Introducing the Foojin Personal Wearable Diffuser

Introducing the Foojin Personal Wearable Diffuser

I am thrilled to introduce to you to a revolutionary way to obtain optimal therapeutic benefits of essential oils, hands-free.


I love aromatherapy inhalers, and use them over atomizing diffusers at home because I have two felines. Essential oils are just not as safe for them as I would like, so I only diffuse when they are far from the diffuser, therefore inhalers are my first go to. I love them, but there are many times where I wish I could be hands-free, and consistently try other solutions.


So when a gentleman offering that very solution contacted me, I could not wait to try it. Introducing the Foojin personal wearable diffuser. What is it? The Foojin is a personal diffuser made from the highest quality grade of medical plastic available on the market to date. The wicks are FDA approved plastic, engineered with essential oils in mind.


I was having a bit of a stressful day when the package arrived in the mail, so the timing was perfect. I opened up the package, and utilizing the glass pipette that was provided, I applied one drop of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) to each cotton wick, placed them into the wells, and inserted the diffuser into my nose. One of my initial concerns was immediately put at ease, which was it would be uncomfortable. It did take a minute to get used to it, but it was far from uncomfortable. Another concern was that the aroma would be overwhelming, but I quickly realized that was not the case either. You are in complete control of how little or how much you use, and it is easy to just remove it and place into the plastic storage container provided.



With so many ways and reasons to use it, I highly recommend purchasing one of your own! What are a few of the ways I have used it so far?


* Hands-free driving. Going for a long drive, suffer from stress and anxiety behind the wheel or motion sickness? This is my top recommendation for use of the Foojin. Hands-free driving, therapeutic levels of aromatherapy, and you are not affecting anyone else in the car. Win-win!


* Working at your computer? Studying? Need to be alert and completely focused? The wearable diffuser is perfect. Truth be told, I used to stick the aroma inhaler up my nose so I could do this in the past, but it never stayed in place. Foojin, problem solved.


* I mentioned above that I have felines. I rescued an adorable brother and sister duo that are now a part of the family. I also have two boys, ages 10 and 12, who used the stink of the litter box as a viable reason that they cannot possibly handle the chore of cleaning it. I handed them the Foojin. They were skeptical but tried it and they are sold. Happy mom!


* This handy device has been amazing for sinus issues that allergies or a cold bring.


* The orange Foojin is specifically for exercise. Drop in a little peppermint and you will quickly see how your workouts improve. Learn more about that study, here.


* Do food cravings hit at a predictable time of day for you as mine do? Utilize an oil like grapefruit in your device which has been proved to reduce food cravings, and pass on those extra unnecessary calories. Read the study, here.


* Do you enjoy yoga, meditation, tai chi, or something where grounding and quieting the mind are the goal? I use a favorite like Sandalwood essential oil in my device and have found my practice is greatly enhanced.


*Moms…Do you have a small baby in the room and need the benefits of essential oils and both of your hands to care for them? Here is your solution!


*Nurses, are you around more germs than you would like, or are you looking for a way to block out some of the less desirable smells and can not risk affecting those around you? The therapeutic Foojin is skin colored to be more inconspicuous. If you do not care about what others think…. like me…. wear it in public places that will help assist you and your wellness.


I am sold on the unit and wanted to help get it in the hands of many others, revolutionizing the way we diffuse essential oils. I sent units to a few colleagues for their review. This is what they had to say:


“I have been happy with the results of using the Foojin oil diffuser. I first used it with Frankincense to diffuse a headache; within a few moments I could feel total clarity (like oxygen to the brain) and, the pressure was released from my head giving me great relief. The second time I used the inhaler was for relaxing and shutting down before bedtime. I used a drop of chamomile and was very relaxed within a few minutes; I am not sure I would sleep with it though. Lastly, I have used this personal inhaler while studying and I will continue to use it mostly in this manner. I would recommend this to others and look forward to using the Foojin with peppermint essential oil on my next road trip to keep me alert. The ways in which this product can be used is endless”! –Connie Sue


