Essential Oil Basics-Uncovering Myths Versus Facts. You will be able to find a plethora of articles on the internet regarding essential oils, consequently, there are many myths surrounding them. This article will speak to some of those and provide links when appropriate for further reading.
The widespread marketing of two popular brands of essential oils has introduced many people to these powerful tools for health which is a real blessing. With it comes a few concerns. The first being the unsafe recommendations for use that is seen on blogs, Pinterest, as well as Facebook pages. Essential oils are not to be used carelessly, and misuse can lead to injury. The second is sustainability. So many are of the vein of ‘buy all of the oils’, and that can be really problematic for the future of our precious oils.
Just as you would (or should) exercise caution and research when using pharmaceuticals, you should practice the same careful research when using essential oils. Essential oils are profoundly powerful, which makes them capable of powerful healing, but also injury when used improperly. Overuse and misuse can and does lead to injury. Many have jumped in with both feet without fully exhausting the scientific research (not biased blog posts), then only after beginning their journey find out what they thought was true may not be accurate at all.
Believe what you like, but do not believe everything without questioning it.–Pauline Baynes
So what are essential oils???
Very briefly, essential oils are derived from the various parts of a plant (leaves, stems, flowers, bark, and roots), most often by steam distillation. Essential oils are the true essence of the plant (not the lifeblood of the plant) and are highly concentrated extracts. The chemical composition and aroma of essential oils provide many therapeutic benefits. Most benefits are achieved through methods including inhalation and application of the diluted oil to the skin, but also internally for those trained in aromatic medicine.
Essential oils are not the same as perfume or fragrance oils. Perfume oils are artificially created fragrances and contain artificial substances that do not contain any therapeutic benefit like essential oils do.
Essential oil dilution
Essential oils are very concentrated extracts, much more concentrated than the plant material that it is derived from. Since they are so concentrated, they need to be diluted before they are safe to apply to the skin.
When used undiluted or what some call “neat” there are two risks involved:
1-Irritation which is a direct result of contact with a material and is localized. Healing occurs once the material is removed. Removal is best with a carrier oil (almond, jojoba, etc.) or milk. Follow up with warm soapy water, then add more carrier oil if needed. Healing may not occur immediately, but you should see and feel improvement after proper removal.
2-Sensitization which is a systemic response involving the immune system. According to Dorene Petersen, president of the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS):
“Sensitization occurs once the offending substance has penetrated the skin, been picked up by proteins in the skin, and mediated by the IgE response that produces histamine and other irritants” [1].
This is an allergic reaction. Some oils are more likely than others to elicit this sensitization response, such as lemongrass and cinnamon bark….but it can happen even with oils that some consider gentler oils such as lavender and peppermint. Once this immune system response is triggered, that may mean you can never use that oil again. Never! Compare this to a nut allergy. Not worth the risk!
Please do not subscribe to the “detoxing” explanation where skin irritation is concerned, this is simply not true. If you get a rash or a burn from putting something on your skin is it because it is irritating your skin. Unfortunately, the detox reaction is still being shared as a viable explanation for a rash, and innocent people are being injured. Sometimes by applying more essential oils to the irritated area. Please hear me when I say, skin irritation that can result from essential oils is NOT a detox reaction at all. There is good news in all of this though, and that is when you properly dilute your essential oils, the risk of any irritation is greatly reduced.
Check here for a detailed explanation on this topic from my friend and colleague Liz Fulcher, owner of the Aromatic Wisdom Institute.
Oil and Water
Essential oils are not water soluble. Oil and water do not mix/blend. They need a disbursing agent before adding to your bath water (carrier oil); Epsom salts alone is not enough.
Please do not add essential oils to a glass of water and drink it.
When you add a drop of oil to a glass of water it doesn’t mix with the water. The risks are not worth the practice. Oral dosing may interfere with medication or aggravate other medical conditions. Please refer to the 2014 book, Essential Oil 2e by Robert Tisserand and Robert Young to learn which essential oils carry the most risk internally when taking daily medication.
