Clean-Air Plants For Your Home

Clean-Air Plants For Your Home

Clean-Air Plants For Your Home. Would you be surprised if I told you that the air in your home was more polluted than your outdoor air? Unfortunately, it is true. According to the EPA, indoor air contains 2 to 5 times more contaminants (1). As stated by Web MD, indoor air pollution is one of the most serious environmental threats to your health, yet no agency can regulate it, and few studies have been done about its effects on your health (2).

Why is our air so toxic? Every single piece of furniture, carpet, shower curtain, in your home is outgassing. Outgassing is releasing chemicals into the air; potentially hazardous VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) The synthetic wood, glue, fabric, vinyl, and cushioning are, in effect, evaporating various gases into the air we breathe. Common VOCs found in homes include aldehydes, alcohols, plasticizers, aromatics, alkanes, toxic fire retardants and formaldehyde (3).

You can reduce some of the outgassing by using zero VOC paint (keep in mind adding the color pigment is a VOC), and stick to real wood furniture. (no MDF) Organic mattresses are a great idea considering you spend about 1/3 of your life on your mattress. All store bought mattresses are FULL of chemicals and flame retardants. For this reason, I do not skimp on pillows, mattresses, and bedding; I go organic.

Get yourself a good quality HEPA air filter. This will remove pollutants from the air such as: pet danger, dust mites, pollen and smoke. These still do not address the outgassing. For this I recommend houseplants. Many houseplants moonlight as effective purifiers. Here are my top recommendations:

English Ivy


Royalty Free Image


This hearty, climbing vine thrives in small spaces as well as rooms with few windows or little sunlight. So it is quite easy to take care of.

How it Helps: Its aids in the absorption of formaldehyde—which is stated to be the most prevalent indoor pollutant (4).

Concerns: Not safe for animals of children. If you choose to have one, make sure you hang them up and out of their reach, cleaning up fallen leaves immediately.

Peace Lily


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The Peace Lily is a great air purifier that produces dainty white flowers. It will require more water than other houseplants, so a bit more care is required for this plant.

How it Helps: This beauty rids the air of the VOC benzene, which is a carcinogen (5).

Concerns: Like English Ivy, Peace Lily is not for furry friends.

Lady Palm


Royalty Free Image


An easy-to-grow plant, the Lady Palm has leaves patterned like a fan. It is one of my favorite houseplants as it is really hardy, and it my cat decides a leaf should be lunch, it does not result in an upset belly or worse.

How it Helps: This plant targets ammonia in the home.  If you are really strict about green cleaning, ammonia is not likely to be in high quantities in the home. Follow the link below to find out where you might find it (6).

Boston Fern


Royalty Free Image


The Boston Fern that is best in a hanging basket, but if not cared for, it will die fast. It requires humidity and moisture. It will drop leaves fast without it. It’s considered one of the most efficient air purifiers!

How it Helps: According to NASA, “Ferns work by absorbing formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene and reducing peoples’ exposure to those nasty airborne chemicals” (7).

Snake Plant


Image courtesy of


Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant does not require too much sunlight or water to thrive.

How it Helps: The Snake Plant lowers carbon dioxide, as well as formaldehyde and benzene (8).

Concerns: Not safe for furry friends.

Spider Plant


Image courtesy of


Lastly is the Spider Plant.  Another favorite as it is safe for my cats. It does require care, not a plant that you can set it down and forget it. It needs some direct light and plenty of water. Can also work as a hanging plant.

How it Helps: According to a NASA clean air study, “spider plants can filter formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air” (9).



As you can see there are many options for houseplants to remove harmful VOC’s in the home. Please double check and make sure what you choose is appropriate for children as well as pets.





(1) Introduction to Indoor Air. Retrieved from

(2) Having a Bad Air Day? Improve Your Indoor Air Quality. Retrieved from

(3) 10 surprising sources of off-gassing in your home, and what you should do about it. Retrieved from

(4) Indoor air pollution: An evaluation of three agents. Retrieved from

(5) Benzene. Retrieved from

(6) Which Cleaning Products Contain Ammonia? Retrieved from

(7) Ferns, clean air, & NASA. Retrieved from

(8) Snake plant, everything you need to know. Retrieved from

(9) NASA Clean Air Study. Retrieved from


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Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions. 





Encourage your kids to eat healthily!

Encourage your kids to eat healthily!

Have you ever felt defeated and found yourself thinking, “How can I do better for my kids?” or “How do I teach them healthier habits?” you are not alone. Encourage your kids to eat healthily!


I hope to give you some ideas/ways that this can be accomplished. Take away what works for you and leave what doesn’t. Most importantly, just know on any given day that you are doing your best, and that is all you can do.


I have a couple of solid rules regarding what type of food I bring into the home; they are my “food rules.” Perhaps you have food rules too and have not even thought twice about it.


