Yay…Earth Day!

Yay…Earth Day!


I love to take this time every year to talk about another passion of mine, doing my best to take care of mother earth, by reducing my carbon footprint. If I chose to cover everything we do as a family unit, it would be overwhelming. I like to take all change in life in small bite-sized pieces, as it is so much easier.….After doing some research I was pleasantly surprised to learn what the focus is for this year with the Earth Day Organization, and that is plastic. It is called the “End Plastic Pollution Campaign”, and it is important. So, that is what I want to focus on today. Yay…Earth Day!


What is the big deal you ask? Let’s look at some of the facts.


*We use a whopping 5 trillion plastic bags worldwide every single year!

*We throw away enough plastic bottles in only ONE WEEK to circle around the world 5 times. This is in the US alone! This is mind-boggling!!

*At least 10% of the plastic that we use winds up in the ocean with our marine life (more on this in a bit).

Source of facts-The World Counts.com [1]

This is just a small sampling of the facts that will make your stomach turn. Follow the reference to learn more facts about this rapidly growing problem.


BPA Issues


There has been quite a lot of research into BPA and its cause of hormone disruption. In 2012, the FDA did ban BPA from baby bottles and sippy cups, which was a great start, unfortunately, it is still present in many other things..including every store receipt you touch, many canned foods, and more [2].


Unfortunately even BPA replacements are not a good thing when we are talking about plastic, as you saw by a few of the facts I shared above. Plastic is still plastic. BPS has its own set of issues, very similar to BPA. (see resource below)


I will provide plenty of links in the resources so that you can learn how damaging BPA and BPA replacements such as bisphenol S (BPS) are.


Marine Life


David Ayer and Valeria Merino of Earthday.org stated that “If nothing changes, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish (by weight)”. The problem is much bigger than we could ever imagine.


We are very conscious in the home to use the least amount of plastic possible. Food packaging tops the list of the issue that is hard to remedy. I threw away all plastic containers in favor of glass about 7 years ago. Much of the plastic we throw away winds up in the ocean through waterways. Anything that is simply littered on the street will show up in the water. Scientists are finding that the stomach of fish are filled with, you guessed it…plastic particles [3]. Where else are plastic particles showing up?


Drinking Water


I ask that you follow the reference listed below to read all of the very important details that cause plastic particles in our drinking water, but it is important to know that “recent studies into water contamination have found microplastics in 83% of tap water samples from major cities around the world and in 93% of samples from the world’s top 11 bottled water brands” [4]. Causal links are being investigated into the consumption of these plastic particles and possible health concerns.


Well, I do not know about you, but I am definitely concerned with this. Will strong water filters remove these particles? Since this is a new finding, we are not sure, but I sure do hope!


So, what is it that we can do?


Are you interested in learning your “plastic count”, similar to your ‘carbon footprint’? I was hesitant to see my results, but I did. Here is what I found, even though I am very plastic conscious, there are ways that I can do better. What did I/am I changing?

*I use plastic baggies occasionally for items in my boys’ lunches. I just ordered these from Amazon, reusable lunch sacks. Maybe they will help you too.

*I used to use stainless steel straws, but they were really hard to clean (had a natural bend in them) and then I actually misplaced the cleaning brush, so I tossed them. I began to use plastic straws again for my daily smoothies. I am not comfortable with using 365 straws a year, so just ordered new stainless steel straws that are straight, like these. They will be so much easier to clean.

*I have always struggled with water bottles for my boys for school lunches. If I counted how many bottles I have gone through due to leaks, I could probably furnish every child in their class with a water bottle. I finally found one by a company called Fireki. They are stainless steel, small enough to fit into their freezable lunch bags, they are easy to clean, and they don’t leak!

Lastly, food packaging. As I mentioned, this is the hard one. Wherever possible, I choose companies that utilize cardboard. I choose glass over plastic, or paper. Sometimes it is impossible, but I always do my best.


Here are some things that I want you to consider.


*Do you use plastic toothbrushes or an electric one?

According to my dentist, electric toothbrushes are much more effective. You can clean the brush head with vinegar and a drop of tea tree oil to have it last longer too!

*Cotton Swabs?

Use a cotton round to clean out the inside of the ears.

*Feminine Products?

There are a variety of products you can use in place of plastic tampons. Google the many options available to you.

*Plastic Wrap?

Heat your food in glass (on the stovetop in a pot is even better), covered by a paper towel that you then use as a napkin. Store food in glass with a snap on lid.


