Finding balance, not an easy task. I went from stay at home mom focused on raising two rambunctious boys, to a full-time student and stay at home mom raising two rambunctious boys, to being a small business owner, same boys. Finding work life balance, a mom life.

I also have moments where I crave balance and feel like I am failing miserably. And I have had those days when my boys were smaller where I felt so accomplished as I was productive and FINALLY finished ‘XYZ’, but I had a hard time truly enjoying it as much as I should have because of the incredible guilt of feeling like I neglected my kids much of the day.


The first suggestion I have (as I am in NO WAY expert status here) is to realize that sometimes shit is going to happen, and guilt is the worst thing that you can put on yourself. You are only human, well you’re a mom….so I think you qualify for superhuman status….so first things first, pull out that favorite essential oil and starting inhaling that goodness! Breathe, smile at all that is wonderful and amazing in your life, and let’s see if I can be of any assistance.

Some days will be crazier than others, but you ARE more than a mom. You are a beautiful woman that deserves just as much love and attention that you give to your children. If you have babies this will not be as effective as if you have children around the age of mine (10/12), but if your children see you taking exceptional care of yourself, they will not only look up to you for it, but they will reap the benefits…because you will be calmer…steadier…happier…and in the limited vocabulary of their cognitive abilities …MORE FUN!

Finding work life balance, a mom life. 

If we all continually work to place focus on the things that we love and that bring us happiness, the more happiness we will find. Of course, chores and errands are always going to be there, but if you can take a break every couple of hours to do something just for you, even if only for 5 or 10 minutes, it will make a big difference.

Sometimes we are so busy that when we stop to do something for us we say, what on earth should I do? I have an exercise for you to try!!!

When the house is quiet, sit down and make a list A-Z, of things that would help to calm you and help bring you back to center. Something like this:

A. Ask for help, art, allow stillness, acupuncture
B. Bath, breath work, breast massage, book, be
C. Candles, call a friend, cuddle in a warm blanket, cake, chakra cleansing, cook a healthy meal, create a special space, color
D. Dance, date night, “Dear self” letters, diffuse essential oils while sipping tea, etc.

Try it, A-Z. Expand on it regularly. Put it somewhere where you will see it often and try to do a few of them every day. See how much that helps you.

I have a ton of other ideas like these, stay tuned for my next blog just for you mom!


Mom’s Essential Oil Evolution 

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