“Foojin is my new favorite way to receive the benefits of essential oils via inhalation. The nasal clip is easy to use and comfortable to wear.  It’s convenient, hands-free, and provides you the flexibility of being able to move from room to room.  I was initially concerned that the aroma would be overwhelming, right under the nose, but using one drop on each wick as recommended proved to be just the right amount.  My favorite time to use it is while getting around in the morning or when I need a pick me up at my desk in the afternoon. This could be a game-changer for sure!”-Megan Hemling


I was excited to try the Foojin! Despite my initial concerns, I was delighted with the product! I worried the fragrance might be overwhelming with the pads so close to the nose, but the level of the aroma is surprisingly pleasant, and gentle! I was also concerned that the device might pinch the nose, or be uncomfortable to wear. However, the plastic is perfectly rounded and surprisingly comfortable. All in all, a great product that I would recommend to anyone looking for hands-free, portable essential oil inhalation” –Ashley Glassman.


The Foojin is revolutionizing the way that we diffuse essential oils. Get yours today.


**If you are a nurse or other medical practitioner and are interested in getting these into your location, please reach out to me @

Stress….it affects the whole family!

Stress….it affects the whole family!

Is there anyone that is stress-free? Some say that a small amount of stress is healthy, as well as that there is “good stress” and “bad stress”. There is one thing I can agree with, that stress reduction is just as important as stress management…and this all starts with our attitude and a whole lot of self-care/self-love.

When we look at things logically and with a clear head, we can see that even our youngest are under stress. School, sports, strict schedules and always being on the move can stress out parent and child alike.

It took some effort to really step back and realize that both of my boys are stressed out. Not only are they both empathic as I am, they have issues in their lives that are very real for them. Once I began to sit down at the end of every day to talk with them about what their fears really are, was I able to hold space for them better than I ever had before. And as a result, they have the ability to do that very thing for their friends. It is a beautiful sight to behold in a 10 and 12-year-old….making this momma proud!

Now let us look at how hard life can be sometimes for us adults. Adults have very real problems…and many of us do not hold space for others, forgetting that even in the worst of moments…that everyone has a story, everyone has wounds, and everyone struggles…just as you do.

Ego often takes precedence over spirit. Myself, included, sometimes when we are so buried in our own stuff we forget that others have real problems too, and maybe even more important, that others may be suffering.

So do we suffer in silence? Do we speak up? Do we ask for help? Asking for someone to hold space for us does not mean that we are looking for our problems to be solved, for anyone to truly “get involved” or anything of the sort.

You can hold space for someone by just being there. You can offer gentle, nonjudgmental support and guidance. By simply being there, you can make a big difference in someone’s life. By me telling my boys that I am there for them no matter what they are feeling or what they think they have “done”, it immediately reduces their stress. By showing them that their feelings are normal..and even expected, helps them to release the attachment they have to it. Separating yourself and becoming non-attached is THE single most healthy thing you can do for yourself at any given moment.

What Else Can We Do?

There are a few things that we have done that have improved things in our home in addition to truly being non-judgmental and holding space:

*We have stopped overscheduling. Sometimes in life, it is more important to “be” than to “do”. Let me tell you how painful this was for my kids at first. DO NOTHING? They thought mom had lost it. But now they actually ask for quiet time, and “most of the time” they are much more even kind and forgiving of each other.


*I make them say things out loud, sometimes in front of the mirror like “I love me”, “I am good enough” and “it is ok to make mistakes”. This was as hard as you could possibly imagine at first..and sometimes they still struggle with it, but more often than not we giggle through any awkward moments and they do amazing…(and feel amazing afterword too).

*We as a family have had to make plenty of time to shut down our electronics. This is actually a “cause” of stress in so many ways. The more we can disconnect with our electronics, social media, and games and get back to real life relationships, nature, and self-care….the less stressed we are.

Other than helping nudge their own attitude and beliefs in the right direction, we utilize aromatherapy to get us through the tougher moments, as we as a family have been handed a rough share of things in the last couple of years, as many of my readers likely have as well.

My boys have diffusers in their rooms, a variety of aroma inhalers, and have their favorite oils. My oldest loves Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and Sandalwood (Santalum album), but he is most affected by Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). My youngest says “just make me some magic mom”, but he is most affected by Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis).