You may hear something like “our oils are pure therapeutic grade and are safe for internal use” or “certain oils are GRAS” (generally recognized as safe for consumption), but this applies to consuming in food (food additives); not in water. Follow the link here for an informative article by my friend and colleague, The English Aromatherapist about what GRAS really means.
Essential oils can be safe for internal use under certain circumstances when under the care of a professional; someone who has been trained, ultimately much more than the basic 200 hour foundation training, and has to understand how these oils react inside the body, if it is necessary for your condition, and most of all if it is safe and indicated for you and your situation (medication, medical conditions, allergies, etc.). Look for someone such as myself who has been trained in aromatic medicine. Not all aromatherapists have this level of training.
More on Internal Use…
Internal use is not meant to be an everyday practice. It is not to lose weight, ease indigestion, or to be used as a preventative measure to maintain health. That is where healthy eating, exercise, sleep, vitamins, and minerals come into play when you are deficient. Essential oils have no “nutritional value”; another myth. Read more on these topics here and here.
By far the most common method for using essential oils is via inhalation.
Inhalation is THE QUICKEST route to the bloodstream. You can achieve this by using an aromastick, using a diffuser, using a steam bowl, or spritzing into the air to name a few.
Topical Use
When used topically (on the skin), in a suitable dilution, essential oils have a multitude of applications for health, beauty, and well-being. Methods include massage, skin care, and first aid remedies. Essential oils can be added to many personal care products. Applying to the skin also induces inhalation, therefore benefiting multiple systems of the body at the same time.
There are a number of oils that cause photosensitivity or phototoxicity. This can occur when certain essential oil constituents react when exposed to ultraviolet light. This includes the sun as well as tanning beds. Inflammation, blistering, and burning of the skin are possible. These particular oils can be used on the skin, but use caution. It is advised to not go out into the sun or lie in a tanning bed for 12-24 hours after exposure to the specific essential oils. Just to be clear, this applies to the specific areas of skin that have been exposed to the oil, not your body as a whole.
Here is a list of oils that should be used topically with caution, and their maximum use levels when blended according to IFRA standards [2]:
Always use extreme caution when using any of these oils topically. Bergamot is by far the oil with the highest risk, and it is possible to have a reaction within up to 12 hours after application.
It can be assumed that if someone is taking moderate amounts of a phototoxic oil internally that a phototoxic reaction can still occur. If you use any of these oils, utilize caution.
“Therapeutic Grade”
“The termtherapeutic gradeprovides marketing weight rather than signifying that the oils meet a regulated quality standard”. (Essential Oil University EOU) Essential Oil University a helpful website and Facebook page unaffiliated with any oil company and is dedicated to busting essential oil myths like this one.
The author of the page, Dr. Robert Pappas, explains:
“There seems to be a misconception that there is some kind of independent body that certifies oils as therapeutic grade, but to this date, there is no such body, at least not one that is widely recognized. Does this mean there is no such thing as therapeutic-grade? No, but just realize that any therapeutic-grade standard out there right now is an internally derived company standard. Now this standard may be an overall great standard and perfectly acceptable to me or any other analyst or aromatherapist out there but it just needs to be noted that it is not an independent standard” [3].
Basically, any company can put whatever they want to on a label…..any company. So do your due diligence and do your own research. At the risk of repeating information; please do not use biased blogs for your research. There are a couple companies that state they have the “only” pure oil. Please know that this is simply not the case. There are a number of companies that I trust wholeheartedly to provide me and my family with only the best on the market.
The important thing to remember is there is more than one company that sells high-quality essential oils, at a reasonable price. The best ones are happy to provide you with what is called their GC/MS testing for each batch, and the results are posted for public viewing on their website. For all you techies out there; here is a great resource to understand what GC/MS means.