Here are a few of mine that I will cover in more detail:

-Avoid GMO’s
-Organic fruits and vegetables (Avoid dirty dozen)
-Limit sugar
-Meat and dairy always come from organic 100% grass-fed animals
-Limit processed food
-Plenty of clean water
-Limit grains
-No BPA/plastic
-Avoid GMO’s

I am a firm believer in knowing not only what is in my food, but also where it comes from. I do not support the genetically modified (GMO) food movement that is in full swing in the US. This can be overwhelming for some if you do not know what to look for on a food label. I know it was for me at first, so I hope I can help you to be able to identify them too!

What exactly are GMOs? GMOs (or “genetically modified organisms”) are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering, or GE. Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe. More than 60 countries have significantly limited or completely banned the production and sales of GM food. Many states here in the US have fought for the minimum of GMO labeling, so consumers can at least choose what they want to spend their grocery dollars on, but this has proven to be a big uphill battle.

You may be surprised to know that over 80% of processed foods have been modified!


Here are the main crops:

-Alfalfa (first planting 2011)
-Canola (approx. 90% of US crop)
-Corn (approx. 88% of US crop in 2011)
-Cotton (approx. 90% of US crop in 2011)
-Papaya (most of the Hawaiian crop; approximately 988 acres)
-Soy (approx. 94% of US crop in 2011)
-Sugar Beets (approx. 95% of US crop in 2010)
-Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash (approx. 25,000 acres)

Source: NON-GMO Project


So to put this in perspective, you might want to take a walk through the grocery store and perform a little experiment. Look at labels on processed foods. See how many of them have sugar, corn, and soy in some form. It is going to be in just about everything you pick up. My first trip to the store to investigate was a huge eye-opener.


So what can you do to avoid it? Buy 100% organic, or a company proudly states on the box that they are part of the NON-GMO project, carrying this seal.


Here are some companies that proudly support the Non-GMO project.


Studies covering the safety of these foods long term is unknown, as they have never been done. We do not know what would happen in 10 or 20 years, which is a concern. If science manipulated it, I don’t eat it.


Organic Fruit and Vegetables


If you are new to buying organic, a great place to start is to make sure you buy organic when the item is on the dirty dozen list.


The EWG (Environmental Working Group) puts out a shopping list every year for consumers containing the dirty dozen (produce with the highest pesticide residue). We should purchase these items organic. There is also a clean fifteen (the cleanest of the bunch) that can safely be bought by conventionally grown methods. I always pay attention to the difference in price between organic and conventionally grown on the clean fifteen, because if the difference in cost is not significant, I prefer to support my organic and local farmer.


These are the lists for 2020:

Dirty Dozen

Hot Pepper

Clean Fifteen

Sweet corn
Frozen Sweet Peas
Honeydew Melon

Source: Environmental Working Group


No need to buy organic from the clean fifteen unless it is on sale, of course.

Here is a link to learn where your favorite fruit or vegetable lands on the list.

Limit Sugar


Sugar is very harmful to the body, and it is not just the empty calories utterly void of nutrition. Sugar provides no nutritional benefit at all, but what it does do is contribute to insulin resistance. The rise in obesity and diabetes is alarming. In 2015, 30.3 million Americans, or 9.4% of the population, had diabetes (Source).


In my home, I found that the times my kids get sick are times when we have faltered and consumed a little more sugar than usual. Now that my boys are 12 and 14, they notice it too. What a blessing that is! Sometimes they have to learn for themselves. I ask my then 10-year-old to create a Google presentation for me about sugar. Where can we find it, what does it do to the body, and whatever else he could come up with. I found kid-friendly sites, fun YouTube videos, and more. He is much more interested to learn about it when mom is not lecturing him. Maybe this trick will work for you too?


Do my kids have an occasional soda at a restaurant? Yes! Do we sometimes go out for frozen yogurt on a beautiful warm summer day? You bet! I do not deprive my kids of what they see as normalcy based on their surroundings outside the home. It is a delicate balance. If I teach my kids precisely what healthy means and they know that when they occasionally waver from that to have a treat that it is ok, I am doing a good job.

How far do I take this? You might be surprised. I have never brought my kids to McDonald’s, Burger King, or Taco Bell, or eaten a popular sugary cereal that cleverly targets kids through their brilliant marketing. They have never asked either. They have never tasted hot lunch at school. I have asked if they want to on a day where the option may be the best for the week, but they declined. So far, I must be doing something right.