“The Union of Concerned Scientists has estimated about 18 billion diapers are thrown into landfills every year. And a 1998 study by the Environmental Protection Agency found that diapers made up 3.4 million tons of waste, or 2.1 percent of U.S. garbage in landfills that year” [5].

Cloth diapers have come a long way. Convenient, no plastic and you will save a boatload of money.

*Cleaning containers?

Consider making your own in glass or a bucket.

*If you cannot get away from purchasing six-packs with the plastic holders, please cut them up well before you recycle them, as to not wind up choking marine life. This happens more than you know.

*Check into the recycling rules in your area. Many years ago I discovered my recycling center requires containers to be thoroughly cleaned and labels removed otherwise it went into the trash. Food for thought.

Follow this link to find out how you can improve your plastic use.

Follow this link to sign this year’s petition for the “End Plastic Pollution Campaign”.



This just scratches the surface of the complexity of the issues. My wish for next year is for stores worldwide to ban the use of plastic bags. It should either be paper, or reusable bags. What other things can you think of to help lessen the impact?





[1] What happens to the plastic you throw away? Retrieved from http://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/Plastic-Waste-Facts

[2] Three ways ‘BPA-free’ won’t protect you. Retrieved from https://www.edf.org/health/three-ways-bpa-free-wont-protect-you?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_ODWBRCTARIsAE2_EvWLp6Qldg11VIO-2JiB5hFt0r38jCQswAEiKvyHhXbdxSWz-CzYcyQaAiGJEALw_wcB&utm_campaign=ggad_edf_pd_dmt&utm_id=1487776866&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google

[3] From sea to plate: how plastic got into our fish. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/feb/14/sea-to-plate-plastic-got-into-fish

[4] The invisible plastic particles in our drinking water. Retrieved from https://www.earthday.org/2018/03/23/the-invisible-plastic-particles-in-our-drinking-water/

[5] The Diaper Debate: Are Disposables as Green as Cloth? Retrieved from https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=789465&page=1


All about BPA. Retrieved from http://www.bisphenol-a.org/about/faq.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwn-bWBRDGARIsAPS1svujLmS8dZpixMql2AnDbFLbVI2M4Hsxp8jmQhexr4YUF-aZNDHbFaAaAoZjEALw_wcB

BPA, BPS—is it all BS? Retrieved from https://www.plasticstoday.com/content/bpa-bps-it-all-bs/73543669624090

BPA-Free Plastic Containers May Be Just as Hazardous. Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bpa-free-plastic-containers-may-be-just-as-hazardous/

IS BPS THE NEW MYSTERY CHEMICAL IN BPA-FREE CANS, DISHES AND KITCHEN APPLIANCES? Retrieved from https://thesoftlanding.com/is-bps-the-new-mystery-chemical-in-bpa-free-plastic-food-containers-and-cans/

Chemical used to replace BPA in plastic accelerates embryonic development, disrupts reproductive system. Retrieved from http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/chemical-used-to-replace-bpa-in-plastic-accelerates-embryonic-development-disrupts-reproductive-system

The Chakra Series: Our Navel Center/Manipura

The Chakra Series: Our Navel Center/Manipura

Energy is found in everyone and everything. Harnessing it from mother earth is integral to the health of mind, body, and spirit. Cultivating it is not only fun but truly palpable. Anyone that performs Reiki, as well as anyone on the receiving end of the experience, can testify to this. The Manipura chakra is the third chakra and is located right behind the navel, therefore this energy area is also called our navel center, or solar plexus.

“Each side of the solar plexus symbol’s triangle has a T-shaped arm stemming from the middle. This is a variation of the Hindu swastika, which is an ancient holy symbol that represents the sun. The red triangle is located in the center of a yellow circle surrounded by 10 darker petals, which calls to mind the lotus flower.” [1].

Every chakra comes with it areas of focus and strength, and when we are out of balance they also come with feelings of lack and imbalance. Let’s see what those might look like.

In balance, the solar plexus charka brings clarity and centers on self. Self-confidence, self-assurance, self-care, and self-worth. Some others might say this chakra is connected to the spirit when in balance, and ego when out of balance. Out of balance may also bring feelings of being a victim of life, where you think life is happening to you, not for you. In the more tangible aspects of health, the sacral chakra focuses on our digestion, so it governs our digestive organs and our pancreas. So if really out of sorts here, the possibilities are digestive issues, which can vary in severity, and trouble balancing blood sugar. This is an issue that would warrant immediate attention.

Now, on the flip side, a very strong sacral chakra is integral for health. It is our seat of power. Energy flowing freely here brings us brilliant vitality.