All aromatherapists, vintage or up and coming, as well as other pioneers in the field of aromatherapy, can agree on one thing; safety is our #1 goal. When it comes to conventional medicine and natural remedies: first, do no harm. Our 2nd goal is to continue to change the lives of our clients in helpful, healthy ways. Essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.
[1] American College of Healthcare Sciences, (2012) Aroma 101
[2] IFRA standards. Retrieved from,
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
BEFORE YOU GO! Remember to sign up for my FREE Facebook group! Hang out with me and THOUSANDS of other Essential Oil lovers looking to learn, click on to join Real Essential Oil Education Group!
We are all unique people with a gift to offer others. I am a firm believer that we all possess this gift. I have spoken with quite a few inspiring people both in my field and in other healing fields very recently, and I am so inspired by what individuals bring to the table. They inspired me today to write this. One of the best aspects for me is the collaboration to help people in any way that they can. And the support we have for another’s trials and tribulations…discovering that they are oftentimes not very unique in nature. This is something that I hope more pledge to do as well, baby steps in that direction are important.
Writing a blog, a book, hosting a webinar or training makes the author very vulnerable to many interpretations. I know some that are afraid to share their voice, but they have so much to contribute! I give credit to anyone that is trying to make this world a better place whether it is a writer/speaker who helps the LGBTQ community to know that they are perfect just the way that they are and that they are not alone, a practitioner who works solely with energy to help those around her in any way that she can to breakthrough obstacles and reframe thought patterns, to someone that is bedridden much of her day but still has the best attitude and heart to love and help others, the naturopath who helps sort peoples eating and fitness and influences thousands, and the brilliant researcher that is willing to share all they discover to the communities in which they are a part.
We all have our own individual talents, missions, and purpose. What helps us to get out of bed in the morning wanting to help as many people as possible may be different from your neighbor, whether that is a one on one consultation, a book, a class, or on a stage in front of thousands….living your soul’s true purpose is where we all truly connected, intertwined. This is where we all come together and where we all shine.
I have been criticized for saying there is room for all of us, I have been made fun of for wanting all of us to hold hands and sing kumbaya. I never said those exact words, but I rather like that interpretation of me. This makes my heart smile, because this is my thought process, and I see no fault in that.
Life is meant to live to the fullest and to be happy. My self-care and self-love is always #1, but the more people that I can help in any given day, the more care and compassion I can provide to others…is what it is all about for me.
My hope is that more people find their voice. That more people speak out loud….more articles, more books, and more people speak their truth. That communities come together and overcome our differences, whatever those may be. That we use our gifts to help others to heal and to live their happiest life possible. That people see their light and their gift and shout it from the rooftops.
To you…hoping you are all living your happiest life possible. <3
As early as a decade ago, holistic medicine did not speak much about endocrine challenges in the form of the thyroid or adrenal glands. I am quite certain that moms have been tired for centuries…and well have you taken a look at all that you do?!?! Crippling exhaustion, not so uncommon anymore!
But, this is a serious topic. So many women suffer from debilitating exhaustion that is attached to endocrine weaknesses, and this goes well beyond your average tired. Those that do not suffer can easily say, “Yeah, I am tired too”, but they really have no idea how bad this feels, how common it is, and how serious it can be.
Allopathic medicine is way behind the curve on this one. If you ask a doctor to check your adrenals, they may do a blood test….this is not going to get the bigger picture. You may have had your thyroid tested to be told, “Your numbers fall within the normal reference range” and are sent away, possibly even being told it is all in your head! Can we all just let out a COLLECTIVE scream?
Our society, and in particular the United States (sorry everyone) are suffering from very high-stress levels. Why? The United States is by far the most overworked nation! Here are some facts that may (or may not) leave you saying whaaaaaa??