Never eat anything that has a commercial on television


Avoiding sugar is not just avoiding candy, chocolate, and donuts. You may be surprised to know where excess sugar is hiding. Sugar is added to all processed foods, why? To make you want to eat more of it. By “you” I do not mean you consciously make that decision; I say that because sugar is so freakishly addicting. Here are some resources for you to learn more about the sugar epidemic and how to help you cut its hold on you:


Top 10 Big Ideas: How to Detox from Sugar

Refined Sugar: The Sweetest Poison of All

That Sugar Film


Source for Meat and Dairy


Grass-fed meat and dairy are far superior to grain-fed.  Grass-fed beef is considered a health food due to high amounts of Omega 3’s and is rich in healthy fats  (MUFA, PUFA, and SFA). You can be sure if you are purchasing 100% grass-fed organic meat and dairy, that you are not consuming any growth hormones, pesticides, or antibiotics either. Purchase the leanest variety you can find.


Here is a great article that covers this topic in greater detail.


Get plenty of healthy fats in your diet…fat does not make you fat!


Drink Plenty of Clean Water


Short and sweet. I do not bring soda into the home, but as I mentioned above, they get only get a soda when we eat out. Juice is likewise severely restricted. I like to make fruit infused water, and when my boys are not well, I make hydration drinks. They enjoy chocolate almond or oat milk, so we indulge in that. I also purchase flavored water when in a pinch.




Bisphenol-A (BPA) mimics estrogen in the body. What does this mean? BPA had shown to disrupt the endocrine system by mimicking the body’s hormones (Source). The glands of your endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, and pancreas. BPA releases its influence on all of the glands, which have a direct influence on every cell, organ, and function of your body.


Look for canned food labeled BPA free. It has become relatively easy to find. BPA is in many plastics, but you will also find many bottles that are labeled BPA free as well. Some say that you can safely use plastic as long as 1-it is never heated and 2-never scratched while cleaning. I just prefer to avoid it altogether now that my children are a little older and can responsibly handle a silicone sleeved glass.


Limit Grains


We limit grains in our home. I am the only one that leans toward a Paleo lifestyle for health reasons. As far as my boys, I aim for whole grains and organic. I lean towards brown rice, quinoa, and sprouted bread. Remember that white bread, potato, and rice are very high in starch (GI index) and essentially turn to sugar in the body very fast (Source). The body needs whole grains to help balance the blood sugar all day long. Some scientists and physicians say two slices of whole wheat bread will likely raise your blood sugar levels as high as if you were eating a popular candy bar (Source). Keep this in mind if you or someone you love is struggling with balancing sugars.


How do I get my family on board with this? Get everyone involved!


I make considerable efforts to involve my children in making choices. One day I asked my boys, then approximately 5 and 7, to make a list of foods that they liked and ones they did not like. That was the beginning of the “team” aspect of eating in our house. Of course, kids’ pallets are forever changing and evolving, so we make lists often so that I can try to accommodate their likes the best I can. My boys know that even “cheat” type foods can be eaten in moderation as long as their diet is overall healthy, so those types of items never make their list. Even after they make their lists, my boys understand that eating is somewhat of a compromise. I always try to incorporate their current favorite vegetables, for example, but they know that there are going to be some meals that are not going to be their favorite.  One day I make their absolute favorite meal of tacos, and the next, we have salmon and salad. Most days, this works quite well.


Sometimes there are complaints, but I gently remind them that one of their favorite meals will be on its way. I try to tell them of the importance of healthy food for the body, like gas for a car…and try to stay lighthearted. If there is one thing I am constantly reminded of, lecturing is not the answer, but sometimes I find myself doing that before I even realize it. The older they get, the more effective it is for them to learn these things on their own..sometimes with a gentle nudge in the right direction.


Once I know what they have chosen as like foods, I can prepare. I take the time to make meal plans on Sundays for the upcoming week. I always include 1 or 2 favorites that I know the kids will swoon over. With that list in hand, I go shopping. I can eliminate buying things we do not need this way and make for less waste at the end of the week (save your lists for easier future list-making).


You can include your kids in the kitchen too. Age will determine what they can do safely, but mine can gather ingredients, cut up vegetables, set the table while I cook, and taste things along the way.


I try to keep some freezer fruits and vegetables on hand at all times. Frozen fruit comes in handy for fruit infused water, smoothies, a quick bowl of peas, or frozen kale for vegetable soup. Frozen is just as nutritious as the fresh counterpart, and it is quick and easy when you are in a hurry.


I let my boys voice what they would like to have in their school lunch and snack. It helps to ensure they will eat what I give them. As they have gotten older, though, peer influence begins to affect what they want in lunch. They naturally wish to what their friends have, so I try to compromise here too.


We garden as a family. Everyone helps pull weeds, plant seeds and plants, water, and harvest. The boys love to see their hard work on the plate as much as I do. Little goes to waste this way.


In conclusion


Always try to lead by example. Your kids are always watching what you do, not necessarily what you say. Things will not always go smoothly. Be proud of yourself for doing your best and smile for what worked, do not beat yourself up for what didn’t. Eat together and play together. Get plenty of exercise and rest. You are well on your way to “your” best version of “your” health and happiness, and that is what matters.


Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.


*Sources listed within the article in blue.


Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.