When we look at how the energy of the body, our thoughts, and our imbalances ultimately affect our overall health, we can begin to see how placing focus solely in one area is not ideal for our overall well-being.

I performed a practice in school that I like to revisit to this day called the ‘Wheel of Life’. There are varying wheels online, but I am going to share what I used, from the book Business Mastery by Cherie M. Sohnen-Moe [3].

I have attached the wheel as a printable PDF so that you can see where you may need to place focus, and for future use as well.

>>>>>>Wheel of life<<<<<<<

Its purpose is helping you to evaluate where you might need focus in your life to help bring about more balance. The center of the wheel is the least desired point to be, and the outside of the circle is the most desired point. Honestly evaluate each area and place a point on the line of where you are currently, not where you wish to be. Now, connect the dots. The idea is to have as close to a symmetrical circle as possible, not a starburst of sorts. The object is to now work in your life to bring more balance to the wheel. I usually do this practice every six months or so. It is a great tool to assist in our balance of the sacral chakra, and harmony overall.

Crystals and Stones

Quartz is a great choice for the energy channels of the body, specifically smoky quartz for the sacral chakra [4]. Utilizing quartz while meditating is quite effective.

Tiger’s eye is my second recommendation. Utilize this mineral when seeking clarity. Melody states that tiger’s eye contains solar energy, which can be beneficial to enhancing our intuition [5].

Essential Oils

There are a number of essential oils that can help bring about balance and clarity when addressing our navel center.

Plant Therapy has a blend that not only smells amazing but also it focuses energy right on our solar plexus [6]. The blend includes Black Pepper (Piper nigrum), Cardamom (Elettaria cardomomum), Davana (Artemisia pallens), and Grapefruit Pink (Citrus paradisi). It is called Self-Manifestation.

Other essential oils that provide support include Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), and Rosemary (all varieties). (Not all inclusive)

The Chakra Series: Our Navel Center/Manipura

The Chakra Series: Our Navel Center/Manipura


Affirmations can be said during a tough time, placed on Post-it® notes around the home or in your car, or spoken right before bed or upon awakening.  A few affirmations that suit the solar plexus are:

-I make my voice heard with clarity and authenticity.
-I am always free to express myself in healthy, positive ways.
-I can achieve my goals with courage and confidence.
-Personal power is mine. I take action and accomplish all things in good time.

This is a good start to get you on your way to balancing the solar plexus chakra. Take some time every day to visualize the chakra spinning freely in all its glory to support you on your path to feeling secure, and well on your way to greatness. <3


Photo credit: Just Breathe Aromatherapie

A fellow friend and colleague who owns Just Breathe Aromatherapie, has created beautiful chakra cards and essential oil blends to correspond to each chakra.You can find the information here. If you are just looking for the cards and would like to do your own blending, you can do that as well..find that here.




Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.


[1] The solar plexus chakra symbol. Retrieved from http://www.chakras.info/solar-plexus-chakra-symbol/

[2] Lotus flower symbolism. Retrieved from https://www.lotusflowermeaning.net/symbolism.php

[3] Sohnen-Moe, C. (2016). Business mastery: A guide for creating a fulfilling, thriving practice, and keeping it successful. Tucson, AZ: Sohnen-Moe Associates.

[4] [5] M. (1995). A kaleidoscope of crystals::update: The reference book describing the metaphysical properties of the mineral kingdom. Wheat Ridge, Co.: Earth-Love Pub. House.

[6] Plant Therapy’s Self Manifestation Blend. https://www.planttherapy.com/self-manifestation-solar-plexus-chakra-essential-oil

Crippling Exhaustion, Not so Uncommon Anymore

Crippling Exhaustion, Not so Uncommon Anymore

As early as a decade ago, holistic medicine did not speak much about endocrine challenges in the form of the thyroid or adrenal glands. I am quite certain that moms have been tired for centuries…and well have you taken a look at all that you do?!?! Crippling exhaustion, not so uncommon anymore!

But, this is a serious topic. So many women suffer from debilitating exhaustion that is attached to endocrine weaknesses, and this goes well beyond your average tired. Those that do not suffer can easily say, “Yeah, I am tired too”, but they really have no idea how bad this feels, how common it is, and how serious it can be.

Allopathic medicine is way behind the curve on this one. If you ask a doctor to check your adrenals, they may do a blood test….this is not going to get the bigger picture. You may have had your thyroid tested to be told, “Your numbers fall within the normal reference range” and are sent away, possibly even being told it is all in your head! Can we all just let out a COLLECTIVE scream?