-The United States BARELY gives working mothers 6 weeks paid leave after the birth of a child. Some give up to 12, but are you ready for this? Europe provides 20 weeks, and that is not uncommon in countries outside of the United States [1]. Hold on to your hats for this is even common for dads to get a significant amount of leave after the birth of a child. Totally unheard of in the US, right!?
-In the U.S., 85.8% of males and 66.5% of females work more than 40 hours per week [2].
-The United States remains the only industrialized country in the world that has no legally mandated annual leave. Have you yourself or do you know someone who foregoes his or her vacation time, or a portion of it? It is NOT uncommon! (This has never been known to happen to me in my 15 years in the corporate world btw) I knew a number of individuals who took the vacation pay, but never took the vacation, even if just to the next town to get away….or just rolled it over to the next year, and the next year..and so on and so forth.
The old adage of “Americans are working themselves to death”, may not be too far off! And this really does not just apply to those that work the 9 to 5 job in a workplace, but also those that slave away at home raising a family. So, the question begs….what can be done to avoid such an overload of stress, exhaustion, and burnout?
Now, being in these exact same shoes a very few short years ago puts me at an advantage on speaking to this subject, but this is not something that I can tackle in its totality. Why? We are all very unique individuals, so if I gave blanket ‘fixes’ for everyone across the board, this would miss the mark of being a holistic health practitioner.
However, I have many suggestions that can go a long way to helping you to feel great again! And you can feel great again! Ready?
Endocrine System
Your endocrine system encompasses all the glands of the body that provide hormones. Those include the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries (in females) and testicles (in males).
Every gland has utmost importance to the function of the body, but the thyroid is the master. “The thyroid gland is the body’s master metabolic control center,” said Cindy Samet, a chemistry professor at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. “Brain, heart, and kidney function, as well as body temperature, growth and muscle strength — and much more — are at the mercy of thyroid function” [3].
Once the thyroid is running low on ‘steam’, other glands can begin to have issues, specifically the adrenal glands. Enter debilitating exhaustion. Speaking from experience, more experience than I ever thought I would have, here are some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Do they sound familiar?
Exhaustion, not just your average “tired”
Craving salty foods
Fuzzy thinking/difficulty concentrating
Recurrent colds
Waking tired, even though you got plenty of sleep
Feeling revved up and most energetic later in the evening
Difficulty recovering from exercise (Cardio leaves you completely spent)
Possible sleep disturbances
Strong PMS symptoms
Low blood pressure
Heart palpitations
Increasing food sensitivities
If this list sounds like you, don’t panic. Your gut instinct is powerful and was likely telling you that something in your life and your health was off, simply because, as I mentioned above, this tired goes well beyond just being ready for bed.
*If you think you may have an issue, please make sure to see your healthcare provider. I will provide some general ideas, based solely on years of a similar condition, and much experience. These suggestions are not meant to cure you. Always make sure to research these things for your self. Let’s work together to reach your highest potential for healing, whatever that looks like on any given day.
If you like to exercise, it is important that you reduce cardiovascular activity. This does not mean that you should stop exercising, but burst training (interval training), yoga, weight training, and walking are going to be more beneficial than say running for example. The key is to not increase your heart rate too high for too long. Your adrenals cannot handle it at this time.
One of the biggest keys to keeping the adrenal glands happy is by way of what you feed your body. Keeping sugar levels balanced is really important here. Quality protein and fat, along with avoiding the bad carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and potatoes are a good start. Higher abdominal weight is associated with elevated cortisol levels, something you want to avoid.
Eating more frequently is what your body needs. Aim for five to six smaller, quality meals a day. It will require a decent shift from the old adage of three meals a day, but it is good for your body at this time. Make sure to get a quality protein each time you eat to keep sugars balanced. ‘At this time’ is an important point to reiterate. What will work for you and your body now, may not be suitable when your endocrine system is strong and you are feeling more complete. Different situations and stages require different things.