Raw Energy Bites





Utilizing Essential Oils During Labor and Delivery

Utilizing Essential Oils During Labor and Delivery

Essential Oil Safety…..There is often much debate about whether we can utilize aromatherapy in the birthing room, or during pregnancy at all. Is it safe? How do we do it? Let’s talk about what we need to consider- Utilizing Essential Oils During Labor and Delivery


If this is not your first pregnancy this should come as no surprise; your sense of smell is very heightened during this time. Smells that never bothered you before may now make you incredibly nauseous or even vomit. Perhaps an aroma you loved prior to pregnancy you do not like at all now. The opposite can also be true. Now, perhaps a new food has appeal simply because of its smell. You may even find that your partner smells better than ever! Enjoy that!


What causes this heightened sense of smell?

“The plasma volume (blood flow) in your body increases by up to 50 percent in pregnancy, so anything moving from your blood to your brain reaches it faster and in larger quantities. This heightens your responses and some experts think that’s why you react more strongly to smells,” says midwifery teacher Denyse Kirkby, author of, “My Mini Midwife” [1]. So, in theory, your olfactory receptors are also strongly affected by this increased blood flow.


Could this be another miracle of the body? Perhaps this is a protective mechanism to prohibit mom and fetus from inhaling anything potentially harmful? I would like to think that this is the case.


If you intend to utilize essential oils in the birthing room, you need to keep your heightened sense of smell in mind. The state of your body during labor also needs to be a part of the equation, as it and you will be in a heightened state of stress.


If you are unsure of what to choose, reach out to someone well versed in the use of essential oils during this sensitive time. If you do not have any major medical issues or are not taking any medication, aromatherapy is likely very safe. A trained aromatherapist will be happy to assist you to be sure.


Aromatherapy inhalers are my suggestion for the birthing room. I do not recommend filling the room with an essential oil blend via a diffuser for a number of reasons. First and foremost, your needs and wants will change, a lot. You will likely want to be as relaxed as you can be during increasing contractions up until it is time to push, then you will benefit from something to empower and awaken you while staying centered and focused. Those require different things.


Second, even though this is your experience with your partner, exposing everyone in the room to your diffuser blend is not a good idea. Public diffusing can be precarious. You do not know what other’s situations are in regard to health conditions, allergies or medications, and I do not know about you, but I would want my doctor, doula, midwife, and nurses to be alert, not enjoying a calming and sedating blend of essential oils, so please avoid direct diffusion in the birthing room.


I have been asked if there is anything that can be used to move labor along. What I consider moving labor along is not the same as how the question is usually intended. You can use essential oils to keep yourself calm, to keep the body from tensing and being overly-stressed, and by doing this, labor progresses nicely. The goal of essential oils should not be to induce or increase the intensity of your contractions or move labor along. This is not recommended. I have the same opinion of Pitocin. If this medication can be avoided, avoid it. Pitocin can cause problems such as intensified rapid contractions, so intense that both baby and mom can potentially become very distressed, increasing the need for medical interventions. I do understand that sometimes things are out of your control; so, do not beat yourself up about the way things progress in the delivery room. However, if you are able to pull it off, a natural birth is ideal.


Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) is an essential oil that is touted for starting labor. Unless you are working with a qualified clinical aromatherapist, do not use essential oils with this intention. Please let your body do what it knows to do, in its time. This does not mean, however, that clary sage needs to stay out of the birthing room.


Once labor is underway and contractions are regular, clary sage can be used safely in an inhaler to calm, with little potential for harm. I hope you can now differentiate between timing and wanted outcome.


You will find varying opinions on the Internet and in social media regarding whether essential oils are safe during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Be sure to question the training and experience of anyone who has written a book or blog on a serious topic such as this. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils are not regulated in the United States, so a license or degree is not required to give you and your family advice. During this special time of your life and the birth of your child, you will want to consult with a well-trained and qualified aromatherapist.


According to Jane Buckle Ph.D., RN, who is a very well respected aromatherapist, and founder of the American Holistic Nurses Association, aromatherapy is in fact very safe when you are well-versed in its safety and use. According to Buckle, aromatherapy has been used for years in a clinical setting without known harm to mom, infant or fetus [2]. Buckle has taught nurses all over the world how to safely use essential oils in their clinical practice.


I can’t stress this enough, do not pick up a random book or blog on essential oils for the birthing room. If you are unsure and would really like to explore the possibilities of using aromatherapy for you and your family, please reach out to a qualified aromatherapist.


Enjoy this FREE PDF download

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[9] Kirkby, D. (2014). My mini midwife: everything you need to know about pregnancy and birth. Chichester, West Sussex: Vie.

[10] Tillett, J., Ames, D. (2010) The uses of aromatherapy in women’s health. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. Vol. 24, No. 3, (pp. 238-245)


Postpartum Depression..The Importance of Asking for Help


Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions. 