Our society, and in particular the United States (sorry everyone) are suffering from very high-stress levels. Why? The United States is by far the most overworked nation! Here are some facts that may (or may not) leave you saying whaaaaaa??

-The United States BARELY gives working mothers 6 weeks paid leave after the birth of a child. Some give up to 12, but are you ready for this? Europe provides 20 weeks, and that is not uncommon in countries outside of the United States [1]. Hold on to your hats for this one..it is even common for dads to get a significant amount of leave after the birth of a child. Totally unheard of in the US, right!?

-In the U.S., 85.8% of males and 66.5% of females work more than 40 hours per week [2].

-The United States remains the only industrialized country in the world that has no legally mandated annual leave. Have you yourself or do you know someone who foregoes his or her vacation time, or a portion of it? It is NOT uncommon! (This has never been known to happen to me in my 15 years in the corporate world btw) I knew a number of individuals who took the vacation pay, but never took the vacation, even if just to the next town to get away….or just rolled it over to the next year, and the next year..and so on and so forth.

The old adage of “Americans are working themselves to death”, may not be too far off! And this really does not just apply to those that work the 9 to 5 job in a workplace, but also those that slave away at home raising a family. So, the question begs….what can be done to avoid such an overload of stress, exhaustion, and burnout?

Now, being in these exact same shoes a very few short years ago puts me at an advantage on speaking to this subject, but this is not something that I can tackle in its totality. Why? We are all very unique individuals, so if I gave blanket ‘fixes’ for everyone across the board, this would miss the mark of being a holistic health practitioner.

However, I have many suggestions that can go a long way to helping you to feel great again! And you can feel great again! Ready?

Endocrine System

Your endocrine system encompasses all the glands of the body that provide hormones. Those include the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries (in females) and testicles (in males).

Every gland has utmost importance to the function of the body, but the thyroid is the master. “The thyroid gland is the body’s master metabolic control center,” said Cindy Samet, a chemistry professor at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. “Brain, heart, and kidney function, as well as body temperature, growth and muscle strength — and much more — are at the mercy of thyroid function” [3].

Once the thyroid is running low on ‘steam’, other glands can begin to have issues, specifically the adrenal glands. Enter debilitating exhaustion. Speaking from experience, more experience than I ever thought I would have, here are some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Do they sound familiar?

Exhaustion, not just your average “tired”
Craving salty foods
Fuzzy thinking/difficulty concentrating
Recurrent colds
Waking tired, even though you got plenty of sleep
Feeling revved up and most energetic later in the evening
Difficulty recovering from exercise (Cardio leaves you completely spent)
Possible sleep disturbances
Strong PMS symptoms
Low blood pressure
Heart palpitations
Increasing food sensitivities

If this list sounds like you, don’t panic. Your gut instinct is powerful and was likely telling you that something in your life and your health was off, simply because, as I mentioned above, this tired goes well beyond just being ready for bed.

*If you think you may have an issue, please make sure to see your healthcare provider. I will provide some general ideas, based solely on years of a similar condition, and much experience. These suggestions are not meant to cure you. Always make sure to research these things for your self. Let’s work together to reach your highest potential for healing, whatever that looks like on any given day.


If you like to exercise, it is important that you reduce cardiovascular activity. This does not mean that you should stop exercising, but burst training (interval training), yoga, weight training, and walking are going to be more beneficial than say running for example. The key is to not increase your heart rate too high for too long. Your adrenals cannot handle it at this time.


One of the biggest keys to keeping the adrenal glands happy is by way of what you feed your body. Keeping sugar levels balanced is really important here. Quality protein and fat, along with avoiding the bad carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and potatoes are a good start. Higher abdominal weight is associated with elevated cortisol levels, something you want to avoid.

Eating more frequently is what your body needs. Aim for five to six smaller, quality meals a day. It will require a decent shift from the old adage of three meals a day, but it is good for your body at this time. Make sure to get a quality protein each time you eat to keep sugars balanced. ‘At this time’ is an important point to reiterate. What will work for you and your body now, may not be suitable when your endocrine system is strong and you are feeling more complete. Different situations and stages require different things.

If you are in the more advanced stages of endocrine deficiencies, you may find yourself with more food sensitivities than you have had in the past. This is common. Seeking out the help of a nutritionist at this time may be helpful to kick your body into healing and reaching for homeostasis.