If you are in the more advanced stages of endocrine deficiencies, you may find yourself with more food sensitivities than you have had in the past. This is common. Seeking out the help of a nutritionist at this time may be helpful to kick your body into healing and reaching for homeostasis.
Sleep is critical for all of us, but if your adrenals are taxed, it is even more important for you. I know you feel amazing late at night, but you have to try to shift your sleep pattern to get into bed earlier. At first, the shift can be slow, and you start to get into bed 15 minutes earlier, then 30 minutes earlier, etc. I know that is hard as your sweet spot is after the children are in bed and you finally have the house to yourself. Even now that I have recovered from adrenal exhaustion there are nights that I still falter and burn the midnight oil, but it is really doing more harm than good. Please try and get your goddess self in bed by 10:30 p.m. at the latest!
You may be surprised when despite how simply exhausted you are throughout the day, that when you lay down to sleep at night…it may not be so easy. Just like with your own children a nighttime ritual before bed is often very helpful to settle. If you are running around the home picking things up, making lunches, folding laundry, paying bills and the million other things we moms do, it is going to be hard to shut the switch off right when you lay down and go to sleep. Try teatime. Turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes before lying down. You could sit in silence, read a small passage of a feel-good book, or journal a gratitude list for the day. To-do lists are not welcome here.
Here are some herbs I recommend trying:
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnate) is an absolutely gorgeous flower, and in the dried herbal form, it is beneficial to calming the mind. As a matter of fact, “Scientists believe passionflower works by increasing levels of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA lowers the activity of some brain cells, making you feel more relaxed” [4].
Passionflower is also a beautiful herb for anxiety, but there are a few contraindications to be aware of. This herb is not for anyone who is currently pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are already taking sedating medications, avoid passionflower in your cup, or you could greatly intensify the effects of your medication.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) in your tea is a must! Touted for relaxation of body and mind. Fun fact! In Germany, lemon balm is licensed as a standard medicinal tea for sleep disorders [5].
The essential oil, typically sold as Melissa, is amazing too, but rather costly. Many do not know that it takes quite a lot of plant material to fill that bottle, so I recommend using the herb to help calm before bed.
Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is another favorite for calming the body, mind…and bonus, the belly! Use caution if you have an existing ragweed allergy or hay fever, chamomile may affect you as well.
Some recommend valerian (Valeriana wallichii) …but I think the herb tastes awful, and the essential oil smells even worse.
Use catnip (Nepeta cataria) instead!
Catnip is rich in nepetalactone, which has mild but effective sedative qualities, and acts much like valerian! [6]
If you mix equal parts of a couple, a few, or all of these herbs and enjoy teatime before bed, you might find yourself much more inclined to sleep peacefully.
Diffuser Blend
Turn the timer on your diffuser before you slip under the covers with your favorite nighttime blend. Here is one of mine:
The number of drops given above is suitable for a 400 ml. water reservoir diffuser. If you wind up loving this blend as much as I do to completely melt away your worries, lower stress hormones and help you sleep, make yourself a master blend and store for easy access.
*As I do not know your medical conditions, please research and make sure that this blend is suitable for you.
Stress and Should’s
Said gently, much of the daily stress we tend to be in is from not accepting things as they are. Practice letting go. Start with little things in the home. It can wait. Let others be responsible for themselves whenever possible. We all know moms wear capes, and we are damn good at it…but that cape needs breaks, you need breaks.
Do not “should” all over yourself! I “should” have gotten the ______ done today. I “should” have been able to keep my cool when my children were fighting. I “should” have… I “should” have… I “should” have. Holy stress! No more “shoulding” on yourself.
Step up the Self-Care
This concept cannot be covered in a paragraph or even an article. Here are a couple of other links to other articles that hit on this topic…. this very topic of exhaustion, stress, and self-care will be a series, and eventually much more than that. Stay tuned!!