Essential Oil Safety for You and Your Family

How to Prepare for Motherhood, Taking Best Care of Self

How to Prepare for Motherhood, Taking Best Care of Self

As women, “most” of us are not prepared for motherhood in the way I am about to discuss. Other than books and articles preparing us for Baby, such as the best seller, “What To Expect When Expecting,” there is not much at all by way of truly preparing us moms for this huge life shift. I am speaking emotionally, mentally and physically. We can find information in books regarding cracked nipples, perineum tears, how long to wait before sex, stretch marks and hemorrhoids, but ladies; we need so much more than that! During this important time, I am not sure how many of us really think about ourselves as the most important one! It is crucial that you begin to see it that way, even with that brand-new life that you have made and is about to be in your arms nearly 24-7! Prepare to take impeccable care of self, for your health and sanity, as well as everyone else’s around you. How to prepare for motherhood, taking best care of self.


In sweet anticipation of the new baby on the way, we make lists of what baby needs; the A-Z of the cornucopia of “stuff” needed to support the new life in the home. After birthing our offspring, we throw ourselves into their care with abandon. With this, we second guess if we are doing everything right. We agonize over why they are crying, and we may even worry about how other moms perceive us. In addition to this emotional conflict, we attempt to place them in a proverbial bubble, so they do not get sick, although this tends to be a phenomenon most prominent with the first-born. Through all of this, our own well being often takes a back seat, or maybe even the trunk.


It is an extraordinary moment when we allow ourselves to stop the world around us. If only for a minute, to capture a coy smile that appears while our babe is sound sleep, or to look into his or her eyes and really see their soul, or just take a few moments to daydream, pondering the miracle of life. Try to embrace more of these moments.


We are encouraged to sleep when the baby sleeps or take time for self-care. How many of you, who have been through this already, just thought, “Like I could ever have found time for that.” Everyone offers advice on what you “should” be doing, solicited or otherwise. It is easy to offer advice to others, but not always so easy to enforce it in your own life.


I am not necessarily saying that naps are the answer. I have never been much of a napper unless I was up all night with a growth spurt feeder, sick baby or under the weather myself. So, if you have had a particularly rough night, then perhaps yes, that is what would be of most benefit to you.


What I am really talking about here is true, self-care: no chores, no laundry, and no dishes. Perhaps a bath or a nice hot shower followed by moisturizing the newly sensitive areas is just what you need. I liked to place my oldest in his car carrier on the bathroom floor, and in that he slept as I bathed slowly and thoughtfully. The sound of the shower water, or my new age music if in the bath, provided extra soothing for both him and me.


Perhaps you can take a seat outdoors for a little bit of vitamin D and complete silence or take a walk while Baby naps in the stroller. While you walk, be sure to not go over the to-do list for once you arrive back home but take that time while your feet are hitting the pavement to look around you, soak up the sun and sounds, and truly rest your mind. When you get back home, read a book, have a nice warm cup of tea; something that helps you to slow down and supports your ability to truly unwind. Remind yourself how important you are during this time that is making many extra demands on you physically and emotionally. Maybe some self-pleasure is in order. Endorphins will do amazing things for any goddess! Remove the phrase, “I do not have time,” from your vocabulary; you are worth making the time.


So where do you start?



In addition to your A-Z list of things that Baby needs, I challenge you to make your own A-Z list. When the house is quiet, sit down and make your list, something like this:

A. Ask for help, art, allow stillness, acupuncture
B. Bath, breath work, breast massage, book, Be
C. Candles, call a friend, cuddle in a warm blanket, cake, chakra cleansing, cook a healthy meal, create a special space, color
D. Dance, date night, “Dear self” letters


Try it, A-Z. Expand on it regularly. Put it somewhere where you will see it often and try to do a few of them every day.


Here is a fun and free printable for you to help make your list. Place it on your fridge, bathroom mirror or wherever in your home will be the most beneficial for you.


A-Z Selfcare list


“Solitude is where I place my chaos to rest and awaken my inner peace.”– Nikki Rowe

Learn a lot more like this in my latest book!

Mom’s Essential Oil Evolution




The Chakra Series: The Heart Chakra Anahata

The Chakra Series: The Heart Chakra Anahata


You may be asking yourself, what is a chakra? The Sanskrit word Chakra translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body [1].


With practice, you can visualize chakras in the body. Each chakra is a swirling wheel of energy..and they make up the energy in the body called Prana, which is our essential vital life force. Prana is also referred to as chi, ki or life energy [1].


Located exactly center of the chest, just behind the sternum, not in the actual location of your heart, is your heart chakra. The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and its Sanskrit name is Anahata. Anahata means “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten” [2]. There are quite a lot of emotions held here, and if we do not work through them or consistently work to clear the heart chakra…many things can be the result.