Sleep is critical for all of us, but if your adrenals are taxed, it is even more important for you. I know you feel amazing late at night, but you have to try to shift your sleep pattern to get into bed earlier. At first, the shift can be slow, and you start to get into bed 15 minutes earlier, then 30 minutes earlier, etc. I know that is hard as your sweet spot is after the children are in bed and you finally have the house to yourself. Even now that I have recovered from adrenal exhaustion there are nights that I still falter and burn the midnight oil, but it is really doing more harm than good. Please try and get your goddess self in bed by 10:30 p.m. at the latest!

You may be surprised when despite how simply exhausted you are throughout the day, that when you lay down to sleep at night…it may not be so easy. Just like with your own children a nighttime ritual before bed is often very helpful to settle. If you are running around the home picking things up, making lunches, folding laundry, paying bills and the million other things we moms do, it is going to be hard to shut the switch off right when you lay down and go to sleep. Try teatime. Turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes before lying down. You could sit in silence, read a small passage of a feel-good book, or journal a gratitude list for the day. To-do lists are not welcome here.

Here are some herbs I recommend trying:

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnate) is an absolutely gorgeous flower, and in the dried herbal form, it is beneficial to calming the mind. As a matter of fact, “Scientists believe passionflower works by increasing levels of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA lowers the activity of some brain cells, making you feel more relaxed” [4].

Passionflower is also a beautiful herb for anxiety, but there are a few contraindications to be aware of. This herb is not for anyone who is currently pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are already taking sedating medications, avoid passionflower in your cup, or you could greatly intensify the effects of your medication.

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) in your tea is a must! Touted for relaxation of body and mind. Fun fact! In Germany, lemon balm is licensed as a standard medicinal tea for sleep disorders [5].

The essential oil, typically sold as Melissa, is amazing too, but rather costly. Many do not know that it takes quite a lot of plant material to fill that bottle, so I recommend using the herb to help calm before bed.

Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is another favorite for calming the body, mind…and bonus, the belly! Use caution if you have an existing ragweed allergy or hay fever, chamomile may affect you as well.

Some recommend valerian (Valeriana wallichii) …but I think the herb tastes awful, and the essential oil smells even worse.

Use catnip (Nepeta cataria) instead!

Catnip is rich in nepetalactone, which has mild but effective sedative qualities, and acts much like valerian! [6]

If you mix equal parts of a couple, a few, or all of these herbs and enjoy teatime before bed, you might find yourself much more inclined to sleep peacefully.


Diffuser Blend

Turn the timer on your diffuser before you slip under the covers with your favorite nighttime blend. Here is one of mine:

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) 4 drops
Marjoram (Origanum majorana) 3 drops
Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata) 2 drops
Neroli (Citrus aurantium) 1 drop

The number of drops given above is suitable for a 400 ml. water reservoir diffuser. If you wind up loving this blend as much as I do to completely melt away your worries, lower stress hormones and help you sleep, make yourself a master blend and store for easy access.

*As I do not know your medical conditions, please research and make sure that this blend is suitable for you.  

Stress and Should’s

Said gently, much of the daily stress we tend to be in is from not accepting things as they are. Practice letting go. Start with little things in the home. It can wait. Let others be responsible for themselves whenever possible. We all know moms wear capes, and we are damn good at it…but that cape needs breaks, you need breaks.

Do not “should” all over yourself! I “should” have gotten the ______ done today. I “should” have been able to keep my cool when my children were fighting. I “should” have… I “should” have… I “should” have. Holy stress! No more “shoulding” on yourself.

Step up the Self-Care

This concept cannot be covered in a paragraph or even an article. Here are a couple of other links to other articles that hit on this topic…. this very topic of exhaustion, stress, and self-care will be a series, and eventually much more than that. Stay tuned!!

Stress…it affects the whole family!

Time for some self-lovin’


Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.



[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/02/05/the-worlds-richest-countries-guarantee-mothers-more-than-a-year-of-paid-maternity-leave-the-u-s-guarantees-them-nothing/?utm_term=.bdc738ffc510

[2] https://www.livescience.com/26496-endocrine-system.html

[3] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2014/09/02/the-average-work-week-is-now-47-hours/?utm_term=.7b43ac60ffb5

[4] Passionflower. Retrieved from http://www.umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/passionflower

[5] Blumenthal, M. (2000). Herbal medicine: expanded commission e monographs. Austin: American botanical council. (pp. 230-232)

[6] Catnip. Retrieved from https://www.anniesremedy.com/nepeta-cataria-catnip.php



Prenatal and Postnatal Care for Mothers

Prenatal and Postnatal Care for Mothers

Prenatal and Postnatal Care for Mothers. Motherhood, whether for the first time the fourth time, or anywhere in between, is one of the most exhilarating times in a woman’s life. Be sure to slow down and savor every moment of it, not only because everything goes by so fast, but also because it is a crucial time to take care of self.

