing paralysis in humans and easily killing small animals!
“In the past, there’s been a whole range of ‘urban myths’ — substances you need to put on ticks to remove them, everything from a lighted match to kerosene to nail polish remover,” Dr. Webb says.
“The problem is that will just make the tick agitated, and the more agitated it is, the more likely it is to inject saliva and toxin into the bite site.
“Even worse is if you try to remove a tick with your fingers, you’re actually just squeezing it and potentially squeezing more toxin into yourself.”
One of two methods they suggest killing the tick instantly by freezing it by using: Aerostart (a spray used to start car engines), ether-containing sprays (such as those that freeze off warts) or liquid nitrogen (which you’d need to access via your doctor). This would kill the tick instantly!
Next to freezing it, the second method is removing it “whole” as quickly as possible.
ABC AU Important Information
Placing peppermint essential oil, kerosene, petroleum jelly, etc…DOES NOT kill the tick quickly enough. Herein lies the issue: they will become agitated as you are essentially smothering them, greatly increasing the likelihood of them regurgitating their contents inside of you.
I watched the infamous video being shared on Facebook of applying peppermint essential oil to the tick. I ask that you search for it in the search bar, watch it and count how many seconds after applying the oil it takes for the tick to let go and remove it’s hold on its victim. 16 seconds! The tick crawled away, it did not kill it nearly quickly enough if at all…it needs to kill them instantly!
I very rarely share “opinions” in regards to important topics like these..know that I am a strong researcher, a critical thinker..and always look at risk vs benefit in all situations….so I wanted to be sure to validate my stance on this issue.
Additional Resources
CDC Ticks
NetDoctor Tick Removal
Lyme Net Europe
Everything you ever want to know about ticks, their mechanisms of feeding, findings of how often they regurgitate, etc. This shows how important prompt removal is.
Research Paper 1
Research Paper 2
Lastly, here is a good research paper on the prevention of tick bites using lemon eucalyptus extract that may be of interest to some of you who live in tick-infested areas of the country.
I hope that this information helps you!
Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
Essential Oil Skeptics-Confirmation Bias
by Leslie Moldenauer | | Essential Oils
Is there anyone that is stress-free? Some say that a small amount of stress is healthy, as well as we can identify “good stress” (eustress) and “bad stress” (distress). There is one thing I can agree with, that stress reduction is just as important as stress management…and this all starts with our attitude and a whole lot of self-care/self-love.
The key is working to become more stress resilient…as we know completely eliminating stress is very unlikely. –Leslie Moldenauer
When we look at things logically and with a clear head, we can see that even our youngest are under stress. School, sports, strict schedules and always being on the move can stress out parent and child alike.
Now that I am in the school system I can easily see how much stress our youth is under. There is SO MUCH PRESSURE to not only succeed but to compete. I reiterate with my boys daily that perfection is simply not attainable, or desirable. This may not be a popular opinion, but once I became very clear with my boys that straight A’s were not only not expected, but also not encouraged, they let out a big exhale.
It is much more important to me that they learn life skills, that they are good people! These things are not taught in school nearly enough. I assure you, that is not me removing my own responsibility as their mom, however, much of our youth have little education on how to deal with the emotional aspects of life…… is just not being focused on.
There are too many boxes that children are being put into…..I say break down the boxes!
Now let us look at how hard life can be sometimes for us adults. Adults have very real problems…and many of us do not hold space for others, forgetting that even in the worst of moments…that everyone has a story, everyone has wounds, and everyone struggles…just as you do.
Ego often takes precedence over the spirit. Myself, included, sometimes when we are so buried in our own stuff we forget that others have real problems too, and maybe even more important, that others may be suffering.
So do we suffer in silence? Do we speak up? Do we ask for help? Asking for someone to hold space for us does not mean that we are looking for our problems to be solved, for anyone to truly “get involved” or anything of the sort.
You can hold space for someone by just being there. You can offer gentle, non-judgmental support and guidance. By simply being there, you can make a big difference in someone’s life. By telling my boys that I am there for them no matter what they are feeling or what they think they have “done”, it immediately reduces their stress. By showing them that their feelings are normal..and even expected, helps them to release the attachment they have to it. Separating yourself and becoming non-attached is THE single healthiest thing you can do for yourself at any given moment.
Non-attachment is freedom from ‘things’. It is removing your attachment to any particular outcome, simply letting go and enjoy the process….enjoy the present moment.
What Else Can We Do?
There are a few things that we have done that have improved things in our home in addition to truly being non-judgmental and holding space:
*We have stopped overscheduling. Sometimes in life, it is more important to “be” than to “do”. Let me tell you how painful this was for my kids at first. DO NOTHING? They thought mom had lost it. But now they actually ask for quiet time, and “most of the time” they are much more even kind and forgiving of each other.
*I make them say things out loud, sometimes in front of the mirror like “I love me”, “I am good enough” and “it is ok to make mistakes”. This was as hard as you could possibly imagine at first..and sometimes they still struggle with it, but more often than not we giggle through any awkward moments and they do amazing…(and feel amazing afterword too). Mirror work is incredibly powerful, don’t knock it until you have truly tried it multiple times.
*We as a family have had to make plenty of time to shut down our electronics. This is actually a ‘cause’ of stress in so many ways. The more we can disconnect with our electronics, social media, and games and get back to real life relationships, nature, and self-care….the less stressed we are.
Other than helping nudge their own attitude and beliefs in the right direction, we utilize aromatherapy to get us through the tougher moments, as we as a family have been handed a rough share of things in the last couple of years, as many of my readers likely have as well.
My boys have diffusers in their rooms, a variety of aroma inhalers, and have their favorite oils. My oldest loves Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and Sandalwood (Santalum album), but he is most affected by Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). My youngest says, “just make me some magic mom”, but he is most affected by Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis).
I have had many a-ha moments with kids in particular, but we aromatherapists know that they have a most profound effect on all of our emotions…some would consider them magic…myself included.
What are you inhaling today?
Want to have dozens of recipes at your fingertips along with fun, healing mantras to teach your children? Grab my ‘Aromatherapy for Kids’ book today!

Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
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