Free stock image


When your chakras are balanced and your heart chakra is open, you have a positive feeling of self. Self-love, self-confidence, and that love has to be easily shared with others are well. Kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are key emotions. One is likely to feel more of a ‘we’ moment, rather than an ‘I’ moment.


With my recent divorce and many different things going on in my community, I started to feel a lot of ‘I’ over the ‘we’ that I pride my sensitive Cancer personality on. I love my sensitivity and if you are sensitive as well…cherish it. It is what makes you unique. But because things in life were getting really heavy, I knew some work needed to be done.


I sought help. I saw two different therapists, one was on the more traditional end, and the second specializes in helping women get back to self. Both of them were very helpful. I saw them for a number of months, and they both encouraged me to reach out to my newly found close circle of friends and ask for help, as I had very much been suffering in silence.


It is not always easy to ask for help, many of us struggle with it. Feeling guilty, feeling like you are a burden or a bother is very common feelings when it comes to sharing and asking what you need of others.


I implore you to push past those feelings. A few of my friends have been truly amazing. They see and understand me. They know no one is perfect and if I need to be called out, they do….but they are incredibly compassionate and helped me see that I am one very important thing…human. This makes me, and you….imperfect, beautiful, unique, and worthy of love. Even after mistakes, even when we have self-doubt, even when we know who we truly are and want to be but feel stuck….all of it.


Ask for help, your heart will begin to open. You will be able to see beyond your ‘perceived’ reality.


So, what happens when we ask for help? We feel less alone. We feel a lot less ‘I’, and a lot more ‘we’…and our heart begins to soften. Our hearts begin to open…and our chakra will be freer to spin and ground with our true self.


Out of Balance?


When out of balance and feeling ‘I’ or alone, loneliness is the #1 feeling. Feeling different, feeling like you do not ‘fit’, but I assure you that you do!


Have you had your heart broken? Your heart chakra will be affected. Do you slouch? Is this due to wanting to protect your heart? If so, this closes you off to the possibilities of healing. This is something to really be honest with yourself about.


Begin to look around you. Are you surrounding yourself with those that lift you up? Those that help to make you feel like you ‘fit’? Do not misunderstand, your happiness is absolutely yours and yours alone to cultivate and create every single day. Very much a choice….BUT you need to decide if your relationships are nurturing you or depleting you. Relationships are meant to help each other flourish, and to provide each other support, because life is hard!


If you just instinctively know that you have a relationship that is depleting you, there are some evaluations that need to be done, and decisions to be made. If this toxic relationship is a friend, that is ‘relatively easy’. If it is a significant other or a family member causing you constant strife, that is not so easy. Take some time to reflect.


Can you let go?

Can you forgive?

Can you find the compassion for others, even when right now you do not feel it is warranted?

I think you can!


Since your heart chakra rules the heart, lungs and ribs, out of balance can begin to manifest into more physical symptoms such as coughs and chronic bronchitis, heart pain (literally), heart problems minor or otherwise, hypertension (all pointing back to the stress and heartbreak) and others [3].


Sacral Chakra=”I love”


If the imbalances sound familiar to you, you may be thinking, “How do I bring my heart chakra back into balance?”


There are a few things…YAY!


Thymus Thump


The first is an energy technique that I learned from Susan Eden, a master in her field.


Here is a great YouTube video that her daughters created to explain how it works. Warning, they are bundles of energy!


Repeat affirmations to yourself for the heart chakra such as:


I forgive others and myself so that I can thrive.

I am open to love in all of its forms.

I create loving and nurturing relationships.

I allow all emotions to flow through me, with gratitude and love.


Aromatherapy for the Heart Chakra


There are a number of essential oils that help support the heart chakra and encourage love and forgiveness of both others and self to the user. You can use them in a diffuser, or place in an inhaler and use whenever it is needed.

My most recommended essential oil is Sandalwood Santalum album. Others that are beneficial are Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata, Jasmine Jasminum grandiflorum, Mandarin red Citrus reticulata and Bergamot Citrus bergamia. (Not an all-inclusive list)


Yoga for Heart Opening


If you are a yogi like me, make sure to include poses in your practice that are bending backward (backbends). These instinctively open your heart. In the poses, close your eyes and really focus on your breath. Recognize that this position is somewhat vulnerable and that is ok. You are safe.


The Yoga Journal goes over some of those poses here.


This is a good start to get you on your way to balancing the heart chakra. Take some time every day to visualize the chakra spinning freely in all its glory to support you on your path to feeling secure, and well on your way to greatness. <3





[1] Arewa, Caroline Shola, 2001, The Way of Chakras UK: Thorsons

[2] Ananda Yoga brings hatha yoga back to its original spiritual essence. Retrieved from

[3] Healing the Heart Chakra. Retrieved from


Chakra series – Anahata or heart chakra. Retrieved


Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet.  You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.


Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.