If you are sporting your baby bump and are knee deep in preparation, I want to briefly cover a very important topic, post-partum depression (PPD). The rates of women who are affected by PPD are staggering, and constantly on the rise. According to a study performed in 2017 by the CDC, approximately one in nine women currently experience symptoms of PPD [1]. These numbers are very significant, and the topic needs a big, glaring spotlight put on it.

*If you think you may be suffering from PPD, please see your doctor.

As women, “most” of us are not prepared for motherhood in the way I am about to discuss. Other than books and articles preparing us for Baby, such as the best seller, “What To Expect When Expecting,” there is not much at all by way of truly preparing us moms for this huge life shift. I am speaking emotionally, mentally and physically. We can find information in books regarding cracked nipples, perineum tears, how long to wait before sex, stretch marks and hemorrhoids, but ladies; we need so much more than that!

During this important time, I am not sure how many of us really think about ourselves as the most important one! It is crucial that you begin to see it that way, even with that brand-new life that you have made and is about to be in your arms nearly 24-7! Prepare to take impeccable care of self, for your health and sanity, as well as everyone else’s around you.

What I am really talking about here is true, self-care: no chores, no laundry, and no dishes. Bath, book, massage, dancing, painting, getting in nature, whatever that means for you….do something every day.

I believe that truly preparing for birth means taking impeccable care of self before the babe is born. If you have developed a routine that makes you feel amazing during the nine months of gestation, a routine that makes you feel supported and loved…you are not only much more likely to keep that up once the baby is born, you have greatly lowered your chance of post-partum depression as well as complications [2]. This is not an exact science or guarantee, but the research does show that lowered stress during pregnancy is key.

Would you be surprised if I told you that the most common issue among young mothers next to PPD is burnout? What I mean by burnout is adrenal fatigue and likely low thyroid function as these typically go together.

From personal experience, there are a few things that are really important to support yourself, and avoid any possible complications of PPD or burnout along the way:

-Having a genuine support system in place. Learning to ask for help when needed is a great practice to get into early, and this goes for all of us, not just when pregnant or with a newborn in your arms. If you take it all on yourself in lieu of asking for help, you will be exhausted in no time.

“Unity is strength. Where there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”-Mattie Stepanek

-All women have capes that we wear. We are strong and often times unstoppable once we put our minds to something. I have no doubt that you are unstoppable, but at what expense is the question. Make self-care a must, not an option, or something you say you know you should do, but never get around to.

-If you already have other children in the home, creating accountability now is crucial. Everyone picks up after himself or herself and is a part of the family unit. I have some great ideas on this topic in my recent book, “Mom’s Essential Oil Evolution”. However it works for you and your family, a strong family unit needs to be cultivated.

These are just a very small sampling of things that need attention during this important time in your life.

How about a nice bath to soothe you at the end of the day? (Alternatively, you can utilize Rose Absolute prediluted at 10% in jojoba oil. Both Plant Therapy and Nature’s GIft carries it).


Prenatal and Postnatal Care for Mothers


Or how about a beautiful diffuser blend? Turn the timer on your diffuser before you slip under the covers with your favorite nighttime blend. Here is one of mine:

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) 4 drops
Marjoram (Origanum majorana) 3 drops
Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata) 2 drops
Neroli (Citrus aurantium) 1 drop

*As I am unaware of your medical history, please make sure that these blends are suitable for you. 

The number of drops given above is suitable for a 400 ml. water reservoir diffuser. If you wind up loving this blend as much as I do to completely melt away your worries, lower stress hormones and help you sleep, make yourself a master blend and store for easy access. Be sure to practice safe diffusion (Resource here).

Make self-care a part of your every day, no exceptions. The purpose of our lives is to be happy after all. Do not go day in and day out just doing “the routine” or what needs to be done to “get by”. Celebrate life, after all, there is a lot to celebrate.




Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.


[1] Trends in postpartum depressive symptoms-27 states, 2004, 2008, and 2012, Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6606a1.htm?s_cid=mm6606a1_w

[2] Werner, E. et al (2014) Preventing postpartum depression: Review and recommendations. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4308451/


Kirkby, D. (2014). My mini midwife: everything you need to know about pregnancy and birth. Chichester, West Sussex: Vie.