I have had many a-ha moments with kids in particular, but we aromatherapists know that they have a most profound effect on all of our emotions…some would consider them magic…myself included.


What are you inhaling today?

Like so many practices in life I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.



The Chakra Series: The Second Chakra Svadhishthana

The Chakra Series: The Second Chakra Svadhishthana


What is a chakra?

This term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body.

These wheels or disks correspond not only to major organs but also to emotional, physiological and spiritual states of being. Since our energy is always in motion, it is important to keep our chakra’s spinning and aligned.

With practice, you can visualize chakras in the body. Each chakra is a swirling wheel of energy..and they make up the energy in the body called Prana, which is our essential vital life force. Prana is also referred to as chi, ki or life energy.

Located just above the pubic bone and below the navel lies your second chakra, the sacral chakra, or Svadhishthana. Svadhishthana, literally means the dwelling place of the self. It is the pleasure center. Whereas the root chakra governs survival, the second chakra seeks enjoyment and pleasure.


With your foundation solid, ie. the root chakra you can then look to your second chakra for creativity. View this chakra as the way in which we experience and enjoy the finer things in life, using all of our senses: feeling, tasting, touching, seeing, hearing, all seeking pleasure.

This chakra is also very reactionary to issues in our society: cultural struggles, mistreatment of women as a whole, as well as being in an environment where sexual expression is welcomed, and others where it is unacceptable. Both can both create imbalance.

A balanced second chakra leads to feelings of wholeness, abundance, pleasure, and exuberant joy. When this chakra is out of balance however, this may lead to feelings of emotional instability, resistance or fear to change, sadness or depression, sexual instability or addictions.

Sacral Chakra=”I feel”

If the imbalances sound familiar to you, you may be thinking, “How do I bring my sacral chakra back into balance?”

As ironic as it may sound, “feeling” is the most important practice for your sacral chakra, in all its forms. Take off your shoes and socks and walk barefoot through the cool grass or sandy beach feeling the water envelop you. Walk through a garden and smell all the fragrant flowers, feel the variety of textures of the petals and leaves.

Just as much as you look outward for sensations of touch, taste, smell, etc….look inward. Instead of going through the motions of washing and moisturizing yourself for example, slow it down and find the pleasure in caring for yourself. Use an aromatic oil and make it a ritual. If/when you decide to self-pleasure…take your time, remove the “routine” of it. Rediscover your love and care for yourself.


Spark your creativity. What is it that you like to do to bring out your creative side? Draw, paint, sculpt, cook, photography, garden, etc? Do that! Often!! The more you work to embrace your creative side, the more in balance you will be…and your energy will reap the benefits.

Stay present…

Staying in touch with your emotions is key for the sacral chakra. How you do this well is in the eye of the beholder. Journal, meditate, talk to someone, whether a friend or professional. All acceptable ways of staying present with your feelings, and working to continually navigate them rather than avoiding them.

A few other self-care tips are:

-Speak from a place of love and compassion rather than from anger or a place resulting in being passive-aggressive.
-Take time every day for silence and contemplation. It is not about lack of thoughts, but allowing yourself and your body to slow and find center; to be present.
-Never neglect yourself, your physical body. Pay attention to the messages it is giving you.

Repeat affirmations to yourself such as:

I experience the present moment through all of my senses.
I allow myself to experience pleasure in all of its forms.
I embrace pleasure and abundance.
I allow all emotions to flow through me, with gratitude and love.

Aromatherapy for the Root Chakra

There are a number of essential oils that help support the sacral chakra and encourage creativity to the user. You can use them in a diffuser, or place in an inhaler and use whenever it is needed.

A few others are:

Sandalwood, patchouli, bergamot, neroli, sweet orange, clary sage, rose, etc. (not an all-inclusive list).

This is a good start to get you on your way to balancing the sacral chakra. Take some time every day to visualize the chakra spinning freely in all its glory to support you on your path to feeling secure, and well on your way to greatness. <3



Like so many practices in life I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.