Like so many practices in life, I encourage you to become educated on the proper use of essential oils. When using them, please do so cautiously, understanding that there is often misinformation on the internet. You can be assured that I support only educated and proven resources. While essential oils should not be feared they should be respected and used properly to ensure the safety of the individuals using them.
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
I am really excited to announce that I have begun to engage on my YouTube channel. The need for education is vast, and with Facebook posts coming and going in news feeds so incredibly fast, I needed to really think about how to be able to reach more people with consistent, quality safety information…and have it be seen!! I will be covering a wide variety of safety topics but will also begin to teach more about essential oil use, live how to’s, experiments, DIY projects, Q&A’s, gift ideas, with plenty of surprises along the ways. How to Diffuse Essential Oils Safely.
Within this video I cover:
Habituation or olfactory adaption Stages of our sense of smell Olfactory bulb saturation Safe Diffusion Times Possible risk of overuse Public diffusion
Be sure to hit that thumbs up and subscribe to my channel so that you can receive a simple and easy notification when I post a new video. And please, if there is anything that needs clarification, be sure to ask!
How much attention do you place on self-love? Is it your number one priority in your day-to-day? Even as a full-time mom and entrepreneur, with many balls up in the air at all times, self-lovin’ is still numero uno for me. I am a list maker, I have lists in my journal, post-it notes, whiteboards, even spoken lists into my phone. I call these my “Leslie stays sane” lists, and in making them, I allow myself reprieve from the hundreds of things that are always in my head.
Recently, I tried an A-Z list. I included the idea in my most recent book, “Mom’s Essential Oil Evolution” for two reasons, it was a lot of fun, and it worked great! It takes work, but I have compiled an A-Z list for you and incorporated a few tips along the way.
A. Ask for help
If you are anything like me, a strong, confident and very stubborn woman, you may find yourself thinking, “I’ve got this. I do not need any help.” Or possibly you do ask for help, and then it does not get done the way you would have done it, and you say to yourself, “Nothing gets done right around here unless I do it myself!” Perfectionist anyone? I am saying this from my own life experience. This was me, big-time!
Ask for help! It could be as simple as calling a friend and asking him or her to make a meal, pick up take-out, or take the baby for a walk so you can take a bath! You are human, so let the notion of, “I can do it all by myself,” go. I will not argue the fact that you can, in fact, do it all by yourself, but at what expense is the question.
B. Be you!
C. Comparison be gone!
I do not compare myself to others. I may analyze marketing of other entrepreneurs, admire someone’s work ethic, or honor someone’s amazing energy..but I never compare myself to someone else in looks, accomplishments or goals, ever.
Why is this? I believe that comparing can be a real energy sucker. It breeds jealousy and envy. The only person I compare myself to is the person I was yesterday, always looking for self-improvement.
Comparison is the thief of joy!
D. Drop old beliefs
E. Embrace your strengths
There is no better way that I know to embrace your strengths than reminding yourself of them, often. But I think it is equally important to try new things, discover more. Know that you can push yourself. I do not think that we should allow ourselves to become stagnant, so to speak. Cultivate your strengths, find new ones, challenge yourself.
F. Forget the negative
G. Get out in nature
Nothing brings my spirit more peace than nature. Water is the best for me, being a water sign. But I love very simple things like watching the clouds float by, sitting in complete silence and watching the stars, as well as a vigorous hike in the mountains. I have been blessed to hike mountains all over the world, some of the best moments of my life. Get out in nature, let your bare feet make contact with the earth, feel the sand in your toes, or even the snow! Brrr….
H. Hobbies!
I. Invest in your growth
“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.” Andy Rooney
Some people are perfectly happy with what they have and who they are, and while I have great appreciation for loving yourself, all of yourself, there still has to be growth. I think this is different from change. Everyone has places to improve whether internally, in business, in friendships, in love, etc.
Growth should never stop, what are you focusing on today?