Essential Oil Basics-Uncovering Myths Versus Facts

Essential Oil Basics-Uncovering Myths Versus Facts

Essential Oil Basics-Uncovering Myths Versus Facts. You will be able to find a plethora of articles on the internet regarding essential oils, consequently, there are many myths surrounding them. This article will speak to some of those and provide links when appropriate for further reading.


Essential Oil Basics-Uncovering Myths Versus Facts


The widespread marketing of two popular brands of essential oils has introduced many people to these powerful tools for health which is a real blessing. With it comes a few concerns. The first being the unsafe recommendations for use that is seen on blogs, Pinterest, as well as Facebook pages. Essential oils are not to be used carelessly, and misuse can lead to injury. The second is sustainability. So many are of the vein of ‘buy all of the oils’, and that can be really problematic for the future of our precious oils.

Just as you would (or should) exercise caution and research when using pharmaceuticals, you should practice the same careful research when using essential oils. Essential oils are profoundly powerful, which makes them capable of powerful healing, but also injury when used improperly. Overuse and misuse can and does lead to injury. Many have jumped in with both feet without fully exhausting the scientific research  (not biased blog posts), then only after beginning their journey find out what they thought was true may not be accurate at all.

Believe what you like, but do not believe everything without questioning it. –Pauline Baynes

Essential Oil Basics-Uncovering Myths Versus Facts

So what are essential oils???

Very briefly, essential oils are derived from the various parts of a plant (leaves, stems, flowers, bark, and roots), most often by steam distillation. Essential oils are the true essence of the plant (not the lifeblood of the plant) and are highly concentrated extracts. The chemical composition and aroma of essential oils provide many therapeutic benefits. Most benefits are achieved through methods including inhalation and application of the diluted oil to the skin, but also internally for those trained in aromatic medicine.

Essential oils are not the same as perfume or fragrance oils. Perfume oils are artificially created fragrances and contain artificial substances that do not contain any therapeutic benefit like essential oils do.

Essential oil dilution

Essential oils are very concentrated extracts, much more concentrated than the plant material that it is derived from. Since they are so concentrated, they need to be diluted before they are safe to apply to the skin.

When used undiluted or what some call “neat” there are two risks involved:

1-Irritation which is a direct result of contact with a material and is localized. Healing occurs once the material is removed. Removal is best with a carrier oil (almond, jojoba, etc.) or milk. Follow up with warm soapy water, then add more carrier oil if needed. Healing may not occur immediately, but you should see and feel improvement after proper removal.

2-Sensitization which is a systemic response involving the immune system. According to Dorene Petersen, president of the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS):

“Sensitization occurs once the offending substance has penetrated the skin, been picked up by proteins in the skin, and mediated by the IgE response that produces histamine and other irritants” [1].

This is an allergic reaction. Some oils are more likely than others to elicit this sensitization response, such as lemongrass and cinnamon bark….but it can happen even with oils that some consider gentler oils such as lavender and peppermint. Once this immune system response is triggered, that may mean you can never use that oil again. Never! Compare this to a nut allergy. Not worth the risk!

Please do not subscribe to the “detoxing” explanation where skin irritation is concerned, this is simply not true. If you get a rash or a burn from putting something on your skin is it because it is irritating your skin. Unfortunately, the detox reaction is still being shared as a viable explanation for a rash, and innocent people are being injured. Sometimes by applying more essential oils to the irritated area. Please hear me when I say, skin irritation that can result from essential oils is NOT a detox reaction at all. There is good news in all of this though, and that is when you properly dilute your essential oils, the risk of any irritation is greatly reduced. 

Check here for a detailed explanation on this topic from my friend and colleague Liz Fulcher, owner of the Aromatic Wisdom Institute.

Oil and Water

Essential oils are not water soluble. Oil and water do not mix/blend. They need a disbursing agent before adding to your bath water (carrier oil); Epsom salts alone is not enough.

Please do not add essential oils to a glass of water and drink it.


Essential Oil Basics-Uncovering Myths Versus Facts


When you add a drop of oil to a glass of water it doesn’t mix with the water. The risks are not worth the practice. Oral dosing may interfere with medication or aggravate other medical conditions. Please refer to the 2014 book, Essential Oil 2e by Robert Tisserand and Robert Young to learn which essential oils carry the most risk internally when taking daily medication.

You may hear something like “our oils are pure therapeutic grade and are safe for internal use” or “certain oils are GRAS” (generally recognized as safe for consumption), but this applies to consuming in food (food additives); not in water. Follow the link here for an informative article by my friend and colleague, The English Aromatherapist about what GRAS really means.

Essential oils can be safe for internal use under certain circumstances when under the care of a professional; someone who has been trained, ultimately much more than the basic 200 hour foundation training, and has to understand how these oils react inside the body, if it is necessary for your condition, and most of all if it is safe and indicated for you and your situation (medication, medical conditions, allergies, etc.). Look for someone such as myself who has been trained in aromatic medicine. Not all aromatherapists have this level of training.