Shomon, M (2017) Postpartum thyroiditis and thyroid problems after pregnancy. Retrieved from https://www.verywell.com/thyroid-problems-after-pregnancy-3231767

Hotze Health (2011) How childbirth affects hormones, estrogen dominance, postpartum thyroiditis, & adrenal health. Retrieved from https://www.hotzehwc.com/2011/07/how-childbirth-affects-hormones-estrogen-dominan/

Postpartum Depression..The Importance of Asking for Help

Can We Use Essential Oils During Labor and Delivery???


Finding work life balance, a mom life.

Finding work life balance, a mom life.

Finding balance, not an easy task. I went from stay at home mom focused on raising two rambunctious boys, to a full-time student and stay at home mom raising two rambunctious boys, to being a small business owner, same boys. Finding work life balance, a mom life.

I also have moments where I crave balance and feel like I am failing miserably. And I have had those days when my boys were smaller where I felt so accomplished as I was productive and FINALLY finished ‘XYZ’, but I had a hard time truly enjoying it as much as I should have because of the incredible guilt of feeling like I neglected my kids much of the day.


The first suggestion I have (as I am in NO WAY expert status here) is to realize that sometimes shit is going to happen, and guilt is the worst thing that you can put on yourself. You are only human, well you’re a mom….so I think you qualify for superhuman status….so first things first, pull out that favorite essential oil and starting inhaling that goodness! Breathe, smile at all that is wonderful and amazing in your life, and let’s see if I can be of any assistance.

Some days will be crazier than others, but you ARE more than a mom. You are a beautiful woman that deserves just as much love and attention that you give to your children. If you have babies this will not be as effective as if you have children around the age of mine (10/12), but if your children see you taking exceptional care of yourself, they will not only look up to you for it, but they will reap the benefits…because you will be calmer…steadier…happier…and in the limited vocabulary of their cognitive abilities …MORE FUN!

Finding work life balance, a mom life. 

If we all continually work to place focus on the things that we love and that bring us happiness, the more happiness we will find. Of course, chores and errands are always going to be there, but if you can take a break every couple of hours to do something just for you, even if only for 5 or 10 minutes, it will make a big difference.

Sometimes we are so busy that when we stop to do something for us we say, what on earth should I do? I have an exercise for you to try!!!

When the house is quiet, sit down and make a list A-Z, of things that would help to calm you and help bring you back to center. Something like this:

A. Ask for help, art, allow stillness, acupuncture
B. Bath, breath work, breast massage, book, be
C. Candles, call a friend, cuddle in a warm blanket, cake, chakra cleansing, cook a healthy meal, create a special space, color
D. Dance, date night, “Dear self” letters, diffuse essential oils while sipping tea, etc.

Try it, A-Z. Expand on it regularly. Put it somewhere where you will see it often and try to do a few of them every day. See how much that helps you.

I have a ton of other ideas like these, stay tuned for my next blog just for you mom!



Mom’s Essential Oil Evolution 

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Essential Oils-Do They Contain Vitamins and Minerals?

Essential Oils-Do They Contain Vitamins and Minerals?

When looking to learn the many deep and meaningful therapeutics of essential oils, you may find that the information is overwhelming. There are many misconceptions and myths that are shared. One of the biggest ones is in regards to essential oils providing nutrition or having the ability to be a supplement. Essential Oils-Do They Contain Vitamins and Minerals?

It becomes very challenging to know whom to believe when there are individuals and ‘health gurus’ claiming this to be factual, so I think it is important that I pull this myth apart. I have spent a great deal of time researching this topic. I will be simplifying and summarizing it for you today. It is time to put this idea to rest.


First things first, what are the definitions of a nutrient and a supplement?


According to the Oxford Dictionary, a nutrient is “A substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth” [1].

The Oxford Dictionary further states that a supplement is “A substance taken to remedy the deficiencies in a person’s diet” [2].

Now, to analyze if an essential oil has the ability to provide either.

There are two (main) ways to obtain essential oils, one is by extraction via steam distillation, the other is expressed via being cold pressed.


Steam Distillation


In the process of steam distillation, hot water passes through the still filled with plant material, and the oil sacs of the plants actually break open releasing their contents. At this stage, you have a vapor. This vapor is then cooled and the oils separate from the water. The temperature at which this is performed can vary dependent on the plant material being distilled, the atmospheric pressure as well as the altitude of the location that the plant is being distilled, but steam distillation is typically not performed at temperatures higher than 100 °C/212 °F [3]. Distilling is truly an art form.


Essential oils contain nutrients


Cold Pressing 


Citrus fruits are typically cold-pressed (although there is a steam distilled variety as well). There is no heat involved at all; the fruits are pierced under mechanical pressure to extract the essential oil.

