Essential Oils for the Youngest in the Home

Essential Oils for the Youngest in the Home

Essential oils for the youngest in the home. As someone that focuses on essential oil safety above all else, I tend to talk about why specific oils or methods of use are not safe. Today I want to shift focus to what essential oils are safe and look at them in a bit of detail. Empowering and helping are two words that are very important to me and my business…because if I do not support you to feel empowered to help your family, your children, and yourself..then what have I done? Fear is not where it’s at, so let us begin!

I am not an advocate of “never” use essential oils under the age of two, but I do recommend caution on using oils on the skin of our littlest blessings in the home. It is also important to acknowledge that other methods could be useful before automatically reaching for your oils.

Essential Oils for the Youngest in the Home


When my boys were still little babies, I often used herbs before essential oils. Many times I was successful with herbal remedies and saved the oils for myself. Aviva Romm was a go-to for information a decade ago, as was Rosemary Gladstar. If you are interested in learning more about herbs for small children, I will list some resources at the end of this article for further study.

Elder Flowers Sambucus nigra, is great for overall immune boosting as well as to use in a weakened tea when there is a fever present.

Chamomile Matricaria recutita tea weakened down and given in very small doses is very effective for settling gassy tummies.

Linden Flowers Tilia europaea L. is soothing for a child who feels generally unwell and dehydration is a concern.

Calendula  Calendula officinalis is a wonder herb for dry, irritated, rashy skin, including bums.

Of course, as with any remedy, natural or otherwise…every parent must do their due diligence and research.research,research. Herbs are a fantastic modality for even the littlest in the home.



With the exception of maybe Peppermint Mentha piperita, hydrosols are a perfect choice for babies and small children. They are much gentler than essential oils, can often times be used undiluted, and come without the many cautions and contraindications that many essential oils do. Gentle, effective and safe.

By far, the two books that I recommend for hydrosol use for babies and children (and adults) are Hydrosols, The Next Aromatherapy by Suzanne Catty, and Harvest to Hydrosol by Ann Harman (see below).


Great First Essential Oils

Back to essential oils, there are quite a few that are perfectly safe for babies and small children. We always want to keep in mind that less is more, very low dilutions are always a good idea to start with. Oftentimes you will find that you need very little to be effective. I recommend using Plant Therapy’s dilution chart, found here.

I tend to recommend to my clients to avoid essential oils topically less than one year of age if it can be helped but definitely avoid for the first few months of life. I would consider their skin to be oversensitive; their skin is still very delicate.

Short periods of diffusion is likely your best bet under one year of age (10-20 minutes is a safe amount of time), and if topical use is necessary, remember to use the smallest amount possible, or reach for your hydrosols first. In addition, when diffusing make sure baby is in a well-ventilated room.

*For more information on safe diffusing and why, refer to Robert Tisserand’s Essential Oil Safety 2e.


Here are a few of the oils that I recommend as first use oils:

Chamomile Roman Anthemis nobilis

Go stand in the middle of an apple orchard and close your eyes, take a big deep cleansing breath. You are smelling Roman Chamomile. R. Chamomile is very high in esters, therefore it is a very calming essential oil. It is also very soothing to irritated skin of all varieties and is a great tummy soother.


Lavender Lavandula angustifolia

The aroma of Lavender is fresh and sweet, floral and slightly herbaceous. Lavender is superior for supporting mental wellness, promoting a good night sleep, supporting a healthy stress response, and is great to soothe sun-kissed or irritated skin.

*Special note: Lavender is a favorite of many and used often, therefore, we should pay attention to how much we are using it (As we really should with any oil we use). Less is more.



Lemon Citrus limon

Lemon smells amazzzing! Super sweet, fresh, and fruity. Due to the phototoxic risk of this essential oil, I recommend diffusing only unless you are very well-versed in how to use oils topically that are phototoxic.

Diffusing lemon essential oil is a great support for a healthy immune system. It can also be utilized in school-aged children as a pick them up to get them started in the morning, or just to alleviate “Grumpy Gus” syndrome.


Orange Citrus Sinensis

This is by far the most used oil in my household. It calms my 12-year-old like no other oil. It is known as both uplifting for the mood, yet calming on the nervous system. Lavender is often called the Swiss Army® knives of essential oils, but I can easily apply that term here as well for sweet orange. Sweet orange is not photo-toxic to the skin, yay!. A few other varieties are Bitter orange Citrus aurantium var. amara, Wild orange Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck and Blood orange Citrus sinensis (not all-inclusive). Steam distilled vs cold-pressed is often misunderstood when it comes to photo-toxicity. If you are unsure what you have, please reach out to your essential oil provider.


Mandarin Red Citrus nobilis

This is hands down one of my favorite citrus essential oils. Citrusy and tangy, super sweet and fresh. I would diffuse this oil when my oldest (probably 3 at the time) was going through a “Mom don’t you dare leave this room” phase. I would sit and rock him and Mandarin would have him resting in no time, but is great for all ages.