J. Journal the good, the bad and the ugly
K. Keep your chin up
Everyone at some point in their lives will find themselves in tough times. It is important to embrace the feelings, acknowledge them and keep moving forward. Do not allow yourself to sit in the negative moments for too long. Try to remember that even hard times pass.
Keep in mind too, that as everyone goes through hard times, some harder than others…always practice kindness with everyone you meet. This is so incredibly important.
L. Love, laugh, live!
M. Maintain your healthy boundaries
Create, honor and follow through with clear boundaries! Boundaries are created to protect your energy. Honor what is yours and what is not. Do not allow others to cross the boundaries you have set for yourself.
A book I recommend you purchase and study if you have not already done so, is “The Four Agreements,” by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book has quite literally changed my life. Ruiz’s lessons are paramount to understanding our boundaries. The four agreements are as follows:
1. Be impeccable with your word
2. Don’t take anything personally
3. Don’t make assumptions
4. Always do your best [1]
Are you clear on your boundaries? If not take some time to write them down. Be true to them.
“Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal, and necessary.”-Doreen Virtue
N. Never give up, but learn how to say no
O. Only positive self-talk
What does your self-talk sound like? Positive? If not, this takes some work, but it can be changed…and I encourage you to work on it. Every cell in your body listens to what you say, and your mind absolutely believes it. So care for yourself, even when you are not talking out loud. Love you!
P. Practice saying NO
Q. Be quiet
What do I mean when I say be quiet? Practice mindfulness. How many times a day are you doing one thing but thinking about something else? I will pause while you laugh. This likely explains much of your day-to-day, right? How many times have your children stood in front of you asking a question or telling you a story of something that just happened, and you shake your head and say, “I’m sorry, what?”
The beginning of mindfulness is breath. This is what brings you back to the present moment. This does not need to be meditation in the form of sitting atop a meditation cushion, in silence, eyes closed, the world stops… Mindfulness is purposefully focusing your intention on the current moment and nothing else and accepting it exactly as it is. This should be cultivated in everything you do, in every moment of the day.
If you would like to cultivate this practice, I recommend the book Peace Is Every Step, by Thich Nhat Hanh [2].
R. Reminder lists
S. Speak your truth
Speak your truth. Not only in your relationship with your partner but with friends and family too. By far, the number one person you need to be truthful with is yourself. It is ok to admit that you do not have all you’re shit together. It is ok to admit you’re overwhelmed. It is ok to admit that you’re angry and resentful. It is ok to not be ok. Whatever it is, communicate it as calmly and lovingly as you can. Yes, even negative feelings need to be expressed when you are in a good place to do so. Holding in feelings of any kind is completely toxic to one person in particular, you. Forget the notion of being afraid to rock the boat. Create a tidal wave!
T. Take time to reflect
U. Unwind. This is a BIG word, isn’t it.
This is all about self-care. Not watching TV or scrolling Facebook. Take some time for yourself. Really treat yourself, each and every day.
V. Visualization, aka guided imagery
W. Celebrate the WINS!
As women, we often get hung up on the to-do list and thoughts of the future. What needs to be done tomorrow, next week, what will next year look like, how will you make it all come together? Although, all of those things are important, as we are often the glue that holds everything and everyone together, it is really important to always celebrate growth and success.
Any kind of celebration does a couple of things to your body and your mind. Your endorphins flow and you are left feeling exhilarated, confident, and ready to take on the world. Even the small things are worthy of celebration. Was the to-do list long and you managed to get a couple of things checked off, and you did them really well? Were you able to help a friend through something and left them feeling loved and supported? Were you able to do something special to pamper yourself today? All of those are worthy moments! Celebrations reinforce future success, so go for it!
X. Examine your feelings
Y. It is all about YOU
Here is one of my favorite inhaler synergies, just for you!
Self lovin’, self-care, winning!