*I recommend purchasing your citrus fruit essential oils, whether steam distilled or cold-pressed organic if at all possible to avoid the possible myriad of pesticides sprayed onto the fruit.


Essential Oils-Do They Contain Vitamins and Minerals?


Vitamin C


One of the most popular myths is to place citrus oils into your water in the morning to obtain vitamin C and to perform other benefits much like an actual wedge of lemon would. But do citrus oils actually contain any nutrition?

Essentially all nutrients degrade at a very specific temperature. Vitamin C has been shown to degrade right around 70 °C [4]. Therefore, there will be virtually no vitamin C present in any steam-distilled essential oil.

What about the cold-pressed variety you ask? Because the cold-pressed variety of essential oil is not performed under heat, it is fair to say that some vitamin C could be present in the oil, although evaporation of the volatile nutrient will definitely come into play here are well. It is very important to remember though, the amounts will be insignificant, definitely not anything to write home about. If you are looking to obtain vitamin C as a true supplement, please consider the fruit, or better yet, take a true supplement, just make sure it is not the synthetic version from GMO corn, a whole other article in itself.

What lemon essential oil is rich in, whether steam distilled or cold-pressed is d-limonene. There are many exciting benefits to d-limonene, but the method of use is very misunderstood. Please do not drink your citrus oils. Look for articles in the resources to explain why this practice should be avoided.

Here are the nine foods highest in vitamin C (Citrus fruits do not even make the list):

Brussels sprouts
Bell peppers
Broccoli [5]

In light of all of this, placing steam-distilled essential oils into our food should be looked at again as well. If we are hoping to obtain nutrition from them, we are out of luck. Ideally, the true herb is what should be used. If you are just looking for flavor, you could utilize one drop of oil, as long as you are cooking with a generous amount of healthy fat, but why would you want to if there is no true benefit to your health?


What about Other Water-Soluble Vitamins? (B’s) 


Most users of essential oils know how volatile they are. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of volatile is “(of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures” [6]. All water-soluble vitamins, which include vitamin C as well as the B vitamins, are extremely volatile. Once put under heat, they degrade and are essentially destroyed [7]. You simply will not see any water-soluble vitamin in steam-distilled essential oil.

*All minerals are water-soluble as well.


Fat-Soluble Vitamins? (A, D, E, K)


So, now we know that all essential oils are volatile, therefore will evaporate quickly. Here is the key point for fat-soluble vitamins; they are non-volatile substances [8]. Non-volatile substances will not be present in steam-distilled essential oils.

An exciting area that I will be covering soon is CO2’s. There ARE non-volatiles in CO2’s, which are much closer to the profile of the actual plant.

So……what is the verdict? Do essential oils contain nutrients? Not a chance.



When you hear self-proclaimed essential oil gurus talking about the nutrition you will obtain via essential oils, come back to this article. It is just not factual. I do not share this to dispute the many therapeutic benefits of essential oils, as they are vast, proven, and exciting…..but they simply will not fill the gaps in your diet.


Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.



[1] Definition of a Nutrient. Retrieved from https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/nutrient

[2] Definition of a Supplement.  Retrieved from

[3] Distilling Aromatic Plants. Retrieved from https://aromaticstudies.com/distilling-aromatic-plants/

[4] Rahmawati, S., Bundjali, B. Kinetics of the Oxidation of Vitamin C.
Retrieved from http://www.researchgate.net/publication/228484005_KINETICS_OF_THE_OXIDATION_OF_VITAMIN_C

[5] 9 Foods With More Vitamin C Than An Orange. Retrieved from https://www.prevention.com/food/9-foods-with-more-vitamin-c-than-an-orange

[6] Definition of Volatile. Retrieved from https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/volatile

[7] Vitamin Stability. Retrieved from https://www.dsm.com/markets/anh/en_US/Compendium/vitamin_basics/vitamin_stability.html

[8] The Fat-Soluble Vitamins: A, D, E and K. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/fat-soluble-vitamins

Additional Reading

Shutes, J. How are essential oils extracted. Retrieved from https://www.naha.org/explore-aromatherapy/about-aromatherapy/how-are-essential-oils-extracted/

Fortification basics, stability. Retrieved from


BEFORE YOU GO! Remember to sign up for my FREE Facebook group! Hang out with me and THOUSANDS of other Essential Oil lovers looking to learn, click on to join Real Essential Oil Education Group!


From Farm to Oil: Evolution of Plant Medicine-A Spotlight on Lemon

From Farm to Oil: Evolution of Plant Medicine-A Spotlight on Sweet Orange Essential Oil