Mandarin Red is a superior, mood-lifter, and promotes all the happy go lucky feelings of being a kid. It is a great addition to a diffuser blend when under the weather, supporting a quicker recovery by providing comfort. Helps to calm thoughts so sleep can come. This essential oil is not phototoxic.


Rosalina Melaleuca ericifolia

Rosalina is herbaceous, medicinal, robust, warm, and slightly spicy.

There are even times when our little ones need assistance to push their bodies toward homeostasis. They need support. It is important to note that essential oils are not a cure, but there are times where essential oils are called on to give the immune system a little extra oompf. Rosalina can be used here.

A powerhouse for supporting a healthy respiratory system, Rosalina is a great oil for kids, has calming properties like Lavender as well as is soothing to skin bites and various irritations like tea tree. A very well-rounded essential oil, and a must-have for your wellness kit.

*Special note: If you are utilizing Rosalina between the ages of three months to one year to support a healthy respiratory system, I recommend light diffusing only. Save must-have topical use for Chamomile Roman, Lavender and Mandarin Red.


These are the first few essential oils that I do not hesitate to recommend for use (not all-inclusive). I always analyze benefit vs risk in all things. Always start with the least invasive, at the smallest dose. When we respect them and their methods of use, many essential oils are perfectly safe for even our youngest in the home.

Let me know if you have any questions, you can direct them to I am happy to assist, always.

Stay tuned for more information on essential oils and kids coming soon!

Herbal Recommendations

Naturally Healthy Babies and Children: A Commonsense Guide to Herbal Remedies, Nutrition, and Health

Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health

Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs A Beginner’s Guide

Additional Resources

Petersen, D. (1986-2014) American College of Healthcare Sciences. Aromatherapy Materia Medica Essential Oil Monographs


Like so many practices in life I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.


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Stress….it affects the whole family!

Stress….it affects the whole family!

Is there anyone that is stress-free? Some say that a small amount of stress is healthy, as well as that there is “good stress” and “bad stress”. There is one thing I can agree with, that stress reduction is just as important as stress management…and this all starts with our attitude and a whole lot of self-care/self-love.

When we look at things logically and with a clear head, we can see that even our youngest are under stress. School, sports, strict schedules and always being on the move can stress out parent and child alike.

It took some effort to really step back and realize that both of my boys are stressed out. Not only are they both empathic as I am, they have issues in their lives that are very real for them. Once I began to sit down at the end of every day to talk with them about what their fears really are, was I able to hold space for them better than I ever had before. And as a result, they have the ability to do that very thing for their friends. It is a beautiful sight to behold in a 10 and 12-year-old….making this momma proud!

Now let us look at how hard life can be sometimes for us adults. Adults have very real problems…and many of us do not hold space for others, forgetting that even in the worst of moments…that everyone has a story, everyone has wounds, and everyone struggles…just as you do.

Ego often takes precedence over spirit. Myself, included, sometimes when we are so buried in our own stuff we forget that others have real problems too, and maybe even more important, that others may be suffering.

So do we suffer in silence? Do we speak up? Do we ask for help? Asking for someone to hold space for us does not mean that we are looking for our problems to be solved, for anyone to truly “get involved” or anything of the sort.

You can hold space for someone by just being there. You can offer gentle, nonjudgmental support and guidance. By simply being there, you can make a big difference in someone’s life. By me telling my boys that I am there for them no matter what they are feeling or what they think they have “done”, it immediately reduces their stress. By showing them that their feelings are normal..and even expected, helps them to release the attachment they have to it. Separating yourself and becoming non-attached is THE single most healthy thing you can do for yourself at any given moment.

What Else Can We Do?

There are a few things that we have done that have improved things in our home in addition to truly being non-judgmental and holding space:

*We have stopped overscheduling. Sometimes in life, it is more important to “be” than to “do”. Let me tell you how painful this was for my kids at first. DO NOTHING? They thought mom had lost it. But now they actually ask for quiet time, and “most of the time” they are much more even kind and forgiving of each other.


*I make them say things out loud, sometimes in front of the mirror like “I love me”, “I am good enough” and “it is ok to make mistakes”. This was as hard as you could possibly imagine at first..and sometimes they still struggle with it, but more often than not we giggle through any awkward moments and they do amazing…(and feel amazing afterword too).

*We as a family have had to make plenty of time to shut down our electronics. This is actually a “cause” of stress in so many ways. The more we can disconnect with our electronics, social media, and games and get back to real life relationships, nature, and self-care….the less stressed we are.

Other than helping nudge their own attitude and beliefs in the right direction, we utilize aromatherapy to get us through the tougher moments, as we as a family have been handed a rough share of things in the last couple of years, as many of my readers likely have as well.

My boys have diffusers in their rooms, a variety of aroma inhalers, and have their favorite oils. My oldest loves Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and Sandalwood (Santalum album), but he is most affected by Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). My youngest says “just make me some magic mom”, but he is most affected by Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis).



I have had many a-ha moments with kids in particular, but we aromatherapists know that they have a most profound effect on all of our emotions…some would consider them magic…myself included.


What are you inhaling today?

Like so many practices in life I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.