Peppermint Whipped Body Butter Recipe. You will be amazed how easy this recipe is to make, and it smells good enough to eat. Here is what you will need:

-1c cocoa butter (Use refined if allergies are common in the home/for who will be using the body butter)
-1/2c coconut oil (unrefined)
-1/2c almond, olive, or jojoba oil
-10-30 drops of either peppermint, lavender, or sweet orange essential oil (or another favorite)

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan under very low heat until cocoa butter and coconut oil are melted.


Remove from heat, let cool slightly and place in refrigerator for a minimum of an hour, until it starts to become solid. (If you do not let cool enough, it will take MUCH LONGER for your fluffy peaks)….and you will tire of mixing, I assure you….been there…done that.

Use a hand mixer and whip for a good 10 minutes or until fluffy peaks form. Add essential oils during this mixing process.


Place into glass jars. Return to fridge to set.

That is it, super simple. You will LOVE it. This is divine, better than anything you will find in the store. This recipe will make about 2 cups of butter. If you want to make a larger batch for your friends (they make great gifts) add a capsule or two of pure vitamin E oil as a preservative. Avoid dl-alpha-tocopherol, the synthetic form which has been genetically modified and is not safe.

Make note that just as coconut oil liquefies when in warmer temperatures, typically above 76 degrees, your butter will soften as it gets warmer. Store in a cool location and if it becomes too soft, place back into fridge…or mix again with a mixer if necessary. Enjoy your creation!! <3



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