Z. Zero tolerance for those who seek to violate your boundaries
[1] Ruiz, D. M. (1997). The Four Agreements: Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. San Rafael, CA: Amber-Allen Publishing, U.S.
[2] Hạnh, N. (2013). Peace is Every Step. Bantam/AJP.
Hoffmann, D. (2003).
Please note that I am not a medical practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. By using this website, you assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.
With so many books on essential oils and aromatherapy, it can be overwhelming to pick one that you know you are going to enjoy, learn from, and best of all….be inspired! With more than a few dozen aroma books on my shelves, I have picked out my top 5 to share with you. Enjoy!
Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit: Restoring Emotional and Mental Balance with Essential Oils by Gabriel Mojay
This book never makes it back to my bookshelf for how many times I reference it and recommend it to friends and clients. This book is where eastern meets western all in an effort to restore and maintain emotional wellness.
There is so much inherent wisdom in this book, Gabriel will help you to see aromatherapy in a whole new way. Inside you will find the esoteric and energetic healing properties of 40 different essential oils.
Not many teach from this space, and it is imperative that we take time to see beyond the chemistry and the components of the oil and see its energy, its value in the spiritual realm. If you like to learn about this aspect of life and are looking for emotional support for yourself or a loved one-this book is an absolute must have.
Aromatherapeutic Blending: Essential Oils in Synergy by Jennifer Peace Rhind
How many of us have heard the term synergy when speaking about blending our essential oils. What is the meaning you ask? It is the concept that alone one essential oil can be very beneficial and have many therapeutic properties, but when blended with one or two others, the synergy becomes incredibly powerful. The sum is better than the parts. They support and enhance one another. Aromatherapeutic Blending: Essential Oils in Synergy has been one of my favorite books since the first moment I picked it up.
Blending is an art form, it is not necessarily an inherent “gift”. Jennifer takes many different approaches to teaching this concept and has plenty of references to back it up. The wealth of information within makes it an imperative book for all aromatherapists and essential oils users alike.
The Aromatherapy Beauty Guide: Using the Science of Carrier and Essential Oils to Create Natural Personal Care Products by Danielle Sade BSc CAHP
Are you a DIY’er? Are you looking to remove more of the harmful chemicals from your skin care regime? If so, then this book is for you. The DIY market is growing in leaps and bounds, and there has not been a quality reference book to assist in making product at home using essential oils safely…that is up until now.
Danielle Sade has more than 30 years of experience in teaching and practicing in the realm of complementary health. This gem of a book is based on evidence-based information, an angle that is not taken nearly enough in the community. Gain the assurance you need to make lotion, creme, toners, serums, face masks and more at home that are safe…and that work!
Beautifully written and in full color, this book does not cut corners. Learn from one of Canada’s leading experts, and get started making your own product, confidently!
Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art by Kathi Keville and Mindy Green
There are a combined 75 years of true experience in these two inspiring women who came together to collaborate on this gem of a book. Think about all the experience on these pages! Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art was one of the first books I invested in to begin my studies.
Inside you will find a little bit of everything, very well-rounded. If you like recipe ideas, you will find it here. If you want to know the scientific science-based information, you will find that too. Cosmetics, perfumes and herbal treatments? Check, check, and check. This is a great book for essential oils enthusiasts and practitioners alike.
Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare, 3e by Jane Buckle Ph.D. RN
My last recommendation is for the people who really want to know “why” essential oils do what they do, with scientific studies to back it up. Jane Buckle has the credentials, the experience, and the studies to back up the powerful uses of aromatherapy in a clinical setting.
Covering topics such as: Toxicity and Contraindications, Integrative Healthcare, Infection, Oncology, Pain & Inflammation, and Palliative Care to name a few, this is one of the most thorough books on the clinical end that has been published to date.
The R.J. Buckle & Associates school has taught many nurses over the years to help them to integrate complementary care into their practice, and are still being taught all over the United States. If you are looking for clinical andscience-basedd information, you must invest in this book!