Empaths or highly sensitive people like me really struggle the more we watch the news (which for me is very rare) or spend too much time on social media. There is a lot going on around us, and sometimes we need to work harder to remember that people are basically good. Sometimes very hard. Today’s post is revealing my top 5 ways to thrive in a seemingly cruel world.


We all know that there is a growing issue surrounding mental health or mental wellness, and getting the help that is needed whether due to insufficient insurance, the stigma surrounding mental health in our society or something else entirely; it is not easy, and for many, it is definitely not working. We live a community where many are afraid to ask for help, and often those that ask do not get the kind of help that is needed.


I hope we can begin to take a step forward to healing in this world, but without guarantees, there are some things that we as individuals, families, and communities can do to not only coexist but begin to thrive.


This post is meant to bring hope, and comfort in a world that can be cruel.

1. We absolutely NEED to unplug. The media does a fantastic job at instilling fear. Take a rest from the media outlets. Spend time in nature, exercise, spend time doing the things that you love, surrounded by the people you love. I recommend at bare minimum 1-2 days a week away from all electronics. This is not to hide but to recharge and restore yourself.

“If you are empathic and feel others pain, it might be a good idea to avoid watching any TV shows or movies that are violent in nature.”

2. Work harder to recognize the good in the world. Be that person. Lead by example. Do as I say and not as I do….is well….crap. When you see someone struggling offer to hold space for him or her. Ask what it is that they need, and listen for the answer. Give extra smiles to strangers. Volunteer time to help others in need. These types of behavior will not go unnoticed, and it will inspire others to do the same. Let the goodness spread like wildfire.

“Start asking around in your community. You may be surprised just how easy it is to help others in need.”

3. Live and let live. The toxicity that spreads on social media, just as much as in the real world (at times) is an energy zapper. Trolls are what they are dubbed in the social media world. I like to call them keyboard warriors. Have a strong opinion about something? You’re likely thinking…who doesn’t, am I right!? Everyone has the right to think for himself or herself. You do not have to agree. You are not them! Straight, gay, transgender, white, black, democrat, republican, homeschool, un-school, cry it out, breastfeed, formula feed, vaccinate, don’t vaccinate, allopathic, holistic, Christian, Atheist, I could go on and on and on. Do no harm, and live and let live.

I could meet someone at a public place who is the complete opposite of me….and I could get on with them just fine as long as they held the same space as I did, their life is theirs, and mine is mine. If I see someone on social media saying something I am adamantly against….I can scroll on without saying ANYTHING AT ALL. It is easy to do. Be that person for a much happier and calmer life!

“Replace criticism with compassion, and judgment with understanding.”

4. This goes along with #3. You have every right to walk away from those individuals who are toxic to your peace of mind. That is expected and encouraged. I have had my share of toxic people in my life, and am happy to say they are no longer in it. I surround myself with those that champion and support me, believe in me, and help me to learn and grow. In return, I do the same for them. Those are the people that light me up inside, those are the people that I will travel across the country for and answer the phone at 1 a.m to help them when in need (you know who you are). Your tribe is the good in this world. Hold them close. Nourish within and inside your inner circle.

“Respect yourself enough to walk away from those that do not respect you.”

5. Nourish yourself, and your mind. You get to decide what thoughts you think as well as the energy you nurture and allow to grow. Fill your days with things that bring you pleasure. This goes well beyond self-care. Many talk of self-care, and while the small things are important, and definitely not a luxury…I am talking about the habits you have, your belief system, your boundaries that you set up for yourself and uphold. Learning how to say no. Putting goodness into your body, as well as your mind. The things you do every day to nourish yourself will have a long-lasting impact. Like Buddha said, the goal is to be calm and still despite what is going on around you. This takes practice and discipline. You do not ‘need’ the world to be happy.

I hope that you have found a small measure of hope and inspiration in my article. Be the change, spread the love.


xo Leslie


Supporting others when under stress….holistically