More on Internal Use…

Internal use is not meant to be an everyday practice. It is not to lose weight, ease indigestion, or to be used as a preventative measure to maintain health. That is where healthy eating, exercise, sleep, vitamins, and minerals come into play when you are deficient. Essential oils have no “nutritional value”; another myth. Read more on these topics here and here.


By far the most common method for using essential oils is via inhalation.

Inhalation is THE QUICKEST route to the bloodstream. You can achieve this by using an aromastick, using a diffuser, using a steam bowl, or spritzing into the air to name a few.

Topical Use

When used topically (on the skin), in a suitable dilution, essential oils have a multitude of applications for health, beauty, and well-being. Methods include massage, skin care, and first aid remedies. Essential oils can be added to many personal care products. Applying to the skin also induces inhalation, therefore benefiting multiple systems of the body at the same time.

There are a number of oils that cause photosensitivity or phototoxicity. This can occur when certain essential oil constituents react when exposed to ultraviolet light. This includes the sun as well as tanning beds. Inflammation, blistering, and burning of the skin are possible. These particular oils can be used on the skin, but use caution. It is advised to not go out into the sun or lie in a tanning bed for 12-24 hours after exposure to the specific essential oils. Just to be clear, this applies to the specific areas of skin that have been exposed to the oil, not your body as a whole.

Here is a list of oils that should be used topically with caution, and their maximum use levels when blended according to IFRA standards [2]:

Angelica Root Angelica archangelica 0.8%
Bergamot Citrus bergamia 0.4%
Bitter Orange (Cold/Expeller Pressed) Citrus aurantium 1.25%
Cumin Cuminum cyminum 0.4%
Grapefruit (expressed) Citrus paradisi 4.0%
Lemon (Cold/Expeller Pressed) Citrus limon 2.0%
Lime (Cold/Expeller Pressed) Citrus aurantifolia 0.7%
Mandarin Leaf Citrus reticulate 0.17%
Rue Ruta graveolens 0.15%
Taget Tagetes minuta 0.01%

Always use extreme caution when using any of these oils topically. Bergamot is by far the oil with the highest risk, and it is possible to have a reaction within up to 12 hours after application.

It can be assumed that if someone is taking moderate amounts of a phototoxic oil internally that a phototoxic reaction can still occur. If you use any of these oils, utilize caution.

“Therapeutic Grade”

“The term therapeutic grade provides marketing weight rather than signifying that the oils meet a regulated quality standard”. (Essential Oil University EOU) Essential Oil University a helpful website and Facebook page unaffiliated with any oil company and is dedicated to busting essential oil myths like this one.

The author of the page, Dr. Robert Pappas, explains:

“There seems to be a misconception that there is some kind of independent body that certifies oils as therapeutic grade, but to this date, there is no such body, at least not one that is widely recognized. Does this mean there is no such thing as therapeutic-grade? No, but just realize that any therapeutic-grade standard out there right now is an internally derived company standard. Now this standard may be an overall great standard and perfectly acceptable to me or any other analyst or aromatherapist out there but it just needs to be noted that it is not an independent standard” [3].

Basically, any company can put whatever they want to on a label…..any company. So do your due diligence and do your own research. At the risk of repeating information; please do not use biased blogs for your research. There are a couple companies that state they have the “only” pure oil. Please know that this is simply not the case. There are a number of companies that I trust wholeheartedly to provide me and my family with only the best on the market.

The important thing to remember is there is more than one company that sells high-quality essential oils, at a reasonable price. The best ones are happy to provide you with what is called their GC/MS testing for each batch, and the results are posted for public viewing on their website. For all you techies out there; here is a great resource to understand what GC/MS means.

All aromatherapists, vintage or up and coming, as well as other pioneers in the field of aromatherapy, can agree on one thing; safety is our #1 goal. When it comes to conventional medicine and natural remedies:  first, do no harm. Our 2nd goal is to continue to change the lives of our clients in helpful, healthy ways. Essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.




[1] American College of Healthcare Sciences, (2012) Aroma 101

[2] IFRA standards. Retrieved from,

[3] Essential Oil Myths

This article touches on the basics of safety and the myths in cyberspace. Follow some of the links below for more:

Why Essential Oils Don’t Always Work

Essential Oils and Our Microbiome…AKA Our Gut Bugs

Aromatic Medicine VS Taking Essential Oils Internally

Fennel Essential Oil, Does It Increase Mothers Milk

What is an Adverse Reaction to an Essential OIl

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions. 


BEFORE YOU GO! Remember to sign up for my FREE Facebook group! Hang out with me and THOUSANDS of other Essential Oil lovers looking to learn, click on to join Real Essential Oil Education Group!

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Proper Use of Essential Oils in the Bath

What is an Adverse Reaction to an Essential Oil?